So far so good...



So early this morning my order arrived n it cheered me up slightly given that I was tired n awaiting a long day ahead. Held my bottle of DTP and read the label, then proceeded to pop 2 tabs as directed. First off, I realize a product such as this can/will take days or perhaps a week or 2 to really kick in n start doing its thing (couple natty "test boosters" i've tried never did at all, muthaf***a's) but within about 30 min. or so I felt warm and wide awake n in a better mood. About an hour later my girl n I decided to squeeze in a "quickie" before I left the house...never a bad idea but...what a powerful, lovely quickie that was. I've been tired n stressed lately, n consequently I have felt a lil "off" in that department, but not today. And I can't not give her all her due credit here, she was well on point (no pun intended). Now, it could be chance, it could be "placebo" but so far DTP isnt playin around. Can't wait til a workout day arrives. :AR15firing:


Though its no joke on the label when it says to drink more water...cotton mouth all day despite drinking lots ugh


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nice to hear. i just got some myself. cant wait


yeah dude, it is nice...libido feels relatively normal so far (thats cool tho) but stamina- n namely orgasm intensity+loads- is def up...moreover- great pumps, focus, n stamina in gym. the first day i took 4 tabs pre-workout, n while it was effective it made my heart race a lil more than is normal but by the second workout use there was no probs there. I took a 60mg ginkgo tab along w/ the 4 tabs of DTP n the pumps were better than any pre or NO product I've ever tried. No rush, jus an immediate, steady, long-lasting current of energy, mega vascularity in the mirror. I am bout to order DTH to either stack it in or try after my bottle of dtp is up (i'm thinking i may prefer to stay away from dhea in the long run). Only side is a lil bit of road rage lol couple times, mild agitation at things that normally i wouldnt, but i can quickly recognize it for what it is n chill out thankfully lol. I am pretty stoked there is a natty test booster that does what it says it does, n works for younger dudes, right on Chuck thx
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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yeah dude, it is nice...libido feels relatively normal so far (thats cool tho) but stamina- n namely orgasm intensity+loads- is def up...moreover- great pumps, focus, n stamina in gym. the first day i took 4 tabs pre-workout, n while it was effective it made my heart race a lil more than is normal but by the second workout use there was no probs there. I took a 60mg ginkgo tab along w/ the 4 tabs of DTP n the pumps were better than any pre or NO product I've ever tried. No rush, jus an immediate, steady, long-lasting current of energy, mega vascularity in the mirror. I am bout to order DTH to either stack it in or try after my bottle of dtp is up (i'm thinking i may prefer to stay away from dhea in the long run). Only side is a lil bit of road rage lol couple times, mild agitation at things that normally i wouldnt, but i can quickly recognize it for what it is n chill out thankfully lol. I am pretty stoked there is a natty test booster that does what it says it does, n works for younger dudes, right on Chuck thx
Hey thanks for the feedback, dont see much anymore on DTH and DTP but I think thats mainly because there is so much of the same (what you see) online.

If you use it with DTH you can run the DTH on non-workout days and the DTP on workout days, thats what I do, I cant handle DTP everyday or 5 days a week even though I train m/tue/thur/friday, my DTP dosage is low, 1 am with 1 DTH and 2 preworkout with one DTH, when I take 4 DTP preworkout Im bouncing of the wall because I take jp8 and NOS ETHER preworkout, every workout. Anyway thanks again for the feedback.


Hey Chuck, yeah my pleasure to provide feedback- I appreciate the quality of the product man. Def the backbone of my arsenal these days and indefinitely as far as I can see. I am trying to tell my buddies that train to get on deck! I feel as though I'm consuming something that is conducive to overall health as well, and that's a good feeling to me, n not many companies out there offer that along w/ a high level of effectiveness, so Get Diesel is the s*** far as I'm concerned. Thanks for the advice on stacking the DTH n DTP, n I look forward to trying either NOS Ether (or Level One to save some $$) or JP8 soon as well. It will be nice to use the DTH on off days cuz I enjoy the mood and energy enhancement all day long
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Hey Chuck, yeah my pleasure to provide feedback- I appreciate the quality of the product man. Def the backbone of my arsenal these days and indefinitely as far as I can see. I am trying to tell my buddies that train to get on deck! I feel as though I'm consuming something that is conducive to overall health as well, and that's a good feeling to me, n not many companies out there offer that along w/ a high level of effectiveness, so Get Diesel is the s*** far as I'm concerned. Thanks for the advice on stacking the DTH n DTP, n I look forward to trying either NOS Ether (or Level One to save some $$) or JP8 soon as well. It will be nice to use the DTH on off days cuz I enjoy the mood and energy enhancement all day long
no prob, glad you put other people on also.


no prob, glad you put other people on also.
Yeah 4 sure man. I feel that I've experienced a good deal of trial and error and wasted time and money in the process so I'm like hell yeah now that I feel I've found some tools I can really put to use... so of course I'd want my friends to do the same n to support a company that's deserving of such. I had read on the get diesel website the article in which you were discussing why and how you got your products started; you stated something to the effect of how no supp lines were making what you wanted so you decided to put together your knowledge and resources and get the job done right yourself. Like that. Also how you talked about all the cheesy and flat out false marketing we get bombarded with, bunch of bull_ out there. I'm preaching to the choir but you know haha
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Yeah 4 sure man. I feel that I've experienced a good deal of trial and error and wasted time and money in the process so I'm like hell yeah now that I feel I've found some tools I can really put to use... so of course I'd want my friends to do the same n to support a company that's deserving of such. I had read on the get diesel website the article in which you were discussing why and how you got your products started; you stated something to the effect of how no supp lines were making what you wanted so you decided to put together your knowledge and resources and get the job done right yourself. Like that. Also how you talked about all the cheesy and flat out false marketing we get bombarded with, bunch of bull_ out there. I'm preaching to the choir but you know haha
Yeah see I started working at GNC at a young age, like 19 and powerlifting and judo and wrestling for a long time, so before I made a formula, I was reading mags and going down to the local mom and pop and trying this or that......only thing that worked back in the day for sure was Ultimate Orange and Protein. People would come in and literally buy 1 of everything EAS was making.


Yeah see I started working at GNC at a young age, like 19 and powerlifting and judo and wrestling for a long time, so before I made a formula, I was reading mags and going down to the local mom and pop and trying this or that......only thing that worked back in the day for sure was Ultimate Orange and Protein. People would come in and literally buy 1 of everything EAS was making.
Ha that had to been hard to bite your tongue watchin em buy up all that, geez. Yo I remember seeing Ultimate Orange back n the day when i was real young n would just buy some protein at GNC n the like during the sport season lol. Well I'm glad your journey enabled you to enhance the journey of others/myself, def

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