SNS PEA Relief feedback after 90 days


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I picked up 2 containers of this back in January when it was first released because I heard it was suppose to be good for pain and inflammation.
I've been weight training for 44 yrs so when it comes to taking care of joints and tendons I take all kinds of natural supplements to help keep me
feeling at my peak so I can continue training and staying in superhuman condition. I dosed it at 2 caps a day 1 cap in the a.m. with Cissus XT and
1 cap in the early afternoon the same way with Cissus and both times on an empty stomach. Some forum members mentioned that they were feeling
the effects with in 2 weeks I personally didn't feel anything throughout the first container which was 45 days. When I got into about 2 weeks of the 2nd
container that's when I noticed that some of my nagging pains I wasn't feeling them during the day. When I would weight train I did feel some of those
nagging pains but it didn't keep me from training. They are just pains that are a result from being in the iron game for so many years but as I mentioned
throughout the day the pains were nonexistent so the PEA did help but just took a bit longer for me to see what it was doing for me.

I picked up 2 more containers so this will now probably become a staple in my joint and tendon arsenal to help with any pains and inflammation.
I definitely recommend to anyone who suffers with any pains or constant inflammation to give PEA Relief a try but be patient because for me it took
over 45 days to notice the effects. When it comes to purchasing it Flex It Nutrition and DPS are two of the BEST to purchase this or any of SNS supplements.


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Thank you for sharing your feedback.

PEA Relief is a great product and some people will see results faster than others - the timeframe is usually 2 weeks to 6 weeks - and a lot of it depends on how low the individuals levels are at the point in life that they start it.

I'm glad that its helping you.


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So I have been on PEA Relief since it came out. 2 caps a day. It has worked wonders for my sciatica. But now my sciatica issues are becoming an issue again. Which makes me wonder if after a long period of time, if you build a tolerance to this? I may up the dosage to 3 caps a day now.


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So I have been on PEA Relief since it came out. 2 caps a day. It has worked wonders for my sciatica. But now my sciatica issues are becoming an issue again. Which makes me wonder if after a long period of time, if you build a tolerance to this? I may up the dosage to 3 caps a day now.
In theory, tolerance shouldn't build up to it.

It could be, and I've ran into this myself with my leg issues, that as we take things to help us be in less pain that we tend to overdo it more bc we're not in as much pain - and its not that the product isn't working as well, its that we're just used to our new normal and may have overdone it.

What made me think to mention that is that I definitely overdid it the last couple weeks. It's not that my regimen is helping any less, its just that I've done more than I'd been accustomed to bc I could and am paying for it haha.

My mom has sciatica and she uses 2 caps per day and it helps her a lot. I do have her up it to 3 caps per day when she has a flare up or when she's going to be doing a lot of yard work bc that always causes her issues with hers and it does seem to help.

If you do try 3 caps though, let us know how you like it.


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So I have been on PEA Relief since it came out. 2 caps a day. It has worked wonders for my sciatica. But now my sciatica issues are becoming an issue again. Which makes me wonder if after a long period of time, if you build a tolerance to this? I may up the dosage to 3 caps a day now.
I have coworkers who complain about sciatica issues so I've recommend to them PEA Relief
and Joint XT but sometimes people would rather walk around complaining about pain
instead of trying out natural supplements to see if it helps.


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I have coworkers who complain about sciatica issues so I've recommend to them PEA Relief
and Joint XT but sometimes people would rather walk around complaining about pain
instead of trying out natural supplements to see if it helps.
I absolutely agree with that. Some people would rather just complain about problems rather than work on solutions.

Another thing is that a lot of people, you can recommend them something that works but then they'll go and buy the cheapest thing they can find and then it won't work and they'll say supplements don't work - but its really because of what they tried. I also tell people, if you can get something that works for 30.00 or something that doesn't for 20.00, you didn't really save 10.00, you wasted 20.00 to start with.

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