Sleeping with MST (sponsored)



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Taking the day off, I might lift tomorrow or just wait til Wednesday....


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New Routine...

Last Night:
I took 4 ZMK and slept like a baby all night long. When I woke up I felt so good that I figured that I might as well hit the weights this morning. I ate my first meal of the day which was: a meal replacement shake w/ 350 cals, two hard boiled eggs, 4 scoops of Powerbutter, 1 tsp of coconut oil, and my morning vitamins and fish oils. Then I did some work and went to lift...

The Workout:

Deadlifts @ 215 - 10,10,10,10,10,10,7,6,6,6; 60 sec rest between sets
Standing Barbell Press @ 115 - 5,5: @120 - 5,5,5: @100 - 8 ; 60 sec rest except the last set, I went right into it
Standing Double DB Calf raise @ 75 - 8 x 10; 30 sec rest between sets

Upright Row @ 75 - 3 x 8 superset w/ DB side laterals @ 25 - 3 x 8; 60 sec rest after the laterals
Power Cleans @85 x 8, @105 x 6, @125 x 4, @145 x 2, @ 165 x 1; 60 sec rest between sets

After Thoughts:
Those deadlifts were a killer today. My hands are sore and my back is burning from those badboys. I haven't done high reps like that on them in awhile and it was brutal. I was almost completely spent after those 10 sets, but I just kept pushing. The presses were a little light, and I had a mean pump in my calfs during the raises. I love to just squeeze them at the top for a second and lower them extra slowly. The upright rows were pretty easy too, but the laterals were difficuly. I struggled to keep good form throughout the sets and I am pretty sure I did. The finisher was the power cleans. I had almost forgot how much fun these are. I went light since I was so tired, but I still managed to get that 1 rep at 165. In a few weeks I want to try to get my max in the 200 range. I think I can with a bunch of practice.
Post workout I had my usual shake,which is around: 30 gram WMS, 20 dextrose, 25 gram whey blend, 400 mg PSLin, 5 gram Creatine Mono, 10 gram Luecine, 5-10 gram BCAA, and two fresh whole eggs. Today I also took a half scoop of Somnidren after my shake and I feel real relaxed now. I might even take an early nap after I eat. I feel so good right now, just at ease, I have never felt this way post workout. Especially after a workout like this were I beat myself up pretty bad. I hope I feel like this all day and tomorrow. I do plan on lifting tomorrow too, I think it may be hams, some rows, pull ups, and triceps. I just got to remember to keep eating like I'm starving haha


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I tried this with the sample I got of somnidren and I didn't like it. That's the first MST product I didn't favor over everything else. I am enjoying ZMK+Powerfull though, very much so.


MST Reppin Hard!
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I tried this with the sample I got of somnidren and I didn't like it. That's the first MST product I didn't favor over everything else. I am enjoying ZMK+Powerfull though, very much so.
you didnt enjoy somnidren you're saying?

Can you explain why so I have a better understanding? Im just totally shocked, haha


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Workout #2

Last Night:
I only took 4 ZMK about 45 before bed, and an hour and a half after my last meal of the day. I fell asleep quickly considering my gf was still watching some tv show when I went to sleep. But right when she turned the tv off I woke up and talked to her for a minute and fell right back asleep. It was a good night of sleep, but I was awoken by the loud storms outside. I got up like an hour earlier than usual, still feeling refreshed.

The Workout:

Squats @ 205 - 10,10,10,10,10,10,5,1,6,4 - 60 sec rest between sets

Bent Barbell Rows - @125 x 5, @ 135 2 x 5, @ 140 x 5, @ 145 x 5 - 60 sec rest between sets

Dip w/ 35 lbs - 7,5,5,5,4 - 30 sec rest between sets

Pull ups w/ 35 lbs - 7,4,4,3,2 - 30 sec rest between sets

Renegade Row @ 35 lbs - 3 x 8 - superset w/
DB Extensions @ 75 lbs - 3 x 10 - 60 sec rest between sets

After Thoughts:
Wow I had a rough one today! I started to feel queezy real quick on the squats. On the first set I didn't get ten I thought I was going to hurl, then I went to the next set, got a single rep, felt like I was about to pass out, racked the weight, and through up a little. I felt better after that happened and continued to lift. I was suprised at how hard the squats were especially after the fifth set. The rest of the workout seemed to go really fast and I just banged it out. My legs are sore right now, I hope I will not be to sore tomorrow.
Post workout I had my usual shake, and I just took a half scoop of Somnidren. Since I got some spare time I might take a quick nap before I get started with the rest of my day. I'm going to try to inhale all of the food that I see today...
natty texan

natty texan

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Last Night:
I only took 4 ZMK about 45 before bed, and an hour and a half after my last meal of the day. I fell asleep quickly considering my gf was still watching some tv show when I went to sleep. But right when she turned the tv off I woke up and talked to her for a minute and fell right back asleep. It was a good night of sleep, but I was awoken by the loud storms outside. I got up like an hour earlier than usual, still feeling refreshed.

The Workout:

Squats @ 205 - 10,10,10,10,10,10,5,1,6,4 - 60 sec rest between sets

Bent Barbell Rows - @125 x 5, @ 135 2 x 5, @ 140 x 5, @ 145 x 5 - 60 sec rest between sets

Dip w/ 35 lbs - 7,5,5,5,4 - 30 sec rest between sets

Pull ups w/ 35 lbs - 7,4,4,3,2 - 30 sec rest between sets

Renegade Row @ 35 lbs - 3 x 8 - superset w/
DB Extensions @ 75 lbs - 3 x 10 - 60 sec rest between sets

After Thoughts:
Wow I had a rough one today! I started to feel queezy real quick on the squats. On the first set I didn't get ten I thought I was going to hurl, then I went to the next set, got a single rep, felt like I was about to pass out, racked the weight, and through up a little. I felt better after that happened and continued to lift. I was suprised at how hard the squats were especially after the fifth set. The rest of the workout seemed to go really fast and I just banged it out. My legs are sore right now, I hope I will not be to sore tomorrow.
Post workout I had my usual shake, and I just took a half scoop of Somnidren. Since I got some spare time I might take a quick nap before I get started with the rest of my day. I'm going to try to inhale all of the food that I see today...
no fun.

i didn't even realize it was storming till i read your post and looked out the's like black out there.

My favorite :D

hopefully the nap helps out a little. I've been having an off week too...


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Man I had a great 30 min nap after the workout this morning! The only negative was when I woke up I was starving. So I had whipped up 9 scrammlbed eggs, three pieces of toast all w/ peanut butter smothered on them and ate it all up. It was real good. I just ate some lunch which was some salmon, alfrado pasta w/ mushrooms, mustard greens/asparagus, and some potatoes. It was pretty good, although I'm not a big fan of alfrado stuff... I just ate until I couldn't fit anymore
natty texan

natty texan

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Man I had a great 30 min nap after the workout this morning! The only negative was when I woke up I was starving. So I had whipped up 9 scrammlbed eggs, three pieces of toast all w/ peanut butter smothered on them and ate it all up. It was real good. I just ate some lunch which was some salmon, alfrado pasta w/ mushrooms, mustard greens/asparagus, and some potatoes. It was pretty good, although I'm not a big fan of alfrado stuff... I just ate until I couldn't fit anymore
dude that's awesome....

i only brought 6 chicken breasts and a container of cauliflower today so i feel like i'm already on my cut....


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Man I love me some cauliflower, I think we are going to put some in the ground soon so we can have some fresh out of the garden
natty texan

natty texan

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Man I love me some cauliflower, I think we are going to put some in the ground soon so we can have some fresh out of the garden
nice :D

i've got a few cauliflower plants in my garden but i went crazy on strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries...


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Just now I was walking through a bunch of f-ing blackberry vines in shorts. Needless to say my legs got ripped up, tons of little stratches everywhere. I wish I had some strawberries to grow, but I got a lot of potatoes, mustard greens, spinach, peas, and some other random stuff we are trying out. I love going out and just picking the spinach, makes me feel like popeye lol
natty texan

natty texan

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Just now I was walking through a bunch of f-ing blackberry vines in shorts. Needless to say my legs got ripped up, tons of little stratches everywhere. I wish I had some strawberries to grow, but I got a lot of potatoes, mustard greens, spinach, peas, and some other random stuff we are trying out. I love going out and just picking the spinach, makes me feel like popeye lol

i feel like pop eye when i open a can of spinach and eat out of the can

Irish Cannon

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Just now I was walking through a bunch of f-ing blackberry vines in shorts. Needless to say my legs got ripped up, tons of little stratches everywhere. I wish I had some strawberries to grow, but I got a lot of potatoes, mustard greens, spinach, peas, and some other random stuff we are trying out. I love going out and just picking the spinach, makes me feel like popeye lol
Did you go "urban foraging" aka Mooching? :lol: - I was watching The Green Channel, and this total hippie was walking around Cali asking random people if he could pick fruit off of their trees, then he took it home and made a salad. Man he was a douche bag. Anytime I watch that channel I get pissed off.


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No no "urban foraging" for me. There are tons of blackberry vines around the property, and no one else lives relatively close to the place. I wonder what would happen if someone came up here picking and our stuff?
I have never seen the Green Channel, do they play shows about people telling you that we need a "carbon tax", that carbon monoxide is bad for the environment, and that polar bears are floating off on ice sheets and "drowning in the ocean"??
natty texan

natty texan

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No no "urban foraging" for me. There are tons of blackberry vines around the property, and no one else lives relatively close to the place. I wonder what would happen if someone came up here picking and our stuff?
I have never seen the Green Channel, do they play shows about people telling you that we need a "carbon tax", that carbon monoxide is bad for the environment, and that polar bears are floating off on ice sheets and "drowning in the ocean"??

i've never heard of it either...

Irish Cannon

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I have Dish Network. I think it's only on that...And yes, it's all about "going green" and getting yourself "off the grid." It' retarded. All they do is show you ways to be more hippie-liberal-douche.

Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with wanting to protect the planet and all of that, but people that blame society for the problems caused mostly by nature itself, and make it their life to make everyone else miserable...those people piss me off.

Have you heard those liberal wackos banned phosphates from dish detergents in Washington state? Yep, no more's now illegal.
natty texan

natty texan

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I have Dish Network. I think it's only on that...And yes, it's all about "going green" and getting yourself "off the grid." It' retarded. All they do is show you ways to be more hippie-liberal-douche.

Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with wanting to protect the planet and all of that, but people that blame society for the problems caused mostly by nature itself, and make it their life to make everyone else miserable...those people piss me off.

Have you heard those liberal wackos banned phosphates from dish detergents in Washington state? Yep, no more's now illegal.

i say we make an AM army and go beat sense into everyone with 45's :spam:


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Oh NO - no more Cascade, so what are we going to make the women clean w/ now????


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What would one be charged with if caught trying to smuggle the illegal substance into the state ??



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I don't know if I would want to find out, them Washington state guys are serious and they mean business. I would imagine if you brought some of that environmental abusing Cascade anywhere into that state you would never see the late of day again. And everyone thought Texas was serious w/ all those inmates on death row.....
natty texan

natty texan

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I don't know if I would want to find out, them Washington state guys are serious and they mean business. I would imagine if you brought some of that environmental abusing Cascade anywhere into that state you would never see the late of day again. And everyone thought Texas was serious w/ all those inmates on death row.....

i think we just sold ole sparky to em on the low low in case anyone gets caught
Big Poppa S

Big Poppa S

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Hey jdg487, I replied in my thread, check it out and feel free if you have any other questions.


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Workout #3

Last Night:
I took the 4 ZMK 30 minutes pre bed and Somnidren sublingually 15 minutes pre bed. This was the first night I had taken both of them in a few days and I could feel the difference. I was out instantly once I turned off the tv and laid my head down. It was a great night of crazy dreams. To bad it didn't continue when I woke up. I weighed in at only 205, I was hoping to be around 207 but what are you going to do. I just got to eat more and another note my legs are not too sore form yesterdays hell squat day!

The Workout:

Stiff leg deadlifts 5 x 5 - @ 165, 175, 185, 195, 195 - 60 sec between sets

Decline DB Press 5 x 8 - @ 75, 75, 85, 90, 90 - 60 sec between sets

Decline DB Fly's @ 35 x 10, 45 x 8, 50 x 6 - 60 sec between sets

Hammer Curls 5 x 5 - @ 45 - 60 sec between sets

Incline DB Press @ 75 x 5, @ 80 x 4 - 60 sec between sets

Barbell curls @ 80 x 10,9,8 superset w/
DB Floor Press (palms facing in) @ 80 x 3,3,1 superset w/
DB Swings @ 45 x 6,6,6 - 60 sec between sets

After Thoughts:
I think I killed my chest today for sure. Those decline presses and fly's felt real good and I haven't done in decline work in a few months. I was still able to get some heavy incline presses too which pleased me. All the curls felt good, and the ham work was pretty easy. I used to never really go heavy than around 175 on the stiff leg deads but I think my form is good enough now. I got my usual post workout shake, and I even took another 1/2 scoop of Somnidren just now. I think it is really helping my recovery when I take 1/3 serving post workout. I thought it was going to be difficult to walk around today but it hasn't been at all. I'm gonna try to stuff myself again today like everyday. I want to be at 207 or 208 by next Friday!


MST Reppin Hard!
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haha I told you post workout somnidren was the bomb :)


MST Reppin Hard!
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I don't think truer words have been spoking in a long time... serious
I honestly enjoy it more post workout than I do when I go to bed, haha. That could be because ive been using it a long time though...and post w/o is newer to me. Who knows? :)


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Workout #4

Last Night:
Took 4 ZMK 45 minutes pre bed and a half scoop of Somnidren 15 min pre bed. I started the night of golden, fell right to bed. Then a few hours later my gf woke my up complaining that she was not feeling good. So I had to help her get some meds then I fell right back to bed. This happened again an hour later, then again another hour later. When it finally came s time for me to get up for the day I still felt refreshed. This stuff happened in the past and I would have to sleep longer or wake up feeling like I didn't even get any sleep. I felt good enough to go lift when I was thinking about taking today off, but I just felt like lifting...

The Workout:

Power Cleans/Shoulder Press/Front Squat -all back to back w/out letting the bar out of my hands @ 115 x 8, @ 125 x 6, @ 135 x 4

Side Laterals/Front Lasterals/DB Shoulder Press - all back to back - Laterals @ 25 10/8 10/6 10/5 - Press @50 6,6,4

Standing Barbell Calf Raises - @ 115 3 x 25

After Thoughts:
This was a tough one today. The first cleans/press/squat was f-ing hard, I was exhausted and breathing hard after the first set of 8 reps each. It didn't get any easier either as I added weight. The shoulder was difficult to, and I had a good calf pump doing the raises. I got my usual post workout shake and I'm about to do my new favorite thing which is taking a 1/2 scoop of Somnidren post workout. I don't think I will be taking any tonight, just the ZMK. It might rain here today and I got a lot of stuff to do outside, I'm hoping I don't get rained on! Tomorrow will be an off day for sure, just doing my daily pull ups as usual...
natty texan

natty texan

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that's intense on the waking up.

she's lucky i'm not the guy next to her. When i finally fall asleep, I can sleep through a train crash on the floor above me....


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Man today was hot one outside. I worked all afternoon out in the sun, ate a big lunch, worked some more outside. After a few more hours I was beat and I came in and took a nap for an hour and a half. I then ate again and did a few more things outside as it was cooling down. I am only taking the ZMK and am curious to see how the nap I took in the middle of the day will affect my sleep tonight...


MST Reppin Hard!
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I think you'll fall asleep just fine tonight ;)
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Looking good, J!
I really enjoy your format and detail... keep up the great job!
natty texan

natty texan

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you'll be sleeping well tonight man.

i wouldn't doubt it if you were already asleep...


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Last night was great! I took all 4 ZMK around 20 minutes pre bed and I fell right to bed. I went right into some crazy dreams too. In it I was in some club in Houston w/ some of my boys and my gf was not there. I could here her yelling at me asking me where I was and stuff but I didn't have a cell phone with me. She was just so loud and no one else heard her. My boys were pressing me to drink so we were just drinking at the bar having fun. Then my real gf woke me up in the middle of my sleep for the second night in a row. When I was woken up I remember my right side being all numb and w/ lines everywhere. I guess while I was in that deep sleep I didn't roll over or move for that matter. I then managed to fall right back a sleep after she woke me up. When I finally woke up by myself the same thing happened. My right side was all marked up with lines and my right arm and hand were numb. I went to bathroom and moved around and stuff for like a minute to get it feeling normal.
I got a lot of work to get done today, it is gonna suck bad. I'll probably be out doing it from like now till 6 or 7 tonight with some short breaks to get some food. I'm not looking forward to it. Tomorrow I got back, so it will be some deadlifting! At least I got something to look forward to...


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I just got through w/ a full day of work. From 9 in the morning until 7 with a short lunch at noon. I probably lost a few pounds out there, luckily it wan't too hot outside because I would have been sweatin through my clothes. It could freeze down here tonight so we had to cover a bunch of stuff up tonight. That is what kept me out there an extra two hours. I'm exhausted and look forward to getting around 1000 calories in me before I call it a night. I hope I won't be sore for my back workout tomorrow. Oh and no Somnidren tonight, straight up ZMK!
natty texan

natty texan

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I just got through w/ a full day of work. From 9 in the morning until 7 with a short lunch at noon. I probably lost a few pounds out there, luckily it wan't too hot outside because I would have been sweatin through my clothes. It could freeze down here tonight so we had to cover a bunch of stuff up tonight. That is what kept me out there an extra two hours. I'm exhausted and look forward to getting around 1000 calories in me before I call it a night. I hope I won't be sore for my back workout tomorrow. Oh and no Somnidren tonight, straight up ZMK!
dang is it supposed to freeze?

man...better go cover my fruits..


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I don't know if the freeze will make that far down 45, but it could. I had to cover eveything though, it sucked. I hope this is the last cold cold front of the year...
natty texan

natty texan

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I don't know if the freeze will make that far down 45, but it could. I had to cover eveything though, it sucked. I hope this is the last cold cold front of the year...
i really love being in texas man.

I love cold weather

and i love our humid heat. i'm weird i know, but i get the best of both worlds here...


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Yeah I love it here too, it feels so good when it's cold, but sometimes the heat gets annoying. Not to sound homo or anything but it's only annoying in the summer when you're dressed nice and once you step outside you start to get sweat flowing all over...
other than that I can get enough of it, I really love how it is now and how it has been the last few days... it couldn't get better!
natty texan

natty texan

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Yeah I love it here too, it feels so good when it's cold, but sometimes the heat gets annoying. Not to sound homo or anything but it's only annoying in the summer when you're dressed nice and once you step outside you start to get sweat flowing all over...
other than that I can get enough of it, I really love how it is now and how it has been the last few days... it couldn't get better!
yeah i know what you mean.

i don't generally dress "nice"

i'm very much a cargo shorts and a t shirt every day kinda guy. (i don't wear flip flops though haha)


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Workout #5

Last Night:
It was a ZMK night,took 2 35 min pre bed and the other two 15 minutes later. I got to sleep really quick, and finally got to sleep the whole night through free of interuptions. I woke up feeling good and anxious to see if it froze down here last night. It didn't freeze which was good, I think it only got down to around 40 degrees. They say it could freeze tonight so I got to keep a lookout for that....

The Workout:

Deadlifts - @225 2 x 10, @ 265 1 x 60 - strapped up @ 305 x 5, @ 325 x 3

Dips w/ 40 lbs - 10, 5, 5 - 30 sec between sets

DB Rows @ 85 - 5 x 4- 60 sec between sets

Wide grip pull ups w/ 35 lbs - 7, 3, 2 -30 sec between sets

Skullcrushers @ 85 lbs - 3 x 5 superset w/
DB Pullovers @ 65 lbs - 3 x 8 - 60 sec between sets

After Thoughts:
That 325 lbs deadlift is the most I've ever pulled. It didn't feel to difficult either. I might have been able to get a fourth rep, but I didn't want to risk it. Everything else was on point except the pull ups. My lats felt sore as hell after the first set of 7. I barely got the 3 and 2 after that. I think it could be that now I'm doing around 30 or more pull ups everyday in the 100 day challenge. Sometimes during the day I just go and knock out 10 or more at time and do more than what is required for the day.
I just drank my post workout shake, and I'm about to take a 1/2 scoop of Somnidren. I'm loving taking the Somnidren post workout so far. I got to continue to eat a lot to keep putting the pounds on. I got some toast, eggs, and a banana coming up soon...

Irish Cannon

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Yeah I love it here too, it feels so good when it's cold, but sometimes the heat gets annoying. Not to sound homo or anything but it's only annoying in the summer when you're dressed nice and once you step outside you start to get sweat flowing all over...
other than that I can get enough of it, I really love how it is now and how it has been the last few days... it couldn't get better!
I live in the Florida panhandle, so I know exactly what you're talking about, except we probably don't get as cold of winters here; however, I'm originally from Chicago, so I know what cold is. :D

I hate the humidity in the South. It disgusts me. I love dressing nice, and it's impossible for me to do from late April through October, and sometimes as late as November or December. I hate it...but I LOVE the Springs here. They're perfect. January through March is my favorite time of the year.


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I often wish I was down in Florida, on the beach. The last time I went I just went to Destin for a few days w/ my family. It was the nicest beach I have ever been too...


MST Reppin Hard!
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I often wish I was down in Florida, on the beach. The last time I went I just went to Destin for a few days w/ my family. It was the nicest beach I have ever been too...
Its funny how each side of the state has different beaches. On the east coast its more darker type sand (like light brown) and there are decent waves. On the west coast or in the panhandle (from what i've seen) it's more white sand with practically no waves. The panhandle had a lot more sandbars could stand up like 100 feet out into the ocean, haha


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What thats crazy, it seems I now have some investigating to do, Atlantic coast of Florida here I come!!! haha

Irish Cannon

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Its funny how each side of the state has different beaches. On the east coast its more darker type sand (like light brown) and there are decent waves. On the west coast or in the panhandle (from what i've seen) it's more white sand with practically no waves. The panhandle had a lot more sandbars could stand up like 100 feet out into the ocean, haha
We get some good surf in the Gulf, but you have to catch it on time. It's usually on and off for small periods of time...but yes, the sand out here looks like snow from a distance.

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