You can PM me if you’d rather discuss there, but what is your PED stack lately and where is going for the rest of the prep? When you say you’re behind, how so - what did you have planned that can’t be executed? I mean do you mean you just lost a week to work, or you already had hard numbers laid out for each week in a scripted progression?
If you don’t really want to discuss all that, the way I like to explain to people is that to peak for a meet, in the 3-4 micros before a meet, for most lifters, you are going to need to put out ~100, 90, & 80% efforts during 3 primary exposures in that 20-35 days. Usually you take the heaviest pulls furthest out, heaviest bench way closer, and squat somewhere in between. Since you are just benching, you will have the greatest recovery - you damn sure don’t want to be taking your heaviest bench a month out. Probably 2-2.5 weeks out. I would probably bench something like a 93-95% effort 3-3.5 weeks out, max out 2-2.5 weeks out, then hit 85-88% 7-9 days out to stay sharp. Probably bench 70% for a few singles on Wednesday before a Saturday meet to stay sharp.
Then your opener is based off the best bench you hit in training so you have something concrete to go off of. 90-94% of that probably.