Sfreed's gettin' strong on OL Andro and stuff unsponsored log



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Since I'm breaking the rules and hitting the gym 3 days in a row I broke away from the HST program today, went to the gym with no real plan. Ended up focusing on back and shoulders, with some chest and triceps for shyts and giggles, for about an hour and a half. High points (for me anyway) were 110 pound db shrugs (7 / 7 / 8), 85 pound incline db press (had a spotter help getting them up) 5 / 6 / 6 and burned up my shoulders doing high rep seated shoulder presses on the smith machine 135 for 18, 155 for 16, 135 for 16, 115 for 12 and 105 for 10. Planning on hitting legs tomorrow, and will probably throw some other stuff in as well. And tomorrow is the end of my cycle. Even though I never really felt any aggression while on, I have a feeling I'm gonna miss it. Hope I can maintain some of the strength gains through pct.

Also thinking about getting some lifting straps. I noticed on the dumbell shrugs my grip gave out before my traps did.


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What is GDA's?
Glucose Disposal Agents: they act like insulin in a sense (often marketed as insulin mimetics) and help shuttle glucose and nutrients to the muscles rather than as fat. I've been interested in them for a while and had a little extra cash and bought a bottle of SlinMax and LOVE the sh1t!!! Crazy pumps and vascularity, comparable to what I got on FD2.
Since I'm breaking the rules and hitting the gym 3 days in a row I broke away from the HST program today, went to the gym with no real plan. Ended up focusing on back and shoulders, with some chest and triceps for shyts and giggles, for about an hour and a half. High points (for me anyway) were 110 pound db shrugs (7 / 7 / 8), 85 pound incline db press (had a spotter help getting them up) 5 / 6 / 6 and burned up my shoulders doing high rep seated shoulder presses on the smith machine 135 for 18, 155 for 16, 135 for 16, 115 for 12 and 105 for 10. Planning on hitting legs tomorrow, and will probably throw some other stuff in as well. And tomorrow is the end of my cycle. Even though I never really felt any aggression while on, I have a feeling I'm gonna miss it. Hope I can maintain some of the strength gains through pct.

Also thinking about getting some lifting straps. I noticed on the dumbell shrugs my grip gave out before my traps did.
The only time I use straps are for Shrugs... I think it's a difficult muscle group in the sense that you really need to get a mind muscle connection like lats to get them to grow. Straps def help eliminate some of the distraction


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The only time I use straps are for Shrugs... I think it's a difficult muscle group in the sense that you really need to get a mind muscle connection like lats to get them to grow. Straps def help eliminate some of the distraction
When I do shrugs my typical tempo is quick up, hold for a 5 count, then 3 count down. I like to try and touch my ears with my traps. Impossible, but it helps me focus on my traps. I think the straps would just remove the grip on the dumbell from my thought process, but what the h3ll do I know.


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When I do shrugs my typical tempo is quick up, hold for a 5 count, then 3 count down. I like to try and touch my ears with my traps. Impossible, but it helps me focus on my traps. I think the straps would just remove the grip on the dumbell from my thought process, but what the h3ll do I know.
Oh yeah I'm like a fcking uncoordinated retard with trap movements... my shoulders are rounded and it's easy for me to roll my shoulders a bit especially when I go heavier. So straps have that added benefit for me lol


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Chalk is magnificent for grip. Also, try the hook grip. It can be applied to more movements than just deads.


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Batman pajamas with the feet cut out


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New picture from the gym today. I don't see much difference, but I can certainly feel the difference in how my shirts fit. Way tighter across the back, chest and arms. Weight is still right around 202. Only got about 10 days left on cycle, then starting pct. I'll give that a few weeks and then start the Sup3r 7 / Assass1nate (what I decided to go with) / Ab Ab cut. Plus got some Follidrone 2 to throw in there somewhere. Hopefully get back down to 190 ish before the beach vacation in June. (Which I'm spending in habajaba's backyard. But he doesn't know it yet)

View attachment 145469

Right side is today.
Diggin the nip slip. Skrtttttt

Chest is way more full and better shoulder/upper chest split. Lookin great


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Well, that's it. Hard to believe that 8 weeks has already gone by! I'll take my last dose today, and tomorrow start my pct. I'm debating starting Clomid at 25mg instead of 50 and running it for 6 weeks 25/25/25/25/12.5/12.5 eod. Might try 50mg for the first few days just to see how it feels. Will also be starting KingsBlood and Follidrone 2.0 Monday. I hope I can hang on to the majority of the strength gains.

Things I learned from this; I should have dropped some weight before. Was at 192 when I started, and finished at a chunky 204. I'm guessing 8 lbs is fat / water gain. Had I dropped down to 180 I'd be a lot more comfortable with the weight gain. The strength gains are real! I should have been better prepared for joint pain from the increased weights. Instead, I stuck with what I'd been doing all along, which wasn't enough. I recently started on Flexatril, and have been impressed so far. I expect good things from it, based on the last 4 days. And in my totally un-scientific studies, I believe the only thing to gain from mega dosing the Epi-Andro prior to workout is increased aggression. I split my doses up through the day and felt no aggression. I spent one week where I 750mg pre-workout and got angry as all get out. To me, not worth it.

And I guess that's about it. Thanks to all my friends for following along, for the advise during the past few months, and for putting up with my stupid questions. The only question left? What's next. This was my first cycle, but I can guarantee it won't be my last. LGD or Osta? Stack with some more Epi sounds like a lot of fun.


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Howzabout some lgd, dernatr3st, and epi?
I'm in if you are! ;)


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Howzabout some lgd, dernatr3st, and epi?
I'm in if you are! ;)
Yep. Definitely one of the stacks I've been looking into. Just got to find it now.


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Honestly, fck LGD!!!! Not worth the sides for the gains. It'll jack your lipids up and shut you down. If your alright with the sides, LGD will make your appetite outta control and if your not an ascetic you'll gain BF. The LGD fatigue is seriously HORRIBLE!!! In my cycle I used epi andro, methyl-DHT (The1), and dermacrine and still felt like sh1t. That's 3 Test bases

Long term sides of LGD are also unknown.

I personally am going to run epistane and trest my next cycle to recomp. I suggest you look into designers before fcking with SARMS


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Since I'm breaking the rules and hitting the gym 3 days in a row I broke away from the HST program today, went to the gym with no real plan. Ended up focusing on back and shoulders, with some chest and triceps for shyts and giggles, for about an hour and a half. High points (for me anyway) were 110 pound db shrugs (7 / 7 / 8), 85 pound incline db press (had a spotter help getting them up) 5 / 6 / 6 and burned up my shoulders doing high rep seated shoulder presses on the smith machine 135 for 18, 155 for 16, 135 for 16, 115 for 12 and 105 for 10. Planning on hitting legs tomorrow, and will probably throw some other stuff in as well. And tomorrow is the end of my cycle. Even though I never really felt any aggression while on, I have a feeling I'm gonna miss it. Hope I can maintain some of the strength gains through pct.

Also thinking about getting some lifting straps. I noticed on the dumbell shrugs my grip gave out before my traps did.
Look at the cobra grips.
Puss. I've done HST 3 days in a row a few times. Not recommended but some times that is how my schedule works out.
Pretty impressive strength old man.


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Honestly, fck LGD!!!! Not worth the sides for the gains. It'll jack your lipids up and shut you down. If your alright with the sides, LGD will make your appetite outta control and if your not an ascetic you'll gain BF. The LGD fatigue is seriously HORRIBLE!!! In my cycle I used epi andro, methyl-DHT (The1), and dermacrine and still felt like sh1t. That's 3 Test bases

Long term sides of LGD are also unknown.

I personally am going to run epistane and trest my next cycle to recomp. I suggest you look into designers before fcking with SARMS
I hope I got it...

You do not like LGD, -or do you?



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Honestly, fck LGD!!!! Not worth the sides for the gains. It'll jack your lipids up and shut you down. If your alright with the sides, LGD will make your appetite outta control and if your not an ascetic you'll gain BF. The LGD fatigue is seriously HORRIBLE!!! In my cycle I used epi andro, methyl-DHT (The1), and dermacrine and still felt like sh1t. That's 3 Test bases

Long term sides of LGD are also unknown.

I personally am going to run epistane and trest my next cycle to recomp. I suggest you look into designers before fcking with SARMS
What would be your suggestion for me, without pinning?


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If I couldn't pin, for a bulk, I would go with dermal Trest and oral LGD.
If for some reason LGD gives weird sides, just bump the Trest dose up a notch and keep going.


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My 2 yr old, who only can say a handful of words, just said "sh1t yeah" clear as day when the Blackhawks scored a goal


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My 2 yr old, who only can say a handful of words, just said "sh1t yeah" clear as day when the Blackhawks scored a goal


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My 2 yr old, who only can say a handful of words, just said "sh1t yeah" clear as day when the Blackhawks scored a goal
Hmmm.....Wonder where he picked that up at??


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My 2 yr old, who only can say a handful of words, just said "sh1t yeah" clear as day when the Blackhawks scored a goal
Got to be a proud dad! Mom didn't hear it did she?


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Yes and she wasn't pleased. Whatever.
You're out in bum fck Wyoming. He has to learn how to cuss from somewhere, why not a master?


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If I couldn't pin, for a bulk, I would go with dermal Trest and oral LGD.
If for some reason LGD gives weird sides, just bump the Trest dose up a notch and keep going.
So it's settled right? Granpa hath spoken!


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Resurrecting this zombie. First week of PCT is almost done, weight this morning was 200. Finished up week 4 (or 5??) of 100% of 5 rep max weight today. Noticed that my strength increase has stalled, and even lost some (not much, but some) strength on a few lifts. PCT actually hasn't been bad at all. Ran Clomid at 50mg daily, and will be dropping that to 25mg starting tomorrow, KingsBlood, Follidrone 2.0 and Flexatril rounds it out. One week left stickin with the 5 rep max, then will hit drop sets and negs. Then a well needed rest!


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I decided tbe stength drop in pct is all in the mind. Dont believe it and just go for it!


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Resurrecting this zombie. First week of PCT is almost done, weight this morning was 200. Finished up week 4 (or 5??) of 100% of 5 rep max weight today. Noticed that my strength increase has stalled, and even lost some (not much, but some) strength on a few lifts. PCT actually hasn't been bad at all. Ran Clomid at 50mg daily, and will be dropping that to 25mg starting tomorrow, KingsBlood, Follidrone 2.0 and Flexatril rounds it out. One week left stickin with the 5 rep max, then will hit drop sets and negs. Then a well needed rest!
Keep pushing brother!


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I decided tbe stength drop in pct is all in the mind. Dont believe it and just go for it!
Main thing I noticed was how out of cardio shape I was during pct...I'd get winded really quickly

Think it was lipids idk... motivation also goes down for me.


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Main thing I noticed was how out of cardio shape I was during pct...I'd get winded really quickly

Think it was lipids idk... motivation also goes down for me.
I was totally fogged in the head and ready for the worst - then I got a great thermo that just pulled my head outa the mush and kept me going. 6 weeks later it's still doin it for me. I'm also very tough on myself which works for me. I look around at people even 10 years younger than me and it scares the shart outa me. Helps keep me on point


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I was totally fogged in the head and ready for the worst - then I got a great thermo that just pulled my head outa the mush and kept me going. 6 weeks later it's still doin it for me. I'm also very tough on myself which works for me. I look around at people even 10 years younger than me and it scares the shart outa me. Helps keep me on point
Lotta truth in this statement. You see the "old" guys in the gym regularly. The ones who's Dr told them that if they don't change their habits, they'll be dead before they can retire. I refuse to be one of those guys.


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Same here, I'm not settling for anymore middle aged slump. As time goes on the more I'm back at the gym the younger I feel. Even if the results are slow


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Last PCT, Cordygen really gave me my endurance back. This past off cycle, I ran Cordygen + Thermogenesis, and it worked really well for me too. Gotta do something to push through that nasty let down when the cycle is over.


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Last PCT, Cordygen really gave me my endurance back. This past off cycle, I ran Cordygen + Thermogenesis, and it worked really well for me too. Gotta do something to push through that nasty let down when the cycle is over.
PCT has actually been pretty easy. I think my workout issues are more from stupid crazy work schedule than anything else. I will start taking a stimmed pre again. Didn't have any during the cycle because I didn't really need it. Plus was a little concerned with BP, but it was never an issue.


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Last PCT, Cordygen really gave me my endurance back. This past off cycle, I ran Cordygen + Thermogenesis, and it worked really well for me too. Gotta do something to push through that nasty let down when the cycle is over.
I'm gonna run clenbuterol next pct


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SFreed you should try StimRush
Been thinking about trying some new pre's. Been on Jack3d, HypermaxXT and Mesomorph for the last couple of years. Ordered some Kraken the other day kinda on a whim when I was ordering some more Flexatril from NP. You'd think that since you, me, ryane87 and Tank999 are the only Spooner Street derailers that aren't reps, our friends would hook us up with samples of all these sweet new pre-workouts, wouldn't you


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Been thinking about trying some new pre's. Been on Jack3d, HypermaxXT and Mesomorph for the last couple of years. Ordered some Kraken the other day kinda on a whim when I was ordering some more Flexatril from NP. You'd think that since you, me, ryane87 and Tank999 are the only Spooner Street derailers that aren't reps, our friends would hook us up with samples of all these sweet new pre-workouts, wouldn't you
Yeah now that you mentioned it that's kinda fcked up... we got some sh1tty friends


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Been thinking about trying some new pre's. Been on Jack3d, HypermaxXT and Mesomorph for the last couple of years. Ordered some Kraken the other day kinda on a whim when I was ordering some more Flexatril from NP. You'd think that since you, me, ryane87 and Tank999 are the only Spooner Street derailers that aren't reps, our friends would hook us up with samples of all these sweet new pre-workouts, wouldn't you
No sh it! Actually I got a hook up on some Stim Rush. But with taking Radiate pre. I mean pre like @ 4:00 and I usually hit the gym by 6:00. Otherwise I cant get to sleep by 11:00.


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Very valid points gentlemen. Also reminds me my broke ass is running out of pre! haha


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You know SFreed... I got to thinking about it and I think you and I say way too much off colored sh1t to ever be eligible to rep for a company...

You probably have to be a greedy gay American hating commie that doesn't like guns or p@ssy to be a rep

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