Sesathin and insulin sensitivity


I have read Omega 3 increase insulin sens. Does Sesathin do the same? If so, does it require less insulin or the same amount with improved sensitivity?


Supplement Jester
  • Established
Yes, Sesathin increases insulin sensitivity--moreso than n=3 fatty acids even.

It means less insulin is produced in response to a given glucose feeding and less is required for peripheral positive nutrient uptake.


Yes, Sesathin increases insulin sensitivity--moreso than n=3 fatty acids even.

It means less insulin is produced in response to a given glucose feeding and less is required for peripheral positive nutrient uptake.
OK but unless n=3 is much weaker at increasing insulin sensitivity (dont know if dosge matter), n=3 would also increase insulin sensitivity, decrasing insulin respsone, increasing SHBG and SHBG binds to the free test causing a drop in libido. So unless Sesathin is much stronger in this area, this should be a new thing to everyone. The only thing I can think of is Sesathin really increases insulin sensitivity when added to an n=3 diet.


Supplement Jester
  • Established
OK but unless n=3 is much weaker at increasing insulin sensitivity (dont know if dosge matter), n=3 would also increase insulin sensitivity, decrasing insulin respsone, increasing SHBG and SHBG binds to the free test causing a drop in libido.
1. n=3 is weaker than SesaThin at increasing insulin sensitivity. Together they are synergistic in doing such.

2. It is not that cut and dry a causal dynamic to say increased insulin sensitivity = more SHBG = less free test. It is so much more a matter of degree and various other interplays. Also free testosterone alone does not = "libido" as we think of it.


2. It is not that cut and dry a causal dynamic to say increased insulin sensitivity = more SHBG = less free test. It is so much more a matter of degree and various other interplays. Also free testosterone alone does not = "libido" as we think of it.
Crap, I would have thought 2 was right. :(

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