Running Back Preseason Supps.....HELP


New member
Ok, so this is my first post so plz bear with me.

Im 15 going to be a sophomore and i will be part of a 1,2 punch at running back for my varsity football team this year...

Products i have taken in the past have been, Nitro Tech, Muscle Milk, Amplified Creatine 189, Fast Twitch, and Creatine monohydrate.

So i have taken some supps and i know my way around a little bit...right now we are pretty much in the middle of summer lifting and i am on Bottles of Overdrive, NeoVar and RPM and Whey protein by Optimum Nutrition....

Ive been researching Prime, Powerfull, and Jack3d and im going to take them as a stack...and i was just wondering was if i should sell off my RPM,NeoVar,Drive to one of my friends and buy the USP stack or keep taking RPM,Drive,NeoVar, and just buy the Usp stack and take all 6 Supplements at once!! Or maybe i should finish out the RPM,Drive,NeoVar then wait until the football season is over and then start the USP stack.

Any advice will be awesome!! Please help guys,, dont want to sound desperate but i need some professional advice from some people that REALLY know their stuff! Thanks! And please respond quick times a wastin :thanks:


New member
First off, congrats on playing varsity as a sophomore, that's impressive. At your age, I think that your main supplements should be some form of whey (so you make sure to get enough protein) and creatine. Your body will take a pounding over the course of the fall as I am sure you are aware, so eating enough quality calories, working out hard, and getting plenty of sleep during the summer is very important. Whether you stick with the one stack or switch to the other is up to you, there is no need to take all six at the same time, however. Good luck this season.


New member
Thank you, we are a 5 A school, and i heard something about Gaba? And after i stop taking creatine won't the muscle just go away after i stop. Because isnt creatine watermuscle?


New member
Thank you, we are a 5 A school, and i heard something about Gaba? And after i stop taking creatine won't the muscle just go away after i stop. Because isnt creatine watermuscle?
I really don't think you need GABA, I doubt you would see much in terms of benefits. And no, the muscle won't go away after you stop creatine. You may lose some weight due to less water retention, but muscle is muscle. Simply put, creatine helps supply your muscle cells with cellular energy, allowing them to recover better and allowing you to push yourself harder. The muscle that is built while on creatine is yours, creatine just helps you gain it a little more quickly.


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I say just keep taking the creatine and a multi-vitamin and bump your calories up!


New member
K this might be Kind of weird, but since i have been taking the RPM,NeoVar,Drive stack i have been getting like little pimples on my chest....Do you think its related to my supplements>?

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