Results from 1test/4ad stack posted! Thanks for your help!


New member
I finished my 1test/4ad transdermal stack about 2 weeks ago
I only went for 4 weeks at 250 mg/day of each and I am
now using PCT Nolva 3ml/ day and tapering.

But I just wanted to say thanks for the help b/c I got great results

Max Bench - before 235 x 2 *After 275 x 2 :)

Body Weight - before 180 *After 190 (holding at about 187 now)

That was an awesome jump for a first stack, I am extremely pleased.

Can I get any suggestions on a second stack to follow with. Is it
wise to jump from that to winstrol, or should I work my way up to it?

Thanks for all your help!



Congratulations on your first cycle. Hopefully you are using a proper PCT to maintain gains. It is never wise to do a oral cycle only. Orals are better used around an injectable like any form of testosterone. You will often hear of people using anavar only or dbol only cycles but to me its a waste. Dbol only cycles are mostly water weight gain and are easily lost. You shouldnt expect much from a winstrol or anavar only cycle. It would be a huge waste of money. If I was you I would continue doing a couple of transdermal cycles as they STILL seem to be the most beneficial as far as Gains for your BUCK. You could do another 1test/4ad combo at a higher dose or you could even add 4OHT to the mix. If you are really wanting to avoid rubbing yourself :icon_lol: ( that just made me laugh) then you could try 1ad and 4ad. 4ad is still better utilized as a transdermal but can be used at high dosages in pill form. After a few cycles then I would advise using something along the lines of M14add or M4ohn or even M1T. If you choose to use ANY of these items be aware that the ban is coming sooner than may be expected so analyze all these substances in depth and then buy what you need for your cycle. But that is only my two cents. Good luck with future cycles.-Mike


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4ad is still better utilized as a transdermal but can be used at high dosages in pill form. After a few cycles then I would advise using something along the lines of M14add or M4ohn or even M1T. If you choose to use ANY of these items be aware that the ban is coming sooner than may be expected so analyze all these substances in depth and then buy what you need for your cycle. But that is only my two cents. Good luck with future cycles.-Mike
Um, not for nothing, why first advise against an all oral cycle, and then reccomend oral cycles of M14, MOHN or M1T?

As far as the gains are concerned oral cycles seem to be good overall, as long as reasonable expectations are kept and PCT is run through properly. You're obviously not going to get the same gains from a DBol cycle as you would from a 6 week injectable testosterone cycle with orals stacked on top, that doesn't make an all DBol cycle a waste, though. I've known and heard from guys here that used DBol only and got good, maintainable results.

I have no idea where this line of thinking comes from. I've seen and heard different. Injectables and transdermals are safer and certainly better in that regard, and you'd truly get your dollar's worth by stacking an oral on top of such a cycle. Still, a good oral cycle will get you good results, if done right. Muscle is muscle.

Personally I just think the people who are more likely to do an all oral cycle, newbies, are also the people most likely to screw it up and lose their gains, thus the myth that such cycles are no good. The people more likely to do an injectable cycle are those with more experience and who have done more research, plus I think one needs a certain level of ability and discipline to start pinning, and thus those people are more likely to keep their gains. Likewise I think a newbie doing an injectable cycle is probably just as likely to lose his gains as if he was doing an oral only cycle.

The steroids help and augment the discipline and proper training and nutrition that you put into your workouts, but steroids can never replace that discipline. I honestly think that understanding that is the beginning and end of whether or not someone will keep their gains from a cycle.


Big bump...

i highly agree that oral only cycles can yeild results and doesn't only go to waste. It just has to be run properly and with a good pct....
Why even MD, Mohn and M1t only cycles have given results. So what makes Dbol, Anaval and winny only cycles so different

just my .02 cents

edit: rephrased


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235 x 2 to 275 x 2? Wow...that's pretty damn good. Are you sure you weren't benching more than you thought you were in the first place? :blink:


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im on my 5th week of 1test/4ad/m1,4add and i went from 225x10 to 260x8. Still got a week left ;) i'm thinking this is a common his gains sound about right.


holy **** those are some insane gains.

Now you have me rethinking my 19-Nor/4AD/4OHT/M4OHN Cycle at the expense of my hair. :(


New member
I am sure of my gains alright, and I too was amazed at them. I am going
to check next week to see if I am maintaining strength, so far I feel better than
ever. I am still looking for suggestions for a next stack. I want to gain some more
mass before the winter is over, and then I might try a cutitng stack in March.

Also, I just started using trac after my stack and I am very happy with the results
although it took almost a week before I felt anything! I was beginning to think
it was working at all.

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