Question for experienced 4ad cyp/test cyp users


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I am using 4ad cyp soon and have done a few regular illegal test cyp cycles but this is the first legal route.

I wanted to ask people who have used both real gear and the current legal 4ad cyp how much 4ad cyp they use?

Im probably going to run around 2100mgs ew but this would only be around 315mg of test kinda small amount when compared to 500mg test e.

I know it has unconverted anabolic properties but do they rival real gear or should i try to bump it up to as much as posible to get around 500mg converted test?

Im also going to add 600mg of 1 test cyp ew lasting 10weeks
maybe kickstart with m1t and end with some M5AA for 3 weeks or so to act as a hardener.


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no one huh well if you havent tries both yet what do you think would be a good doseage moreso on the high end. Im pretty sure customs got a hold of my real stuff so i will have to substitue this legal 4ad instead.

What doseage would be compareablle to 500mg test enanthate/cyp


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no one huh well if you havent tries both yet what do you think would be a good doseage moreso on the high end. Im pretty sure customs got a hold of my real stuff so i will have to substitue this legal 4ad instead.

What doseage would be compareablle to 500mg test enanthate/cyp
Anytime I've tried to totally sub 4ad cyp for test cyp, it just got way too androgenic before I could get a real anabolic benefit. The acne and headache put a cap on the dose, but a 1-test cyp/4ad cyp combo is good. About 500mg each @ twice a weak.


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Not sure bro. i've had the same question. I've used lots of AS before and a little PH. Well, i'm going to give a full 10 week cycle of PH a shot just to try something new. First time ever with 4AD cyp and i just started. Shooting 1800mg pw. A friend at the gym just did this same dose and said in his opinon, it felt like 400mg of Test cyp per week. Guess we'll have too see though.


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Bobo found a study which found 600mg of TE to raise test levels by close to exactly what 2100mg of 4AD-cyp raised SuperSoldier's levels by. I forget where exactly the post is, but it is on this site. So you're looking at roughly a one third rate of conversion of 4-AD to testosterone (not one seventh - where did you come up with that number?). And the unconverted 4-AD has its own properties, it doesn't just fall away without contributing anything.

Adding 1-test-cyp is beneficial ON TOP OF THAT. And the anabolic results you get from 1-test are greater than from 4AD, mg for mg.

So a cycle of 2100mg 4AD-cyp + ~600mg of 1-test-cyp will give you pretty impressive results. I would up the 1-test-cyp, but lower the 4-AD. The general rule is 2:3 1-test:4-AD. 1400mg 1-test-cyp + 2100mg 4-AD-cyp would be a huge amount, Way, way more than just 500mg TE. So you might tone the whole thing down to 750 + 1100 or 1000 + 1500.

And there should be no need to jumpstart with M1T. At most, frontload a bit. For the end of the cycle, you could use the M5AA, or try some 5AA-cyp, maybe 500mg/week for the last two or three weeks. $5/1000mg. That's a lot of androgens though, lots of DHT coming your way if you do that.
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Yeah I read that thread but he was also using hcg which would attribute the extra free test floating around latter in the tread when he wasnt on hcg his test levels coincided with the 15% conversion rate.I posted in the thread also trying to find out the acual conversion rate%.

I was already planning on the 1 test but wanted to test in there i really like test cyp however 1 test gets me lethargic because im not looking to just equal up to 500mg TE i wanted 500mg TE with just the test and then add to it from the 1 test.

I am scared of the acne that will be induced though so i will play around with 1800-2100 mgs

The only reason for the m1t is a slight case of gyno which keeps dbol out of the question and I want to get as much weight on this cycle as possible and kickstarting will add a good 5-7 pounds lbm right off the bat. Then I will expect a good 15 -20 pounds LBM after this from the cyps.

Still waiting to decide if I sould throw in the 4 ohn deconate at 400mgs a week but thats 4 more ccs a week and already got 10 from the cyps.


would it be advantageous to throw in the m1t at the end of the cycle? Another thread on this board states that M1T may be useful in the final couple weeks as you wait for the cyps to clear your system before beginning pct.


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If you are expecting twenty-seven pounds of lean gains from a ten week cycle of anything, I don't know how satisfied you will be, on anything. The 1-test + 4-AD is damned good, don't get me wrong, but you'd better eat like a bear before hibernation, and train like a right bastard.

I don't see the point in adding in a little bit of (very expensive) 4OHN-dec, unless you've got money to fling away.


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Ive cycled with test cyp deca and eq before and got 20 pounds from those 8 week cycles.

But ive never kickstarted them with an oral before so i figure I could get an extra 5-7 pounds from those.

I hope I can get at least 15 pounds from the cyps.
I already have the 4ohn dec but im not sure wether to throw in the 4 extra ccs a week or not.

Wish Me luck I might throw in a cycle log just for fun


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Cycle logs are good for all concerned. We learn something, and hopefully it keeps you to training consistently, not that you need any extra incentive.


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Ive cycled with test cyp deca and eq before and got 20 pounds from those 8 week cycles.

But ive never kickstarted them with an oral before so i figure I could get an extra 5-7 pounds from those.

I hope I can get at least 15 pounds from the cyps.
I already have the 4ohn dec but im not sure wether to throw in the 4 extra ccs a week or not.

Wish Me luck I might throw in a cycle log just for fun
I would not go linear with the dec, I'd front it hard and then taper off. The half life is just too long.

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