Pplex/havoc bridge coming!



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Hey guys, I'm very sorry I pretty much stopped the log. Stuff got crazy with interviews and finals and stuff. I ended the cycle a few days early because I was happy with how big I was and basically did not want to get much bigger. My final weight was 245 and I'm at the end of week 2 of my PCT and my weight is 246. My PCT consists of nolva, post cycle support, cycle support, and creatine. The strength gains really kicked in towards the end of each individual cycle. For example the last week or two of pplex was when I felt the strength gains and the last week or two of havoc was when I felt the strength gains again. My max bench was 225 X 1 before the cycle and as of yesterday I did 225 8 times, which is really good for me. I have to say tho I'm feeling kind of depressed because my body really did not change much. It changed in that I'm about 30lbs heavier but my body fat is about the same or a tad higer so I basically just look like a thicker version of my old self. I'm extremely pumped to start cutting once I finish PCT. I have never had abs in my entire life and I would love to get there. I will hopefully post pictures soon. I would appreciate if you guys could give me an estimate on bodyfat and how long it would take me to cut to any resemblance of abs or definition. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask.


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Great weight gain. Hopefully you didn't gain much fat. What was your impressions about havoc after pplex? did it dry you out?


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Hey guys, I'm very sorry I pretty much stopped the log. Stuff got crazy with interviews and finals and stuff. I ended the cycle a few days early because I was happy with how big I was and basically did not want to get much bigger. My final weight was 245 and I'm at the end of week 2 of my PCT and my weight is 246. My PCT consists of nolva, post cycle support, cycle support, and creatine. The strength gains really kicked in towards the end of each individual cycle. For example the last week or two of pplex was when I felt the strength gains and the last week or two of havoc was when I felt the strength gains again. My max bench was 225 X 1 before the cycle and as of yesterday I did 225 8 times, which is really good for me. I have to say tho I'm feeling kind of depressed because my body really did not change much. It changed in that I'm about 30lbs heavier but my body fat is about the same or a tad higer so I basically just look like a thicker version of my old self. I'm extremely pumped to start cutting once I finish PCT. I have never had abs in my entire life and I would love to get there. I will hopefully post pictures soon. I would appreciate if you guys could give me an estimate on bodyfat and how long it would take me to cut to any resemblance of abs or definition. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask.
I've had similar experiences in that I'll gain size and strength off PH cycles but bodyfat remains about the same. I've come to the conclusion that before I ever do another bulking cycle, I want to get down to a lower percentage BF. This way, if I gain primarily lean body mass, the change due to the cycle should be more pronounced. As a matter of fact, I'm planning on a 28 day Velocity Diet protocol come January. I'm about 195 lbs. now and hope to lose about 20 lbs. in a month without any significant loss in LBM. Wish me luck!

Great job with your cycle btw...I love PP and have done 2 cycles in the last two years with the original AX stuff. For whatever reason, I don't get bloated like a lot of other guys do on PP.


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Yea man I may actually do a cutting cycle soon because I'm sick and tired of having a high bodyfat %. What do you think about cutting on ph/ps?


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Yea man I may actually do a cutting cycle soon because I'm sick and tired of having a high bodyfat %. What do you think about cutting on ph/ps?
I've considered this but prefer to keep my PH runs to when I'm bulking. That said, if my experiment with the velocity diet next month is unsuccessful, I may do an "on cycle" cutter with a PH in the late spring/early summer.

If and when I use a PH to cut, it will likely be either H-drol or Epistane (Havoc) combined with a Prostanozol clone (I still have some Mega-Zol left over). I don't believe compounds like PP or SD make for good cutters; best to leave those for bulking.


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You shot up 30 pounds very quickly. After PCT when you start cutting, do it slowly. Your body isn't very used to the gains and if you start an aggressive cut, it would be easy to lose a lot of the muscle along with the fat.


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When do you feel would be a reasonable time to start cutting? Is it ok as long as I keep it slow?


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Great weight gain. Hopefully you didn't gain much fat. What was your impressions about havoc after pplex? did it dry you out?
I did feel kind of bloated after pplex and i felt like the havoc helped take away the bloated look. But its hard to tell because at 17% bf it doesnt look much different between bloated and dry.


  • Established
Hey guys, I'm very sorry I pretty much stopped the log. Stuff got crazy with interviews and finals and stuff. I ended the cycle a few days early because I was happy with how big I was and basically did not want to get much bigger. My final weight was 245 and I'm at the end of week 2 of my PCT and my weight is 246. My PCT consists of nolva, post cycle support, cycle support, and creatine. The strength gains really kicked in towards the end of each individual cycle. For example the last week or two of pplex was when I felt the strength gains and the last week or two of havoc was when I felt the strength gains again. My max bench was 225 X 1 before the cycle and as of yesterday I did 225 8 times, which is really good for me. I have to say tho I'm feeling kind of depressed because my body really did not change much. It changed in that I'm about 30lbs heavier but my body fat is about the same or a tad higer so I basically just look like a thicker version of my old self. I'm extremely pumped to start cutting once I finish PCT. I have never had abs in my entire life and I would love to get there. I will hopefully post pictures soon. I would appreciate if you guys could give me an estimate on bodyfat and how long it would take me to cut to any resemblance of abs or definition. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask.

from what i understand, 10% is where you being seeing "cuts" still never been that low, so i wouldn't know from experience, haha.


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yea I feel like I've done the bulking phase for so long that now it is time to enjoy my muscle gains. I've went from 170 to 245 in 2 years of hard work and a great bulking diet. It's time to shift that motivation to cutting.


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It just sucks cause everytime I start a cut phase I start losing weight but since my bodyfat is still not near 10% it just looks like I'm getting smaller and I get so frustrated that I just go back to bulking.


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It just sucks cause everytime I start a cut phase I start losing weight but since my bodyfat is still not near 10% it just looks like I'm getting smaller and I get so frustrated that I just go back to bulking.
I completely understand. I know I should focus more on a recomp and lose the remaining 10-15lbs that I store in my gut. However, I want to get huge and as long as my chest and arms over power my gut I can buy some time to focus on the weight loss. My last cycle I hit the 207 mark and have been on a quasi-cut since. I am back down to the 200ish mark and will be starting my P-Plex/Xtreme Tren cycle in less than a month. I really want to get down to below 195 befor that, but these holiday treats that the wife keeps making and bringing home make it rough.

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