pointers on my first cycle please


New member
hey guys, im currently researching to do my first aas cycle. looking at test-e at 500mg/week. i still have quiet a bit of research to do before i pull the trigger though. i thought i can maybe ask some training/diet questions in the meantime because iv never trained on test , iv cycled h-drol thats it. so here are a few questions i can come up with now,

- is there such thing as over training while on test? iv been doing a max number of 12 sets per body part naturally. how many sets do you guys do per body part? obviously i don't want my joints to take a beating, but can i just go all out while on cycle, or is there a point where its too much?

- does anyone use bands while training on cycle? i like to incorporate bands into my compound movements now in my routine. i feel like it helped me a lot. obviously you cannot lift as much on the movements with the extra resistance, but i feel like it may be easier on the joints? i still use a decent amount of weight though.

- i currently get about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, can i literally double my protein intake on cycle? is the increase in protein synthesis really that much more? how much protein do you guys get in?

- my goal on cycle is to lean bulk. id like to gain muscle while gaining a minimal amount of fat. normally i would eat about 300-500 calories over maintenance , can i up my total calorie intake while gaining less fat on cycle?

i think thats all the questions i have for now, sorry its so long. any help is appreciated.




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research more these are basic questions that you should have answers for before starting any sort of cycle as you want to be as safe as possible.


YES you can over train while on AAS, while it may make recovery time faster over training can still occur though you can ideally workout each bodypart a fair amount during the week. (I suggest alternating between heavy and light days to give the CNS some rest). As for diet yes go for roughly 2g per pound of bodyweight a day if you can. I personally havent tried training with bands on cycle but know of many people who do and notice explosive gains so keep using them. and with AAS it would be harder than just a simple 300-500 caloric surplus, you are gaining weight so quickly you need to change that amount weekly at minimum, I would recommend while on cycle eating almost 1000 calories over maintenance, by end of cycle you will have gained more muscle and wont have gained much if any fat.

As a side note, please research as much as possible on numerous different forums and wherever the information presents itself, If you have any other questions please PM me.


New member
research more these are basic questions that you should have answers for before starting any sort of cycle as you want to be as safe as possible.
thank you for the advice. yes, like i said i am not ready to start my first cycle yet.

YES you can over train while on AAS, while it may make recovery time faster over training can still occur though you can ideally workout each bodypart a fair amount during the week. (I suggest alternating between heavy and light days to give the CNS some rest). As for diet yes go for roughly 2g per pound of bodyweight a day if you can. I personally havent tried training with bands on cycle but know of many people who do and notice explosive gains so keep using them. and with AAS it would be harder than just a simple 300-500 caloric surplus, you are gaining weight so quickly you need to change that amount weekly at minimum, I would recommend while on cycle eating almost 1000 calories over maintenance, by end of cycle you will have gained more muscle and wont have gained much if any fat.

As a side note, please research as much as possible on numerous different forums and wherever the information presents itself, If you have any other questions please PM me.
thank you for the detailed information, i appreciate it. how many cycles do you have under your belt if you dont mind me asking? i will continue to do my research though. in the meantime, does anyone else have more opinions?




thank you for the advice. yes, like i said i am not ready to start my first cycle yet.

thank you for the detailed information, i appreciate it. how many cycles do you have under your belt if you dont mind me asking? i will continue to do my research though. in the meantime, does anyone else have more opinions?


Three under my belt with one in October, if you need more advice let me know :)


Well-known member
YES you can over train while on AAS, while it may make recovery time faster over training can still occur though you can ideally workout each bodypart a fair amount during the week. (I suggest alternating between heavy and light days to give the CNS some rest). As for diet yes go for roughly 2g per pound of bodyweight a day if you can. I personally havent tried training with bands on cycle but know of many people who do and notice explosive gains so keep using them. and with AAS it would be harder than just a simple 300-500 caloric surplus, you are gaining weight so quickly you need to change that amount weekly at minimum, I would recommend while on cycle eating almost 1000 calories over maintenance, by end of cycle you will have gained more muscle and wont have gained much if any fat.

As a side note, please research as much as possible on numerous different forums and wherever the information presents itself, If you have any other questions please PM me.
Quality information right there.


New member
truest of stories

research more these are basic questions that you should have answers for before starting any sort of cycle as you want to be as safe as possible.

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