Phera-plex and Superdrol Split?

6 week cycle 3 week splits between SD or PP which to take first?

  • Phera-Plex

    Votes: 90 69.8%
  • Superdrol

    Votes: 39 30.2%

  • Total voters


  • Established
I gained 18lbs of lean mass in 5 weeks, but keeping it has been difficult - lost 4 lbs in the first 2 weeks of PCT. Pisses me off - so much for AX PCT, Retain combo. You need something more! ugh
if i were to make a gamble, i would venture to gamble that POST PCT you would have lost around 10 of the 18 pounds that you gained. however, however, having said that, i would guess that the 8 pounds that you did keep really good muscle, which really sticks even if you go ill for a couple of days and have a bad diet for awhile. my thoughts.


New member
i gained 20lbs on superdrol and emax and im getting ready to start superdrol and phera pleax. i went from 175 to 195.4 to be exact


New member
I have 3 legal cycles under my belt
(1-test/4ad, 1-test/m14add, sd)

My question is how much more beneficial is the pp/sd split over just sd or pp.For those that have done it,is the extra 2 weeks on methyls worth it?


  • Established
Well I went through the PP into SD cycle, and PP gave me size but SD gave me more strength. I am trying SD now without PP - in fact I am using prostanozol (also from AX), and I am loosing a lb of fat and gaining a lb of muscle per week - I hope to start growing faster soon - only been on it a week - but I like this combo to drop a % of BF every 2 weeks - at 11% BF now.


New member
I was planning on doing a 4 week cycle of superdrol and Phera-plex, and also take protien and milk thistle, berryhawthorne. I was gunna do 20mg of PP and 20mg of SD, the plan is to throw in a pct at the beginning of the forth week so i can start to level out. My nutrition person said that this is what i need to do becase PP will amplify what the SD does and i will see greater gains. I took methyl mastadrol about four weeks ago and i gained about 12 pounds and it worked great for me... So now he said that i need to bulk one more time on this type of cycle then begin to cut. I was gunna do 2 and 2 throughout the day. If anyone has done this before please let me know because i wanna see what others have to say about it... thanks

Please comment:blink:


New member
I personally ran this cycle, 3 weeks of PP followed by 3 weeks of superdrol, PP helped me gained the weight, but the real strenght gaining came from the superdrol, and it dried out the gains from the PP. overall I put on 14 pounds and kept 11 after the the post cycle therapy.


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damnit, superdrol just shot up to $70 a bottle, thats about double what it was before


Board Supporter
A board sponsor makes a Superdrol clone, and another sponsor has it for $17.95 right now. So check that stuff out, $70 is insane.


New member
Superdrol for $17.95 ?????

where can I get a piece of that action>?:goodpost:


  • Legend!
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omg. this thread is so confusing, i dont know what to follow: SD before PP or PP before SD or both at the same time......gosh everyone has different opinions. What cycle/stack is best for strength and overall mass gain, not cutting??? ( i can cut later with ZOL)


Ok, I've never done a cycle before, but I have read a lot, I'm gonna do one soon, i got some PP and H50 knock offs. But from what i've read, isn't that too much to be taking? Especially for 6 weeks??? All of the methylated substance and mixing them around for more than the 4 week limit is unsafe from what i've researched. Any of these run alone for more than 4 weeks is unsafe. Why would you risk running a 6 week cycle split? Am i missing something here? Or is this just crazy?


  • Legend!
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hard question to answer but there are reasons. Some people have more under there belt, some dont cycle very often, some have very good support supp supply and bloodwork, some are just :fool2:

if you never did one before than i would advise just running a solo 3-4weeker to gauge the product and your reaction, and liking of it.


  • Established
I ran it for 6 weeks - 3 weeks of each, and the gains come early - not a lot of gains in the last two weeks. So going maybe 2 weeks of each - 20mg, should be pleanty - take care of your liver, and good luck with PCT. You have an easier time with PCT after a shorter cycle.


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Phereplex + Superdrol...

Been there, done that....

Did anybody else's libido bottom out, after the cycle?

After that cycle, I felt like hell, but I don't want to blame it all on the supplements. I think I might have been bitten by a spider during the last week of the cycle, and that may have ruined it for me.

As a general comment.... I've found orals to be pretty nasty in general. Yes, they can be very effective, but I can't run them for very long without feeling like c r a p anymore. I'd much rather run those 'pain free orals' for 10 weeks, and walk away not feeling like my liver is totally fried.

If you've got the resources, base your cycle on test. Add other components as necessary. Methyls should be a last resort.

On another note... Steer clear of any anabolic steroids products, unless you can honestly say yes to all of the following:

1. My diet is top notch.
2. My training is top notch.
3. I'm over 25, and I've been training and dieting properly for a number of years. I've plateaued, and am looking for more... I've done my research, and understand the tradeoffs of taking AAS.

Phereplex and Superdrol are not candy. They're serious products, with both positive and negative effects.

Anyhow... do your research and make your decision, and get some blood work done.



  • Established
I agree with you Tinytoad - unfortunately it took me nearly a year and 3 cycles to come to my senses that the stuff generates temporary gains and beats the #@&%(* out of your liver. Yes it is cheap, but the synthentics just are rough - hypothetically, of course, Testosterone Enanthate &
Testosterone Cypionate are better if you are good with getting blood tests and don't abuse it (1000+ ccs a week to me, I would guess it too high). For any of this stuff, if you do not know how to stop the cycle with PCT - you will suffer depression, fat gain, and loss of libido, and more - simply because when you artificially bring it up your natural supply shuts down. Kind of like flying straight up in an air plane - when you are done it heads for the ground - and you better get the engine restarted before you get to the groung. HCG and supplements can make for a smoother restart - if you are not guided through this - many of the supplements over the counter just do not seem to be enough to keep your test leves above 500 (total free test) - mine has dropped to 29 - makes you want to cry and pick out a dress with pretty flowers on it. Natural is in the 500-1200 range and not bad. You are better served with good intensity in the gym, a great clean diet and good sleep/recovery. The if you keep changing up your workouts you should grow. When you start pushing Test levels - you need to know what you are doing. Sorry if I make some folks angry - but I just think Tinytoad is speaking with some real pearls of wisdom here - I have experienced enough to see how it can go right & how it can go wrong, THANK YOU TINY TOAD


I agree with you Tinytoad - unfortunately it took me nearly a year and 3 cycles to come to my senses that the stuff generates temporary gains and beats the #@&%(* out of your liver. Yes it is cheap, but the synthentics just are rough - hypothetically, of course, Testosterone Enanthate &
Testosterone Cypionate are better if you are good with getting blood tests and don't abuse it (1000+ ccs a week to me, I would guess it too high). For any of this stuff, if you do not know how to stop the cycle with post cycle therapy - you will suffer depression, fat gain, and loss of libido, and more - simply because when you artificially bring it up your natural supply shuts down. Kind of like flying straight up in an air plane - when you are done it heads for the ground - and you better get the engine restarted before you get to the groung. HCG and supplements can make for a smoother restart - if you are not guided through this - many of the supplements over the counter just do not seem to be enough to keep your test leves above 500 (total free test) - mine has dropped to 29 - makes you want to cry and pick out a dress with pretty flowers on it. Natural is in the 500-1200 range and not bad. You are better served with good intensity in the gym, a great clean diet and good sleep/recovery. The if you keep changing up your workouts you should grow. When you start pushing Test levels - you need to know what you are doing. Sorry if I make some folks angry - but I just think Tinytoad is speaking with some real pearls of wisdom here - I have experienced enough to see how it can go right & how it can go wrong, THANK YOU TINY TOAD

Pay attention to the last two EXTREMELY WISE posts.

I have ran virtually any oral you care to mention. They are all hell on the body and DO give you gains but at quite a cost.

You CANNOT beat test. Period. It is safer, cleaner and you feel one HELL of a lot better.


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i did superdrol for weeks 1-3, then phera plex for weeks 3-4, I gained size with the superdrol and then the phera plex didnt make me gain much more, maybe 2 more lbs


  • Established
This old a$$ thread just came up.

I've been thinking of trying something similar, like a dianabol, superdrol split for 5 weeks.

week 1
40 mgs dianabol
week 2
40 mgs dianabol
week 3
50 mgs dianabol
week 4
30 mgs superdrol
week 5
30 mgs superdrol

PCT two weeks

50 mgs Clomid
40 mgs Novladex
100 mgs DHEA


New member
You should never run SD before PP, Phera Plex is a wet compound it will help you put on water weight that you will eventually lose, if you run PP for 2 weeks and then dry out your gains with Superdrol you'll see better results.

just my 2 cents :think:


  • Established
I am seeing alot of info on NOT using Clomid with
Novladex. Better to use Novladex, and add an aromast inhibitor, so vitamin E - and if you are able - get HCG. Just as entertaining info - not advice ofcourse, unless you h:thumbsup: ave breast cancer - and then you should see a health care professional.


  • Established
For those of you that are seriously technical about PCT - They do not want to drive estrogen too low, and further damage Lipid Profile. Libido is also lowered. Hence the use of Exemestane - an Aromatase Inhibitor, to greatly decrease estrogen receptors in the body. These receptors act upon the estrogen hormones they receive. This is a different approach than using an anti-aromatase to stop the production of estrogen (such as FEMARA). It is preferred that you use an an inhibitor as opposed to an anti-aromatase.

Use of Nolvadex is recommended as well since -LH levels rise fairly rapidly, but endogenous testosterone production is limited by lack of use. This is to make sure a SERM (Nolvadex) is at effective serum dosage (around 20-40mg per day).

I’ve always been in favor of using Nolvadex during PCT, along with an AI, because reducing estrogen levels has been positively correlated with an increase in testosterone (7) so in my mind, it’s be beneficial to increase testosterone by as many mechanisms as possible while trying to recover your endogenous testosterone levels after a cycle. SO which AI do we use? Letro or A-dex? Well, why don’t we just keep using whichever one we used during the cycle, and add in some Nolvadex? Unfortunately, Nolvadex will significantly reduce the blood plasma levels of both Letrozole as well as Arimidex (8). So if we choose to use one of them with our Nolvadex on PCT, we’re throwing away a bit of money as the Nolvadex will be reducing their effectiveness.

This, of course, is where Aromasin comes in, at 20-25mgs/day.

Aromasin, at that dose, will raise your testosterone levels by about 60%, and also help out your free to bound testosterone ratio by lowering levels of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), by about 20% (12)…SHBG is that nasty enzyme that binds to testosterone and renders it useless for building muscle. But what about using it along with Nolvadex for PCT?

Difference Between Type-I and Type-II Aromatase Inhibitors

To understand why Aromasin may be useful in conjunction with Nolvadex while both Letro and A-dex suffer reduced effectiveness, we’ll need to first understand the differences between a Type-I and Type-II Aromatase Inhibitor. Type I inhibitors (like Aromasin) are actually steroidal compounds, while type II inhibitors (like Letro and A-dex) are non-steroidal drugs. Hence, androgenic side effects are very possible with Type-I AIs, and they should probably be avoided by women. Of course, there are some similarities between the two types of AIs…both type I & type II AIs mimic normal substrates (essentially androgens), allowing them to compete with the substrate for access to the binding site on the aromatase enzyme. After this binding, the next step is where things differ greatly for the two different types of AI’s. In the case of a type-I AI, the noncompetitive inhibitor will bind, and the enzyme initiates a sequence of hydroxylation; this hydroxylation produces an unbreakable covalent bond between the inhibitor and the enzyme protein. Now, enzyme activity is permanently blocked; even if all unattached inhibitor is removed. Aromatase enzyme activity can only be restored by new enzyme synthesis. Now, on the other hand, competitive inhibitors, called type II AI’s, reversibly bind to the active enzyme site, and one of two things can happen: 1.) either no enzyme activity is triggered or 2.) the enzyme is somehow triggered without effect. The type II inhibitor can now actually disassociate from the binding site, eventually allowing renewed competition between the inhibitor and the substrate for binding to the site. This means that the effectiveness of competitive aromatase inhibitors depends on the relative concentrations and affinities of both the inhibitor and the substrate, while this is not so for noncompetitive inhibitors. Aromasin is a type-I inhibitor, meaning that once it has done its job, and deactivated the aromatase enzyme, we don’t need it anymore. Letrozole and Arimidex actually need to remain present to continue their effects. This is possibly why Nolvadex does not alter the pharmacokinetics of Aromasin .


New member
Alright Hopefully this isn't too off topic.
I've read this thread and I'm getting ready to do a PP/superdrol stack like others have done. I'll be taking perfect cycle liver protection throughout, but I have questions on when I should start the post cycle therapy. I have andabolic extreme's PCT and Rebound XT, I was thinking start the PCT after my last week of SD and then after 3 weeks of PCT start the Rebound XT. Is that a good idea or do you guys suggest something better?

My cycle will look like this:
Wk 1- Phera-Plex 20mg
Wk 2- Phera-Plex 30mg
Wk 3- Phera-Plex 20mg / Superdrol 10mg
Wk 4- Superdrol 20mg
Wk 5- Superdrol 20mg
Wk 6- PCT
Wk 7- PCT
Wk 8- PCT
Wk 9- Rebound XT
Wk 10- Rebound XT

With liver protection taken through the whole thing. Does that look good to you guys? suggestions welcome.

Edit: I'm 6'1 214lbs.


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You might want to try PP then for 20mg for 3 weeks - the side effects I get from SD overdosing is: acne all over my back (real bad) - and yes I wash alot - and mid day tiredness - as in being hit over the head and passing out for 2 hrs. Finally, I also get scabs on my scalp. Those happen even on PP, but I live with that at 20mg/day. I recommend going to a 3 week cycle otherwise, if sides are a concern - with either SD or PP. Personally I am doing it because 1.) I get most of my gains early, and 2.) I hate PCT and loss of libido, and trying to bring natural test back - I need to try Nolvodex and some other stuff - but with a 3 week cycle, I do not think PCT will be as hard - I can cycle more often and hopefully retain most of the gains with less risk of sides. Good luck to you,

fwiw, a 21 day cycle of pp and/or sd doesnt sound like a bad idea.

Seems less is more, sometimes.

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