PCT newbie please help..MYOTEST?


New member
Hi guys this is my first post here..well my bud gave me EQUILONE cus ive been wanting to do a cycle which contains:
milk thistle-300 mg
19-norandrosta 4, 9 diene 3, 17 dione-60 mg
2a, 3a epithio-17a-methyletioallochanol-20 mg

i read that the 2a, 3a epithio-17a-methyletioallochano is basically epistane which contains anti-estrogenic properites....so do i need an estrogen blocker during my PCT?

basically my question to you guys is what should i take for a PCT? i wanted to buy something that had everything i needed in one bottle to make it easier but after my research i have no clue..i dont think ill be able to get a hold of clomid or nolvadex either..my main concern is not getting gyno

i read about SAN myotest which sounded promising but would that be all i needed to take as a PCT in order to retain my gains and not develop gyno?

any help would be greatly appreciated and if i dont know what im talking about plz dont bash me..i know im new to prohormones..im asking you guys for a reason cus i need your help THANK YOU VERY MUCH to any advice you can provide


  • Established
Step 1: Go to google
Step 2: Type in research chemicals, tamoxifen
Step 3: Look at sites listed and google search them for legitimacy
Step 4: Buy from legit site

And you have a SERM ;)

It is almost as complicated as finding the right hole during intercourse xD..


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