PalmFist Recovery/PCT/Training LOG



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You know me, Im a creatine always kinda guy but honestly Im probably gonna stick with it in pct only this round. Right now Im on nothing but a multi and the occasional Monster for all the OT I'm doing. This means Im primed for dem gainz brotha!

Excite to see how Msten feels about a week in for them notorious pumps! BTW Hyde didn't you run an Msten stack this year? What were your dosages and duration? Im thinking of running 6 weeks with two bottles, thats 3 caps a day. Pretty sure they are 10mg each so thats 30mg daily. Not looking for a bulk, gonna carb cycle so thats not the reason for the 30 a day. You know how we do, hard and in charge…


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Don't run the creatine on cycle - save it for pct when you'll need it to help keep your strength.

Oh yeah....good to see you, f*cker ;)
Is there a down side to taking Creatine all the time?


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Can't find the thread, ****s buried in the depths of

Something about downregulation, yaddiyada.

Basically, after taking it for a month straight it should only be taken at 3 grams on workout days only.

Cooper was talking about it on somewhere.


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But an extended break wasn't recommended?


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You know me, Im a creatine always kinda guy but honestly Im probably gonna stick with it in pct only this round. Right now Im on nothing but a multi and the occasional Monster for all the OT I'm doing. This means Im primed for dem gainz brotha!

Excite to see how Msten feels about a week in for them notorious pumps! BTW Hyde didn't you run an Msten stack this year? What were your dosages and duration? Im thinking of running 6 weeks with two bottles, thats 3 caps a day. Pretty sure they are 10mg each so thats 30mg daily. Not looking for a bulk, gonna carb cycle so thats not the reason for the 30 a day. You know how we do, hard and in charge…
Yeah, I moved through a bottle of Ultradrol in about 3 wks (the last 3 of a 7 wk cycle that was kicked with Cyanostane) stacked on top of 8 caps/day of Finaflex's 1-Alpha, 6 tabs/day of AMS's 4AD, & 3/day of their DecaSARM. Msten doses ranged from 16mg for the first few days up through 28mg the last few. For some reason the sealed & totally legit bottle actually had far more than 90 caps, I'd say 120-something if I recall. I was kinda baffled but never contacted Antaeus since it was working totally as expected.

20mg/day was fantastic in the stack; zero sides other than some back pumps. 28mg I felt like I was going to die from my massive bloodpressure headaches; my bp is normally 120/70 & at the doctors it was 155/60 on Msten & those dheas. Even on 1g of TUDCA/day (750mg is actually the prime dose before diminishing returns according to pubmed I've read though) & tons of water my piss was getting quite dark in a frighteningly short period. Even with potassium, electrolytes, & 20+g of taurine the pumps & cramps were a nightmare. I'd wake up from a massive charlie horse screaming every few nights, or calves would just cramp & spasm randomly.

People seem to forget how toxic Msten is because it's so mild at lower doses - it's dimethyl-M1T, structurally, & that seems to translate in the hepatoxicity. I strongly recommend considering 20mg & stacking with something milder like a non-methyl progestin or a 1/4dhea if you need more, but 8wks on Msten is a very sketchy idea, especially at your proposed dosing. I'm on 15mg of M1T right now with a gram of boldione/day w/ 500mg TUDCA & my piss looks excellent, for comparison. Msten is quite toxic.

Is there a down side to taking Creatine all the time?
As Jim mentioned, decreased sensitivity.

But an extended break wasn't recommended?
I believe it was Penn State or another major university that conducted a major 5yr long-term study on the effects of creatine on healthy males & their livers & kidneys. The subjects were given anywhere from 5g to 25g (depending on their group) of creatine monohydrate every single day for 5 years straight. Even the men who took 25g of mono EVERY day showed no noticeable increases in kidney or liver values, although it was found that the excessive consumption in no way improved effectiveness.

So it has been proven to be safe long-term, for healthy men at least.

No, just the natural cyclical nature of only taking them on workout days.
This seems like the most logical move to me anyway - cycling things often makes the body more receptive to the changes when they're re-introduced.


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Thanks for the info, Hyde. I switched to 3g/day months ago based on something I read on one of Palmfists 200 logs, but missed the part about skipping off-days.


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Thanks for the info, Hyde. I switched to 3g/day months ago based on something I read on one of Palmfists 200 logs, but missed the part about skipping off-days.
I had a doctor a couple years back try to unload some bs on me about creatine being dangerous to my kidneys & I decided to start researching. Turns out there's been quite a bit of human study, & it all says creatine mono is safe as can be.


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Thanks for the info, Hyde. I switched to 3g/day months ago based on something I read on one of Palmfists 200 logs, but missed the part about skipping off-days.
The way I do is shake 2-3G in my pre and that's all I take.

Palm quit making new logs I can't keep track of you as it is.


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Thanks Hyde. Not running 8 weeks of msten. Its 4-6 depending on how I feel. The last week of msten I'll throw in the Reaper. The Epi is dosed pretty high in the reaper but hopefully msten then epi won't be too hard on the system.

Had an unnamed rep over on swoldiers trying to argue with me about toxicity caused by creatine and having elevated creatanine levels while using it was a sure sign of toxicity. I'm like bro, just stop. Creatine is literally the most studied and researched workout supplement in the industry


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Thanks Hyde. Not running 8 weeks of msten. Its 4-6 depending on how I feel. The last week of msten I'll throw in the Reaper. The Epi is dosed pretty high in the reaper but hopefully msten then epi won't be too hard on the system.

Had an unnamed rep over on swoldiers trying to argue with me about toxicity caused by creatine and having elevated creatanine levels while using it was a sure sign of toxicity. I'm like bro, just stop. Creatine is literally the most studied and researched workout supplement in the industry
Lol wonder what he'd think about me being on M1T :nana:

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