Out of the Game for a while- Advice on BEST current PH Products



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Help guys and old friends. I am looking for info on new / current cutting edge PH's, PCT Products, Cycle Support products, and any new potential ON CYCLE supplements that have been added to the science of a successful run. I am almost 40 years old now and haven't run a cycle since 2009.
Previous products ran...
Original Epistane, Havoc, Original DS Superdrol, and Kilosports Trenadrol.
I still have half a bottle (short 2 week cycle's worth) of my treasured DS Superdrol, a full bottle of Desoxydrol (Original Phera Clone), full bottle of liquid Clomid, and half bottle of liquid Nolvadex.

I hope to hear from some of my old friends here that always supported me back when I was introduced to the PH / Supplement world. I have missed you guys and I am happy to be back. Cheers guys and gals, Angel77


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well sorry to disappoint u but there won't be any legal ( available ) ph right now that will even touch the gainz from old stuff u got, just go to UK retailer and get you some of them good ph ds.


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a full bottle of Desoxydrol (Original Phera Clone)
I am sure thats not good anymore. But if you send it to me I will dispose of it for you ;)

No. For real.
Like hamdy said there is nothing nearly as strong anymore. However you might get something out of UK or be lucky and find some left Trest bottles somewhere.

The new PHs are all DHEA derivatives (well im not sure about 11-ketotest).

There is 1dhea - 2step conversion to 1testosteronr -quite powerful but probably not as much as a methylated designersteroid but still liver toxic etc.

4dhea - 2step to testosterone. Mild base. Aromatizes.

Epiandrosterone/androsterone - DHT prohormones. Nice and dry but as solo runs probably only good for a cut.

2dhea - will convert to desoxytest a non methylated phera. Pretty new to the marked but may be a good bulker. However the goal hormone as acetate ester seems to be hit or miss so that might hold true with this also.

19nordhea- 2step to deca. Nearly impossible to get good doses with that price tag.

1,4dhea- 2step equipoise same problem as with the 19nordhea

11oxo- converts to 11-ketotest - its rumored that doses of around 1g/day gives epistane like results. However its pretty costy again.

11ketotest as transdermal - primary androgen in fish - dry and lowers cortisol. Is good for cuts at low dose. May be good at bulks in high dose but that would cost pretty much again.


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As far as PCT there is BLR Rebirth wich may have SERM like properties but since you got research SERMs theres no need for it.
Then there is OL Sup3r PCT wich is a nice all around help for your SERM and also one of the best bets for otc pct.

As far as support: OL Ar1macare Pro is the way to go for complete support.

If you dont want arimistane or estrogen control you may go with Brawn On Cycle Support.
More TUDCA is a nice addition to both.
For otc prolactin control go for SNS inhibit p.
For cortisol control SNS reduce XT or ironlegion bAET.

And then there are the SARMs too.
Ostsrine the mild one
LGD the tried and true
RAD the powerful fast acting one that will give bad lethargy to most after 4 weeks.
YK11 the new one wich lowers myostatin and seems to give great strength.


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I'm sort of in the same boat as the OP, so rather than making a new thread I'll piggy-back. I just found some old stuff I used back in 2008-09; 2 bottles of iFORCE Bold 200, a bottle of Rebound XT, a bottle of iFORCE Reversitol, and about 4 bottles of IFORCE Testabolan.

I'm looking to run a mild PH cycle to bulk and it seems like 1-Andro might be the way to go. Thoughts on that? I'm also wondering if I could/should use any of the things I recently found.


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I'm sort of in the same boat as the OP, so rather than making a new thread I'll piggy-back. I just found some old stuff I used back in 2008-09; 2 bottles of iFORCE Bold 200, a bottle of Rebound XT, a bottle of iFORCE Reversitol, and about 4 bottles of IFORCE Testabolan.

I'm looking to run a mild PH cycle to bulk and it seems like 1-Andro might be the way to go. Thoughts on that? I'm also wondering if I could/should use any of the things I recently found.
Don't use the BOLD. Give it to me :D

Yes. 1dhea would be the best way but I would advice you to stack at least one of 4 andro or epiandro to combat lethargy.
You may stack another dhea derivate also. If I was ansent for so long however I would use a SARM at first. 4 to 6 weeks of LGD should be a nice run and after that I would build a nice stack around the BOLD for the next cycle.


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Don't use the BOLD. Give it to me :D

Yes. 1dhea would be the best way but I would advice you to stack at least one of 4 andro or epiandro to combat lethargy.
You may stack another dhea derivate also. If I was ansent for so long however I would use a SARM at first. 4 to 6 weeks of LGD should be a nice run and after that I would build a nice stack around the BOLD for the next cycle.
Thanks for the response. I'm guessing the BOLD is likely better than most legal PHs today? I remember it did work well when I used it alongside Testabolan. I didn't use a SERM for PCT. I believe I tapered off the testabolan for 4 weeks post-cycle and used Rebound XT during that time as well. Seems like the general consensus now is to be using Clomid or Nolva after any of these new prohormone options, which makes things a bit more complicated for me. I guess I have some research to do because I admit to not knowing WHY I would be taking some of these compounds.

The LGD is interesting. Is that something relatively new in the last few years? Is there anything that needs to be run alongside it or a necessary PCT afterwards.


LGD/RAD only newer things that could mirror results from old PH/DS I've used LGD many times it's my favorite compounds I can confidently say it gives gains equal to some of the older DS


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yates84 made a good write up for SERMs and PCT. Just can't seem to find it right now at the phone.

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