Original Halodrol-50 and ADD/ADHD medication


Mar 26, 2007
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a friend and i both have ADD with acute ADHD and we both take medication. We recently purchased a few boxes of Halodrol-50 the original batch and we starting thinking what effects, if any, would this have while we're on medication? If anyone has ever taken a steroid or PH while on medication could you please share any information or any caution that my friend and I should take or consider. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
depends on the medication. strattera, for instance, is fairly hepatoxic i believe, which would make it a bad choice for stacking with halodrol without proper precautions
holysh*t thats exactly what I take...what would you recommend??? my friend takes focalin...have you heard of anything about this medication? I realize most medications are hepatoxic b/c they get broken down in the liver so would a high does of say milk thistle and a liver support supplement help? We were planning on taking these supplements anyway but what you recommend and what doses now that you brought up the whole hepatoxic thing...im really glad I posted this thread. Thanks for the heads up and help.
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i dont know about the liver toxicity of these medicines, but i do know many of them suppress your appetite, so just make sure u keep ur cals up and get your meals in!
i think the focalin will be alright, it's extended release ritalin and should be ok with halodrol. i was on strattera before and came across this information: http://add.about.com/od/medications/a/stratterawarn.htm

saying that they were required to put a warning on strattera about possible liver toxicity. it appears to be extremely rare, but your best bet would be to try to get bloodwork and check your values to see if they are within normal range now before you start
war...very interesting thanks. My doctor never told me about this sh*t. Let's say im not taking the strattera I should check my liver anyway...this is BS. When I do take the Halo, how often should I get it tested? Before and then after? or during also? I want to make sure I'm safe and I'll def. be using all the supplement supports I can. Thanks again.
best thing to do would be tell your doctor you read about the strattera and liver damage and see if he will have you sent for bloodwork or something, if your finances permit you to do so. then check to see if you are within a normal healthy range before starting the halodrol, and get further bloodwork around your cycle if you so desire.

don't lose any sleep over the link, it was just meant as a precaution. if you read it it said the problems were extremely rare, just better to be safe than sorry
yeah it said out of the 2 million users the 2 were reported. Thts good to know b/c i've been on this stuff since jan. 2004 i think. I'm sure in the 3yrs i wouldve noticed something