Nutrabio supplement test positive for Ostarine



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Then you didn’t read this whole thread where Nutrabio just proved the batch wasn’t contaminated…
Meh. I still like the product I use which is a better price.


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Then you didn’t read this whole thread where Nutrabio just proved the batch wasn’t contaminated…
Wait, was it actually proven, or just claims by the CEO that it’s tested and clean?


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Wait, was it actually proven, or just claims by the CEO that it’s tested and clean?
All cGMP companies are REQUIRED BY LAW to hold bottles from each and every lot produced. They sent these bottles to two different testing facilities and they both tested clean, just like every other user of said product of which some will have been tested athletes and NO ONE ELSE is popping? Hmmmmmmm.

I want to see the company that made the BCAA's or aminos he was taking do the same and prove this guy is a lying POS.

For the record I have ZERO issue with doping in sports, I support it actually. What I don't support is torpedoing a highly reputable company, potentially costing them untold amounts of money potentially affecting employees and their family's economically because some giant dbag pos can't take responsibility. **** that guy.


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All cGMP companies are REQUIRED BY LAW to hold bottles from each and every lot produced. They sent these bottles to two different testing facilities and they both tested clean, just like every other user of said product of which some will have been tested athletes and NO ONE ELSE is popping? Hmmmmmmm.

I want to see the company that made the BCAA's or aminos he was taking do the same and prove this guy is a lying POS.

For the record I have ZERO issue with doping in sports, I support it actually. What I don't support is torpedoing a highly reputable company, potentially costing them untold amounts of money potentially affecting employees and their family's economically because some giant dbag pos can't take responsibility. **** that guy.
UNfortunately this is common. They have to blame someone so...whatever supplement company they can think of.
LOTS of examples of this. Its pretty Shi%^y. People need to take responsibility for their own actions. Only cowards let others take the fall for them. Snitches belong in ditches.


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I Think it was called aspire36 or something. **** was spiked with viagra and was selling like hot cakes... we use to love these added ingredients lol


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You would be surprised at how many products are spiked. Used to be even more. Or products that have only some of the labeled ingredients or none etc etc. Sometimes the brand doesn't know because manufacturers are terrible and cut corners and costs as much as possible. This is exactly why I control our supply chain so strictly. I personally weigh and add every ingredient to the mixer. And I personally source all the raw materials. So I know that when we say xxx on the label xxx is in the product.


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UNfortunately this is common. They have to blame someone so...whatever supplement company they can think of.
LOTS of examples of this. Its pretty Shi%^y. People need to take responsibility for their own actions. Only cowards let others take the fall for them. Snitches belong in ditches.

Guy is a liar and a MORON. Had he simply said, these aminos I am taking are spiked, the ones from the Body Health, the ones that only market on IG and are far more questionable quality wise(the company is a deceitful/lying marketing company but that is another story.) it might have been a little easier to believe, at least plausible. NO, this dipshit blames both companies, with Nutrabio being one of the most honest and thorough with testing, what an idiot. Also as I have said already the odds of BOTH sports supplements, from two different companies, testing positive for osta is basically zero.


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UNfortunately this is common. They have to blame someone so...whatever supplement company they can think of.
To show you how poorly thought out Garcia is he apparently assumed that, 1. Nutrabio would just take this lying down and wouldn't contest his allegations. And, 2. That they wouldn't have some way of testing an unsealed sample from the same production run to prove that their product wasn't spiked or contaminated.

He was going to come off poorly whatever his response but trying to shift the blame to the supplement companies just makes him look like a complete idiot in light of the test results.


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Guy is a liar and a MORON. Had he simply said, these aminos I am taking are spiked, the ones from the Body Health, the ones that only market on IG and are far more questionable quality wise(the company is a deceitful/lying marketing company but that is another story.) it might have been a little easier to believe, at least plausible. NO, this dipshit blames both companies, with Nutrabio being one of the most honest and thorough with testing, what an idiot. Also as I have said already the odds of BOTH sports supplements, from two different companies, testing positive for osta is basically zero.
Yah if you were going to blame someone Nutrabio wasnt the right call lol.


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To show you how poorly thought out Garcia is he apparently assumed that, 1. Nutrabio would just take this lying down and wouldn't contest his allegations. And, 2. That they wouldn't have some way of testing an unsealed sample from the same production run to prove that their product wasn't spiked or contaminated.

He was going to come off poorly whatever his response but trying to shift the blame to the supplement companies just makes him look like a complete idiot in light of the test results.
I mean......obviously the guy isnt too bright. Hes clearly using the drug in question and isnt smart enough to figure out how long itll take to clear his system. Or better yet just not use substances that are tested for. There are a BUNCH of compounds that can be utilized that are not really detectable or not tested for directly. How do you think the "natural Olympia" guys get in such great shape? Genetics lol. I know more than one of the top natty competitors and none of them are clean at all. Not even close.


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the odds of BOTH sports supplements, from two different companies, testing positive for osta is basically zero.
The sad thing is that I bet that somehow this simpleton actually thought that blaming both companies for having spiked or contaminated products would somehow validate his claims when, as you pointed out, it only makes his claims even less plausible.

Is anybody advising this guy or is he just making it up as he goes?
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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Maybe he was sabotaged. Someone who had access to his supplements.

I still stand with Nutrabio.


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Maybe he was sabotaged. Someone who had access to his supplements.

I still stand with Nutrabio.
I think that’s an extremely plausible cause given his earlier camp pee was clean, then he tests with this super small amount at the end. And the 2 different unrelated supps both being spiked.

But where he messed up, was trying to pin it on the companies instead of trying to keep the responsibility pinned in his camp.

Stupid petty people get what they deserve, sometimes.


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Given the prevalence of PED's in sports (even curlers are taking them now) I have a hard time buying a conspiracy theory where someone in Garcia's camp contaminated his supplements.

If we're going to buy this fairy tale then anytime someone fails a drug test they can pull the "I never knowingly took any PED's." defense and then provide a contaminated supplement sample so that they can absolve themselves of any responsibility for their actions and try to pin the blame on some anonymous perpetrator.


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Given the prevalence of PED's in sports (even curlers are taking them now) I have a hard time buying a conspiracy theory where someone in Garcia's camp contaminated his supplements.

If we're going to buy this fairy tale then anytime someone fails a drug test they can pull the "I never knowingly took any PED's." defense and then provide a contaminated supplement sample so that they can absolve themselves of any responsibility for their actions and try to pin the blame on some anonymous perpetrator.
Lol don’t get the wrong idea; that’s definitely not going to hold up at all - you are still responsible in sport testing for failing a piss test. If your camp sucks and hates the athlete, that’s still on them.

Pulling that card is purely a PR move to try to save some face - it won’t clean the test. But now this dude is likely going to get sued for slander by Nutrabio.


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I think that’s an extremely plausible cause given his earlier camp pee was clean, then he tests with this super small amount at the end. And the 2 different unrelated supps both being spiked.

But where he messed up, was trying to pin it on the companies instead of trying to keep the responsibility pinned in his camp.

Stupid petty people get what they deserve, sometimes.
I agree with you that something about the situation just doesn't add up because like you said, the tests from earlier in his camp were clean - so its odd that he would have last minute decided to use something that anyone could have told him would still be in his system and that wouldn't have even had any performance enhancement benefit at the dosages that were in his system.

Also, the dosages in his system were so low that they do suggest a cross contamination level of use - meaning that from the time of the last clean test, even if he had used Ostarine for only a couple weeks at a low dose, higher levels should have been in his system. The levels in his system do suggest a cross contamination dose BUT I don't think its from the supplements that he blamed.

I think there's a chance what you said happened, but I think there's also a couple of other plausible theories.

When these athletes are tested, they are supposed to declare any supplements they are taking. Maybe he didn't declare something else he was taking, whether because he didn't want them to know or bc he simply forgot or didn't take it long, and that was what was cross contaminated. He wouldn't then be able to blame it on that bc he may have finished it or thrown it out, but also blaming it on one he didn't list would be admitting he lied or omitted something on the testing form, which is an offense in itself.

Maybe he took some other performance enhancer or research chemical that wouldn't show up in a test, and it itself was what was cross contaminated with Ostarine. That would line up bc repeated testing of things like that have shown huge cross contamination issues.

If Garcia's team really believed what they were saying, it seems the next step for them would have been to purchase sealed containers and have them sent out for testing. If they did, they haven't announced it. If they didn't, then I think it says something that they didn't.

Irregardless though, to blame it on the wrong products is absolutely terrible.

Both companies accused should have (and probably are having) independent labs find the exact batch numbers for sale at third party retailers and buy them directly (the labs buying them allows for strict chain of custody) and have them sent directly to the labs for testing. If confirmed there is no cross contamination, they should sue him.


The thing that I'm surprised by the most is that the sanctioning body didn't try to find and buy a sealed container of the batches of accused supplements from third party retailers and have them sent directly to the lab for testing.

I think that that is a needed step in situations like this - if an athlete is going to make an accusation like this in order to get a reduced punishment from an athletic committee or sanctioning body, I think the open container that the athlete has should be tested but I think a sealed container should be purchased by the sanctioning body of the same batch and sent out for independent testing direct from third party retailer to the lab. That keeps chain of custody intact and gives a definitive answer and I think if the athlete is found to be lying, they should be punished for that in addition to the punishment for failing the drug test to begin with.


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Pulling that card is purely a PR move to try to save some face - it won’t clean the test. But now this dude is likely going to get sued for slander by Nutrabio.
Yeah I didn't mean to suggest that this defense would be a "Get out of jail for free" card to get around a failed test. The system encourages the athletes who get caught to lie. If they tell the truth, that the guys getting caught are just the tip of the iceberg, that they knew what they were taking and just screwed up their cycle they'll actually get a more severe punishment.

That's why you get guys like Shane Mosley who was taking BALCO designer steroids (and passing all of his drug tests) afterward when BALCO got busted claiming,"I didn't know what it was...I thought it was flaxseed oil...I was pressured into taking didn't provide any benefit...etc."

When they get caught their management must also tell them that it's a good PR move to play dumb and act like the victim "Gee I had no idea how those PED's got into my system...I never knowingly have taken any PED' personal trainer slipped it into my supplements without telling me...etc."

At least in Mosley's case he had enough sense not to blame "spiked" or "contaminated" supplements because as you pointed out Garcia may well end up getting sued over this.

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