Nutrabio supplement test positive for Ostarine



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If anyone follows boxing, its been known that Garcia got popped for Ostarine during his drug test after the Haney fight. The doping agency tested the supplements he said he was taking…….

“Two supplements listed on doping control forms submitted by star boxer Ryan Garcia before his win over Devin Haney showed the presence of the banned substance ostarine, according to Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory (SMRTL) reports released

The doping control forms - which were viewed by ESPN -- were submitted alongside Garcia's urine-sample collections on April 19 and 20 (the day before and day of the fight), both of which returned adverse findings for ostarine.

The supplements: raspberry-lemonade flavored NutraBio SuperCarb (which showed the presence of ostarine at 70-2200 picograms per gram powder) and Body Health strawberry-flavored amino-acid blend (660 to 830 picograms). The other supplements Garcia listed on the forms: D3, iron, Thorne elite multivitamins and magnesium glycinate.”

If any of you guys get tested, be careful out here


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Crappy to think you are taking a supplement and it's spiked with or contains something you don't want. Shady


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Yea not like he couldn't add it in himself just for when that situation he knew was coming, came. Pretty bold claim that Nutrabio spikes.

The cheater got caught guys. Pretty obvious to me.


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has mark glazier spoken about this ?


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If you read the full article, it shows others are skeptical of the results.


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Ya I was mostly joking I haven’t even really looked into the specifics of this, I haven’t used Supercarb in a decent bit, but it was my go to hbcd for awhile.


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Ya I was mostly joking I haven’t even really looked into the specifics of this, I haven’t used Supercarb in a decent bit, but it was my go to hbcd for awhile.
I knew you were. But OP only wanted to share part of the story. Ofc the lawyers are saying this. It is their job to protect their client.

I just LOL at Nutrabio being folks who spike with sarms. Anyone can spike and reseal tubs.


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Ironic thing is, Nutrabio takes such pride in being transparent. Should we really believe that their SuperCarb product was the culprit?
nope i like nutrabio and do believe what they stand for .. since it was "picograms" found .. would like to know how it got into HBCD lol
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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They had controls and everything or did they just test bottles Ryan handed over?

I could easily sprinkle some ostarine into a few caps.
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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nope i like nutrabio and do believe what they stand for .. since it was "picograms" found .. would like to know how it got into HBCD lol
In these situations I would like to blame the actual manufacturer for cross contamination. Knowingly or unknowingly. Nutrition doesn't produce in house; do they?


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I had read that they didn't have chain of custody for the supplements and those submitted for testing were already opened? If that's the case, why would anyone believe the information?

edited to add the following from the article: Of course, not everyone agrees. Victor Conte, who works with Haney as a sports nutritionist and performance adviser, told ESPN the supplement “test results simply cannot be authenticated because there is no chain of custody.” Indeed, the lab reports indicated the supplements submitted were unsealed.


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You guys are really just going to believe what he says and blame it on a supplement? lol


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Oh great now Nutabio going to be the next ThermoLife and just fight legal wars and not sell supplements (j/k)


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I knew you were. But OP only wanted to share part of the story. Ofc the lawyers are saying this. It is their job to protect their client.

I just LOL at Nutrabio being folks who spike with sarms. Anyone can spike and reseal tubs.
You and apparently everyone else missed the satire in the last sentence of the post. Like everyone else has said, I don’t believe Nutrabio shid is spiked and I would expect Nutrabio to sue his a**. When this first happened, he claimed it was an ashwagandha supplement now its two separate things.


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In these situations I would like to blame the actual manufacturer for cross contamination. Knowingly or unknowingly. Nutrition doesn't produce in house; do they?
I actually think they do which makes it even more unlikely that their shid was spiked. He got caught and is now tryna save face. Blaming them though tarnishes their reputation and could hurt their business which I imagine will cause them to sue for damages


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The way that this would/should work is that they would send the open container for testing to see if it tested positive.

Then, if it did, his attorneys or the testing body would/should buy a container from the same batch and have it tested to see if the test results from that match the test results from the open containers they sent in.

What they shouldn't do - is be talking about it or making accusations about it until the sealed containers have been tested.

If the results from the test that he sent on the open container don't match the results from a sealed one, or if they don't pursue having a sealed one tested, this is going to make Garcia look worse than he already does and also likely leave him open to a massive lawsuit from Nutrabio.

If, by some very slim chance, the sealed Nutrabio product does test positive, which I doubt it will, its important to understand that those levels are so low that there's no way that they put it in there on purpose bc it would be absolutely no reason to.

My question in the whole Garcia situation that I haven't seen addressed is that he tested positive on the sample before the fight, but were there no drug tests leading up to the fight while they were in camp? Because if there were, they must have been clean. The levels that Garcia tested for were very low - so they either seem they would indicate cross contamination somewhere IF he was tested and clean leading up to the fight, or if he wasn't testing leading up to the fight then it could have been some left in his system from prior use at some point. If they aren't able to replicate the positive tests on sealed bottles, then he's going to wind up looking worse than he already does and NB should take major action against him.

I feel bad for Nutrabio because this is no win for them. Because Garcia has such a large platform, some people that don't know the facts are going to see it and believe it and view them negatively; and if by a slim chance it is true, I know its not something that would have been intentional on their end.


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I was going to say isn’t the likely scenario he gets sued by Nutrabio because they seem to be claiming stuff before it’s all settled (as much more elaborately put above which is the way I assumed the process worked)?


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Yea not like he couldn't add it in himself just for when that situation he knew was coming, came. Pretty bold claim that Nutrabio spikes.

The cheater got caught guys. Pretty obvious to me.
What are the odds that BOTH of the "sports supplements" from TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT companies just happened to have ostarine?????? F*ck this guy, got caught and is taking ZERO responsibility. (UNT.
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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@sns8778 Garcia's camp posted three or four drug tests that he took leading up to the match. This was after the failed tests of course.


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@sns8778 Garcia's camp posted three or four drug tests that he took leading up to the match. This was after the failed tests of course.
Thanks. I didn't see those, but I haven't really followed it. I just wondered about that when they made the official announcement that he failed because it was odd to see someone fail for something like Ostarine the day of the fight but not fail tests in the lead up to it if there had been tests for it because that was a super low amount of Ostarine and even mega dosing Ostarine days prior to a fight wouldn't have any benefit. Plus, he'd have to know he was going to get tested the day of.

Most of the time you see a combat sports athlete test positive super close to a fight but have clean tests in camp, its for something like EPO, Cardarine, or Testosterone - things that might make a difference in endurance and aggression.

The whole situation is odd.

I still think that everyone should reserve judgement and not blame Nutrabio for anything based off the results of an open container. I'm really surprised, from a legal liability standpoint, that his camp even released that without a sealed container having been tested to confirm it.

I think absolute worst case, if they do test a sealed container and it comes back positive, that it wasn't intentional from the company's end because they would have no reason to intentionally add a trace amount in there like that.


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Why these idiots think they can pass a drug test at this point in medicine is ridiculous.

I saw this news story last night, glad it was posted here.

To slander NutraBio is such a scumbag move. Blaming it on a carb powder 🤦‍♂️
NB doesn’t even put out the legal dheas let alone sarms…So where tf would ‘cross contamination’ come from?


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Why these idiots think they can pass a drug test at this point in medicine is ridiculous.

I saw this news story last night, glad it was posted here.

To slander NutraBio is such a scumbag move. Blaming it on a carb powder 🤦‍♂️
NB doesn’t even put out the legal dheas let alone sarms…So where tf would ‘cross contamination’ come from?
I can answer your question, but I want to make it clear to anyone reading that its an answer to the question of how cross contamination can happen and is not specific to the situation being discussed and that I think everyone should give NB the benefit of the doubt on this because test results on an open container aren't really proof of anything.

Levels that low would imply cross contamination, not intentional dosing.

That could mean that a product was made in a contract manufacturing facility that makes those types of ingredients and then makes regular products, and in that case, there may have been some residual material left over in the mixer or capsule filler (if a capsule product).

This could also mean that there was cross contamination somewhere in the supply chain. For example, if you order - okay, this was funny, I was going to use your username as an example but that didn't work bc Rad would be a sarm name haha. But anyway, let's say you order raw material xyz from a raw material vendor and the facility producing that material also processes Ostarine, there could have been a residual amount left over somewhere there that cross contaminated one of the raw materials that went into the supplement.

In the above case, that wouldn't mean the company didn't test the raw material - they could have tested it and it could have tested out correctly bc they were testing to confirm what it was and the percent purity, not necessarily for cross contamination with something else. In that case, that would be a terrible but completely unintentional situation.


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I enjoy boxing but didn't have a particular side I was pulling for in that fight. I don't think that the amount of Ostarine in Garcia's system aided him in any way in the fight itself, and if he tested negative for it in the leadup to the fight, then it wouldn't have been in his system in his training camp. The advantage of coming in 3 lbs. over the limit for the fight was by far more of a factor in the fight than trace amounts of Ostarine would have been. Plus, Garcia fought the fight of his life.

I feel so bad for Nutrabio because this really shouldn't have come out publicly unless a sealed container was independently tested and tested positive.

Nutrabio usually addresses issues like this head on. If they do not make a statement, no one should take that as any inference of guilt - if they don't make any statement, its likely bc their lawyers will probably tell them not to until they get test results back on a sealed retention sample themselves.


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^ appreciate the reply!

I assumed NB had their own facility…


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^ appreciate the reply!

I assumed NB had their own facility…
They do, Mark even likes to make youtube videos and tour the "beyond GMP" facility. That does not eliminate the possibility of raw materials being contaminated.


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Obviously spiked it himself. Athletes at that level would surely get all their supps tested first before ingesting no? Especially when a positive test costs you untold millions
Yea I would be super careful if it were me and my career on the line.


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Yea I would be super careful if it were me and my career on the line.
Fighting at the highest level, it’s just a given there will be guys who will do whatever they think they can get away with for an edge. While it’s not impossible NB’s raws weren’t just contaminated, it’s about 100x more likely that dumb-dumb put some in the containers he submitted for testing.

This is gonna cost Garcia everything when it backfires on him.


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It is really surprising that given Nutrabio's branding is all about transparency and quality of raws, they haven't invested in additional informed sport testing.


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It is really surprising that given Nutrabio's branding is all about transparency and quality of raws, they haven't invested in additional informed sport testing.
Well, if you owned a company would you want to pay to have every single lot tested for every single drug on wada's banned list?(beyond the normal legal required ones you already do)

There can't be many raw sources for HBCD so it should be straightforward to find out if they also produce ostarine raws(highly doubt it) also NB sells thousands of these hbcd jugs and garcia is the ONLY one who popped globally, same for the aminos he has...................hmmmmmmmmm. Fuckin liar. Also an idiot, if you are going to dope choose something worthwhile, flipping ostarine? ffs


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Derek from MPMD made a couple of posts about this situation, definitely worth a watch on the youtubes. Seems to be cross-contamination rather than informed ingestion. Salient points including the half-life of SARMs being relatively long compared to other, more efficacious PEDs which would have much better, more desirable effects for a boxer preparing for a fight (if he was trying to get an edge). Derek did break down clinical trials on elimination/excretion profiles tied to the likely amount ingested to yield the picograms which he tested for, which makes it near impossible to have been Ostarine-specific supplementation (unless companies are making 50 microgram doses 🤷‍♂️)

I don't have a dog in the race, so please don't read me as a Garcia apologist. I just enjoy the sport and supplements, so this is a ven diagram which hits for me. Also to note, Victor Conte would normally be a very reputable source on a topic like this, but given his close relationship to Haney, he has been making purposely misleading statements about the test results - "ostarine has a .1ng allowable limit, and Garcia tested 60x above the limit." While absolutely true, testing for 6ng is still outrageously low, and not at all consistent with performance enhancing effects, nor taking an Ostarine-specific supplement.

I'll continue lurking for more nutrabio/supp company talk. The fact that his lawyers specifically named 2 companies and supplements is really interesting, you'd think they are damn expensive lawyers considering the amount of money and his reputation being on the line, so making this claim seemingly opens him up to potential lawsuits if it weren't true. I hope this continues to get some media coverage, I'm fascinated to see how this plays out.


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Well, if you owned a company would you want to pay to have every single lot tested for every single drug on wada's banned list?(beyond the normal legal required ones you already do)

There can't be many raw sources for HBCD so it should be straightforward to find out if they also produce ostarine raws(highly doubt it) also NB sells thousands of these hbcd jugs and garcia is the ONLY one who popped globally, same for the aminos he has...................hmmmmmmmmm. Fuckin liar. Also an idiot, if you are going to dope choose something worthwhile, flipping ostarine? ffs
It is clearly a commercial decision not to pay for the extra certification, which i understand. Would perhaps fit better with their transparency and purity branding which they built their reputation on. Just a shame this has happened, as could seriously damage their rep. I hope Glazier has engaged some good counsel.


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I did see a few posts on Nutrabio’s story on Instagram that they said they are going to aggressively look into the claims Ryan has made and don’t take allegations like this lightly.
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This is a terrible, terrible thing to happen to one of the industry's "good guys". NB has worked long and hard to be transparent, true to label etc. and production in house ain't cheap. Their products are in many cases very solid, with several of their multi-ingredient products showing some real thought behind the formulas. Quite rare today...

The practical effect may now be wider application of NSF. Not necessarily a bad thing, but understand it's going to add considerably to the cost (in most cases). Interested to see how this turns out..


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While I think the chance Nutrabio is spiking their aminos and carbs with SARMs is absolute 0 there is one possibility that, in theory, makes sense. I think they do their own manufacturing but not 100%. But most likely "someone" was mixing sarms in the v blender or whichever mixer they have and it wasn't adequately cleaned before they mixed the next batch. This type of " contamination" is extremely common because when your running a manufacturing facility at full steam ahead many/most dont clean the mixers after every batch because then it isnt usable until it completely dries. 24 hours or so. This leads to contamination. Picograms is microscopic amounts (We are talking 1mg=1000000000 pg.) but its enough to ping on a test apparently. If this is proven, that there was SARMS in the products, its gonna be a real problem for Nutrabio.
I dont know either way, just making an observation as this is the first thing that came to mind when I read the story.
Nutrabio has always seemed like a standup company to me.
But things happen.


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This is a terrible, terrible thing to happen to one of the industry's "good guys". NB has worked long and hard to be transparent, true to label etc. and production in house ain't cheap. Their products are in many cases very solid, with several of their multi-ingredient products showing some real thought behind the formulas. Quite rare today...

The practical effect may now be wider application of NSF. Not necessarily a bad thing, but understand it's going to add considerably to the cost (in most cases). Interested to see how this turns out..
I for one am FUCKING TIRED of BS related to "tested athletic" and their "needs" affecting those of us who DON'T GIVE A **** about tested ANYTHING. We already have the Anabolic Steroid Control act due to this BS and of course mulitple PH bans in order to protect the "sanctity of sports." I don't want to pay a single fucking penny more because some asshat fights in a cage and needs to be protected from "tainted" supplements.

Also why is it being ignored that BOTH of the "sports supplements" he was taking, FROM TWO DIFFERENT COMPANIES, both just happen to be "tainted." GTFOOH

Not directing this at you @Mixelflick this is a rant to the Dbags that worship at the alter of WADA.


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I for one am FUCKING TIRED of BS related to "tested athletic" and their "needs" affecting those of us who DON'T GIVE A **** about tested ANYTHING. We already have the Anabolic Steroid Control act due to this BS and of course mulitple PH bans in order to protect the "sanctity of sports." I don't want to pay a single fucking penny more because some asshat fights in a cage and needs to be protected from "tainted" supplements.

Also why is it being ignored that BOTH of the "sports supplements" he was taking, FROM TWO DIFFERENT COMPANIES, both just happen to be "tainted." GTFOOH

Not directing this at you @Mixelflick this is a rant to the Dbags that worship at the alter of WADA.
Here here!



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