Newbie needs help


I've been struggling with my diet, I know I don't eat enough and always end up eating crap food as snacks

I'm tryin to gain lean muscle an my diet is as follows

3 whole eggs, 3 egg whites and a cup of oats while sipping on whey shake

Pre workout
Oikos yogurt and a banana
Post workout
Whey shake
Some kind of meat, veggie and either pasta or a potato

I need help on what to eat extra
Very vague everything

If all you need is extra ways to get calories in go for fats as they are easy and calorie dense. Oils or nut butters
As driven said, we need more info. Height, weight, age, training style, how long, how often, do you know maint cals?
1 hour a day plus cardio... I would, at this point, say don't worry about a strict diet and just eat more food man.

Are you just moving out on your own or having trouble drumming up recipes to eat or?
1 hour a day plus cardio... I would, at this point, say don't worry about a strict diet and just eat more food man.

Are you just moving out on your own or having trouble drumming up recipes to eat or?

If you really want to gain, I would lower the cardio as well... no reason to burn extra calories if you cant even fit them in.

Start cramming in a shake anytime you can... throw some oats and pb in... anythign you can really to squeeze some more food into your day will help.
I feel like I eat healthy and all, but when I'm hungry for like a snack after bfast what do I eat, I always look at chips and stuff or I don't eat

My question is, is what do I eat that's gunna help lean muscle
Thanks for the response :)

If you really want to gain, I would lower the cardio as well... no reason to burn extra calories if you cant even fit them in.

Start cramming in a shake anytime you can... throw some oats and pb in... anythign you can really to squeeze some more food into your day will help.
Take meals or snack with you for when you get hungry! You could take nuts, peanut butter, yogurt, steak or some calorie dense meat, sandwiches...endless possibilities. Depends on what types of foods you like. Just take a little time the night before to get it ready for the next day or for a few days!
I feel like I eat healthy and all, but when I'm hungry for like a snack after bfast what do I eat, I always look at chips and stuff or I don't eat

My question is, is what do I eat that's gunna help lean muscle

like kat said, you can pack as many meals and snacks as you think you'll need/want... if you eat them great, if not, save them. In order to get where you want to be you have to think ahead a bit and put some effort into it. Food isn't miraculously going to get healthy from a vending machine. From the sound of it though, your biggest problem is NOT eat vs not eating healthy... Don't worry so much about every meal/snack being "clean" if gaining is your goal... it takes calories to grow and not eeating because there's not a perfect chicken and broccoli meal avaiable is all wrong. A bag of chips or some "junk" food is ok once in awhile to ensure your calories stay up. IIFYM guys do it all the time... its all about keeping a balance between enough "good" foods, and enough calories. Stick to good foods 80% of the time (or even in your case at your big, planned meals) and let the rest be whatever you want, within reason.
Thanks for the just a newbie and thanks for the info!

like kat said, you can pack as many meals and snacks as you think you'll need/want... if you eat them great, if not, save them. In order to get where you want to be you have to think ahead a bit and put some effort into it. Food isn't miraculously going to get healthy from a vending machine. From the sound of it though, your biggest problem is NOT eat vs not eating healthy... Don't worry so much about every meal/snack being "clean" if gaining is your goal... it takes calories to grow and not eeating because there's not a perfect chicken and broccoli meal avaiable is all wrong. A bag of chips or some "junk" food is ok once in awhile to ensure your calories stay up. IIFYM guys do it all the time... its all about keeping a balance between enough "good" foods, and enough calories. Stick to good foods 80% of the time (or even in your case at your big, planned meals) and let the rest be whatever you want, within reason.