Newbie mid cycle needs help, using Chem Tek Lab Trio


New member
So this is my first cycle I've ever done. I never really worked out in my life, I was always a naturally slim and fit guy, but I decided this year to start working out. I've been going at it hard since January and although I would get super cut, I couldn't manage to put on weight. I was stuck around the 145-148 lb mark and being 5'10 that's pretty skinny. So I was dating someone who was doing a cycle and got great results, so I decided to try it. I ordered the stuff and long story short I'm on the cycle and no longer speaking to that person, so I'm a little lost and have some general questions. the 3 products I'm taking are Chem Tek Labs Monstrosity, Chem Tek Labs Tren-A-Drol and Celtic Labs Epi; I'm taking 2 pills a day, I did 1 a day for a week then stepped up to 2 about a week and a half ago. I'm up to 159 lbs today, I've seen great noticeable gains! I haven't noticed any side effects other then I really have no sex drive, and I'm normally a really sexual person, but otherwise everything is smooth. I want to know what else, if anything, I should be taking along with this? And then when I'm done, I guess from what I'm seeing I need to figure out a post cycle? I just want to figure out the correct way to be doing all of this healthily. Again I'm really new and lost my teacher so I'm looking to you guys for help! Thanks in advance!
Really should not have started the cycle until you understood everything about it, these are questions that need to be researched and then asked about all before the cycle starts.

Need to get an on cycle support such as
CEL cycle assist
OL Arimicare pro

For post cycle you need to get a SERM (Nolva or Clomid) and some type of otc pct supp. That has a nat. Test booster in it other than Tribulus