New Product: Plasmatix-PE50 (plasma expander-vasodilator-growth agent)!


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Hi, guys. I figured I would drop the name and formula for the upcoming plasma expansion product, although in truth, it is much more than just a "plasma expander". I call it a plasma expander simply because that is its focus...and because NO OTHER COMPANY has come anywhere close to taking full advantage of this pathway for a pump. So, let's do a quick refresher before I list the formula.

What is a pump? We all know the answer to this question. The "pump" is the delivery of additional blood to working muscles during training. There are two primary pathways to achieving a pump. You can expand the blood vessels (N.O. boosters), which will allow blood to more easily flow into working muscles. Or two, you can increase the amount of blood, or plasma, within the body. This 2nd pathway has MUCH greater potential for enhancing the pump than the former, but we've never seen a company capitalize on it. We've seen plenty of companies release potent vasodilators, but not plasma expanders.

When it comes to oral plasma expanders, glycerol is STILL the King, but we typically see it being dosed (most often in the form of GlycerSize) in the 1-5 gram range, with 1-3 grams being typical. The main problem with 1-5 grams, and especially 1-3 grams, is that it doesn't work. Sure, it will still increase plasma at that dose, but not enough to make the product truly efficacious. It's like consuming 10 mg of caffeine and then expecting it to "work". If every company never used more than 5-10 mg of caffeine in their products, we would all conclude that caffeine doesn't really work and simply move on, but the truth is that caffeine is effective...when dosed properly. It's the same with glycerol.

But Plasmatix-PE50 is more than just a pump product. It also includes a massive dose of epicatechin; the highest in the industry....along with all the necessary bioavailability enhancers for maximum effectiveness.

With that said, the formula you see below MAY be tweaked depending on the production process, but this should be pretty close (if not exact) to what the product will ultimately be. Cost? It won't be cheap...because there is no way to make a product like this cheap. Just the GlycerPump alone costs OVER $20 per bottle (my cost). However, it will be priced VERY fairly for what it is. In fact, it will likely possess a lower profit margin that any other similar product on the market (although there really isn't any other product like it), which means you will get more for your money than with any other similar product. Like I said before, I am now committed to making TOP-TIER bodybuilding supplements. I want no rivals when it comes to the effectiveness of each product I release within its respective category. AS shown with ProSynthesis-BUILD, I am willing to add ingredients "at cost", thereby sacrificing profits, in order to get there. The pinnacle of effectiveness is my marketing angle. These products won't be for everyone, but it is the market niche I have chosen.

Product Name: Plasmatix-PE50

“Pro-Hyperaemic Agent w/ Anabolic Activators”

Plasma Expansion * Vasodilation * Hyperhydration * Myostatin Inhibition


Servings per Container:

Sodium : 604 mg
Potassium: 370 mg
Magnesium Glycinate: 200 mg

Plasma Expanders/ Vasodilators/ Osmolytes
GlycerSize®: 50,000 mg
Red Spinach Extract (std. for 20% nitrates): 5,000 mg (providing 1,000 mg pure nitrates)
Betaine Anhydrous: 3,000 mg
Creatine HCL: 3,000 mg
Taurine: 2,000 mg
Agmatine: 1,500 mg
Pink Himalayan Salt: 700 mg

N.O Modulators/ Tetrahydrobiopterin Stabilizers/ Nitrosamine Inhibitors
Emblica Officinalis Extract: 1,000 mg
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C): 300 mg
5-MTHF (L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate): 1,000 mcg

Myostatin & Angiotensin II Inhibitor
Epicatechin: 1,000 mg

Glycerol Stabilizer
Maltodextrin: 10 gm

Bioavailability Enhancement Complex
Green Tea Extract (std. for 50% EGCG): 100 mg
Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex: 50 mg
Octyl Gallate: 10 mg
AstraGin: 25 mg
😦 Mike, my friend, I hope you have a damn good lawyer and insurance because I may have to sue you for the flagrant case of priapism this post has given me. Thankfully I was away from the board for a while, otherwise I'd be d*ckless. Fuggin' hell man, this is sick.

I know there will be an exhaustive write-up coming out around the time it's ready to ship, so feel free to tell me to wait for that to find my answer, but I'm just genuinely curious about how you decided to land on the amount of 50g of Glycersize per serving?
I know there's a rhyme to your reason and science to your magic, so I hope this only comes across as genuine curiosity on why not just stopping at 20g or 30g or hell even 40g per serving, since it would undoubtedly save you some money!

Sheesh, between this and Proto-Build I have all of my non-daily supps covered. Bravo my friend, you're on a sick run. Feels something like the 2000-2014 golden years 👏

Mike Arnold

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😦 Mike, my friend, I hope you have a damn good lawyer and insurance because I may have to sue you for the flagrant case of priapism this post has given me. Thankfully I was away from the board for a while, otherwise I'd be d*ckless. Fuggin' hell man, this is sick.

I know there will be an exhaustive write-up coming out around the time it's ready to ship, so feel free to tell me to wait for that to find my answer, but I'm just genuinely curious about how you decided to land on the amount of 50g of Glycersize per serving?
I know there's a rhyme to your reason and science to your magic, so I hope this only comes across as genuine curiosity on why not just stopping at 20g or 30g or hell even 40g per serving, since it would undoubtedly save you some money!

Sheesh, between this and Proto-Build I have all of my non-daily supps covered. Bravo my friend, you're on a sick run. Feels something like the 2000-2014 golden years 👏
Thank you very much for the kind words :) I decided on 50 grams solely because of production costs. If production cost wasn't an issue, I would've used 100 grams. And...the ONLY reason I would've stopped at 100 grams (and not 200 grams) is because the serving size would be bigger than most people would want to consume. More importantly, most people would NOT want to consume the amount of water necessary to take full advantage of a 200 gram dose. So, I settled at 50 grams. At 50 grams the product will sill be effective, but without having to make it prohibitively expensive or make the directions for use (i.e., water intake) too extreme.


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Is there any update on this product? I was following along to this because it sounds so interesting.


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