New Member says Hello!


New member
Hi Guys,

I'm new to this board and I thought I'd say a quick hello.

I'm 28 and have trained on and off for the last 8 or so years, when I say on or off, its realistically been more off than on :s.

I'm not in the best shape at the moment. I'm 6'1 and ~87kgs(191 pounds) and I dare not consider what my body fat % is.

I've been lacking motivation for a long time, but after finding this board and looking at some of the member pictures I'm feeling kinda pumped again. Some of you guys have had some great results!! Congrats!!

Anyway I want to eventually lean up and put on some more mass. I'm not really comfortable with putting any pics up just yet, but maybe once I've reached my goals I'll put up some b4 and afters.


This is where I usually let myself down :s

- 6 meals a day.
- No Crap food ( this is going to be a tough adjustment)
- lots of water
- more carbs during the earlier part of the day
- protein in every meal
- No bread ( Now this is going to be hard to...I eat a lot of bread at the moment)
- I'll try to minimize the use of protein shakes


- I'll try to train early in the mornings.
- I'll start my training at around 7:15 before work on weights days.
- and at around 7:45 when I'm doing some cardio
- I'll do a 4 day split
- Chest/Bi's
- I'll do 20minutes or high intensity cardio 2 - 3 days a week.
- I'll en devour to get at least 8 hours sleep a night.

I'm not really sure about these...I haven't looked into them for a while. However I do have some of the following (a mate gave me them :D He's heading overseas)

- No-Xplode
- Kre-Alkylene
- Optimum nutrition protein

Anyway thats my introduction..... I hope to make a positive contribution to the board.



Idiot Savant
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Hello bob, welcome aboard. I'm sure you'll find lot's of things that you've been looking for around here. If you have a question about something and you can't find it on the board then just ask away.


New member
Thanks pridgr8ns. I'll sure will, and I'll make sure I use the search function first too ;)

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