Need some training advice please...


Active member
I've been following the below routine for nearly 3 months now. Uncertain whether I should change entirely, tweak or stick with it. I still seem to be making gains, albeit slowly, but that invariably seems to be the case with me anyway.

I always go x4 sets of 4-6 on the first two exercises for each workout, and everything else is x3 sets at 10-12.

I would very much appreciate any advice. I am currently slow bulking, circa 3000 cals per day.

Workout A
A1) Bench Press
A2) Wide Grip Pull Ups
B1) Incline DB Press
B2) DB Row
C1) Decline DB Flyes
C2) Lat Pulldown
D1) Curls
D2) Dips

Workout B
A1) Barbell Back Squat
A2) Nordic Curls
B1) Leg Press
B2) Calf Raises
C1) Bulgarian Split Squats
C2) Romanian Deadlift

Workout C
A1) Incline BB Bench Press
A2) Parallel Grip Pull Ups
B1) Flat DB Press
B2) DB Row
C1) Military Press
C2) Pendlay Rows
D1) Curls
D2) Tricep Extensions

Workout D
A1) Deadlift
A2) Calf Raises
B1) Heel Elevated 1¼ BB Squats
B2) Leg Curls
C1) DB Split Squats
C2) Good Mornings

Have you tryed a higher rep range? I would run a higher rep range for 1-2 months same amount of sets then dip back down. It's a shock to the body making such a big change, which alot of times the body needs and likes.
Have you tryed a higher rep range? I would run a higher rep range for 1-2 months same amount of sets then dip back down. It's a shock to the body making such a big change, which alot of times the body needs and likes.
I haven't tried that. So lower the weight? I am pretty much maxing out on my sets currently, almost to failure, so adding more reps in on my current weights would be hard. How many more would you suggest?

Is each workout done once per week? so each body part twice per week.
Yes, with a days rest in-between workouts, occasionally 2 if I feel I need it.
To my taste 11 sets per body part done twice a week is too much volume. You can maybe consider less volume or less frequent workouts and see if it does help in your gain rather than completely changing your routine that seems to be working for you.
To my taste 11 sets per body part done twice a week is too much volume. You can maybe consider less volume or less frequent workouts and see if it does help in your gain rather than completely changing your routine that seems to be working for you.

I feel OK with it... if I feel I need an extra recovery day then I take it, and I think I'm eating enough. I was doing 5-3-1 prior to this though, and that was less volume, so I did notice it for the first few weeks, but I seem to have adapted to this higher volume now. My weight is going up slowly, trying to minimise fat gain as best as possible, but I'm starting to see it creep back in around my middle now, so I'm wondering how best to handle this. Maybe just need to throw in some more HIIT.

How did you design this workout? Template? Progression?

A PT friend of mine put it together for me, with my goal being to put on some size.
To my taste 11 sets per body part done twice a week is too much volume. You can maybe consider less volume or less frequent workouts and see if it does help in your gain rather than completely changing your routine that seems to be working for you.

Agreed, great points.
To my taste 11 sets per body part done twice a week is too much volume. You can maybe consider less volume or less frequent workouts and see if it does help in your gain rather than completely changing your routine that seems to be working- for you.

Yes, 22sets a wk is too much.

I didn't know he was doin each body part 2xwk..
what are you goals? how do you progress with intensity? do you have a reset built in when the progression gets to heavy?
I think he needs more intensity and volume. 11 sets is not a lot depending on which body part nor is 22 if it is divided up twice per week
I usually do 5-6 exercises 3-4 sets
Chest today was 18 sets
Incline press x 4
Incline flys x 4
Wide hammer press x4
Pec dec x3
Seated chest press x3
Sorry, been away this past week. Thanks for the responses. Somewhat confused now haha, being told too much intensity on one hand, and not enough on the other ha! :boggled:

My goals are to put on muscle. I am OK with a bit of fat in the process, but I'm naturally trying to keep that to the absolute minimum. When you ask how I progress with intensity, I am not 100% sure how I can judge this exactly. If I feel my body is working too hard and/or the volume is getting a bit much, I have done a deload in the past (but have not done this lately), or an extra couple of days rest, which I have done more recently. I have not done a 'reset' as you say, although I have dropped the weight on my deadlifts recently due to the recurrence of a long-persisting lower back issue that I tweaked.

I am totally open to changing my workout around, mixing it up a bit... as long as I feel confident it's something I'm going to make progress on. I don't have trouble sticking with something and putting the effort in, as long as I have that confidence it will work if I do so. :)