So I've been out of the loop for a very long time. It's been over 10 years since I've been on this forum and I haven't been following the supplements as well. Due to my injuries, a damaged/fucked up lower back, right knee and left shoulder, my gym time has fallen off and was replaced with surgeries and physical therapy. Now that I am past all of that, I recently started going back to the gym on a regular basis and I need to cut down on my weight. I'm 46 yrs old and I currently weigh 244 and would like to get back down to 200/198, if possible. I'm also on TRT but it's a small dose of only 0.5ml once a week. So I'm looking for a good cutting cycle, i.e. length, dosage, and what supplements. From a brief research on here, seems EpiAndro and 11 Keto are popular for cutting. Also, would I need on cycle support and a PCT? Looking for the experts on here to guide me in the right direction since I've been out of it for a long time.