Natural energy?


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Not from stims as I do use caffeine and sometimes add ephedrine. And I have noticed some energy from some testboosters. I am guessing it's from having 3 boys and being 45 that makes it tough to always have energy. High libido and workouts still good. I again assume it's life just looking if anyone in same boat and your suggestions. Not struggling to get anything done just wish I had more energy in the mornings and after work....


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A lot of it is will power, I get about 5 hours sleep and then work 10hrs construction. After work the last thing I wanna do is go to the gym to lift or box but I just tell myself you gotta do it. you can relate that to anything, Most of the time it's just getting where you gotta go or starting whatever you want done and that's the hard part.

Some days I just say **** it and go home and take a nap instead, but you gotta keep those days far and few or they take over


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Yeah I have been grinding along. Guess age and responsibilities make being tired normal. Again not everyday and always just looking for an edge.

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