Myostat works? WTF???

Supa Freek 420

Saw this on and Couldn't find anything else on it except for on the Biotest site though. I for one am still skeptical until I hear word that it appears in some peer-reviewed journals. Just thought I'd pass this on.

New Study Proves
Increases Hypertrophy 50% in Humans!
For Immediate Release – 12.19.02

A previous study revealed that CSP-3 (an array of sulfated polysaccharides extracted from Cystoseira canariensis) was able to bind the myostatin protein in vitro. Given that myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle growth, if the same myostatin binding effect occurs in vivo (in the body), it was theorized that CSP-3 could increase muscle-protein synthesis and muscle growth.

A more recent placebo controlled, double-blind study was conducted at the Olympic Wrestling Training Center (Zakir Ramazanov, PhD, Musa Abidov, MD, Miguel Jimenez del Rio, PhD. Russia 2002) to examine the effects of orally administered CSP-3 on muscle-protein synthetic rate and lean mass in competitive, elite athletes.


After 60 days of supplementation, subjects in the CSP-3 group (n=9) gained three times more lean mass (13.67 lb versus 4.4 lb) than subjects in the placebo group (n=9). This threefold greater gain in fat-free mass was statistically significant and was supported by changes in muscle-protein synthetic rate. Specifically, CSP-3 stimulated muscle-protein synthesis 50% more than the placebo. These data indicate that CSP-3 has a significant pharmacological effect on skeletal muscle.

Study Using Olympic-Level Athletes

Eighteen (n=18) competitive, Olympic wrestlers were randomly divided into two groups. Thirty days prior to beginning the clinical study, subjects underwent a period of diet counseling and surveillance. Additionally, subjects were asked to maintain their physical-training program throughout the trial. There was no significant difference in the body mass index of subjects in the two groups. Dietary intake (total calories and macronutrient profiles) did not change during the course of the study.

Twice daily, subjects were required to consume either 500 mg of CSP-3 or a placebo. Subjects had not consumed any dietary supplements or medications for more than four months prior to the study. At baseline and after 60 days of CSP-3 or placebo administration, body composition and mixed-muscle protein synthesis rates were evaluated. Baseline protein synthesis rate assessments were made 24 hours before the clinical study began.

On days 0 and 60 of the study, samples of muscle tissue were taken for evaluation of protein synthesis. Food-record analysis and body-mass index were also included at the laboratory intervention times. Body weight was measured with a standard beam scale and the percentage of body fat was estimated from body density derived from underwater weighing.

Various sterile solutions of a leucine isotope (C13L) were prepared and infused overnight to measure the fractional rate of incorporation of C13L into mixed-muscle protein at baseline and at the end of the 60th day of the supplementation period. The rate of muscle-protein synthesis was measured in serial, muscle-biopsy samples during a continuous infusion of C13L in both groups at baseline and after 60 days of supplementation.

The biopsies were taken at a depth of 2-3 cm at about one-third of the distance from the upper margin of the patella to the anterior superior iliac spine. After local skin anesthesia, incisions through the skin and the muscle fascia were made (one on each leg) while subjects rested in the supine position. Biopsies from both legs were combined and analyzed for protein synthesis rates. Mixed-muscle proteins in the biopsy sample were separated and hydrolyzed. Muscle was homogenized in 10% trichloroacetic acid, and proteins were hydrolyzed for 24 hours at 110°C. The formation of n-acetyl-n-propyl ester of leucine and muscle C13L enrichment was measured using gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry.


Even though the results of this study may seem surprising, critical analysis of the available scientific data indicates that sulfated polysaccharides possess a variety of important pharmacological and physiological activities in vivo. Scientific literature clearly indicates that sulfated polysaccharides are physiologically active compounds that participate in the regulation of various cellular processes, including myostatin-binding properties that might open a new dimension in muscle-growth research.

Sulfated polysaccharides are crucial for vital reactions in the body because of their ability to bind various proteins. Aside from the positive effects on muscle mass we observed in athletes supplemented with sulfated polysaccharides isolated from Cystoseira canariensis, these compounds may also prove to be beneficial in the development of drugs to combat certain muscular-related diseases.

Additional human studies are planned to further determine the hypertrophic effects of CSP-3.

Testosterone Magazine 2002
I have been reading about  it in different place, also  I read an article in M&F megazine, they say that the thing works in Lab mice experiments.  However that is not clear evidence yet in humans.  I see that supplements company are battling each other and calling this scam, for what ever the reason, I will say this to early to make a determination about the substance on how it works. 
What a sup company is saying about it

<H4>Myostatin Inhibition Scam</H4>Stopping getting fed bull…
You’ve no doubt seen the pictures of the giant bull…most often the photo is accompanied by some advertisement telling you that the same thing that made this bull so huge is a breakthrough that can make you huge too.

But in reality, what you’re being sold may as well be what comes out of the bull not what it’s made of…

Myostatin inhibitors might just be the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the unsuspecting bodybuilding public. Now it isn’t the first time that giant leaps of logic have been made in an effort to try and sell you the next breakthrough product, but it is the first time that so much potentially viable scientific research has been so completely twisted and exaggerated in an effort to convince you, the hard working athlete, to part with your dollars for a product that A. has no hope of working and B. has essentially nothing to do with the research being cited.

The bottom line is simple; put your money into something that’s been proven to work; creatine, quality MRP’s, pro-hormones, glutamine, etc. Don’t let a few very interesting photos of animals convince you that the companies marketing these myostatin inhibitors convince you that these products will do anything besides make your wallet lighter.

But just so you can understand how badly flawed this product is, here’s the short version of the myostatin inhibitor story:

Back in 1997 some researchers at John Hopkins University discovered that a genetic defect found in certain bulls cause them to develop huge musculature. The defect was the absence of a gene that produces the peptide myostatin.

Subsequent research using genetically altered mice (that had the myostatin gene spliced out!) found that by deleting myostatin from these animals they became hugely muscled, too. Even more so than the cattle!

A few enterprising researchers wanted to study the myostatin peptide more closely. To do so they needed a way to isolate it. Using a potentially dangerous compound called heparin was the best way to do this in the lab. More or less by accident it was discovered that another compound, an extract of a form of algae, called Fraction C, could also bind and thus isolate myostatin in a gas chromatography chamber.

It just so happens that the algae from which they extract Fraction C is a reasonably effective antioxidant, and is considered to be reasonably safe for human consumption. From there, the giant leaps of faith and there associated ridiculous marketing claims took place. Here are the assumptions:

  1. That because Fraction C binds myostatin in a lab it will bind it in a human.
  2. That Fraction C survives the digestive process intact and can actually coexist in the same compartments within the body to bind myostatin
  3. That binding myostatin in humans is safe
  4. That binding myostatin in humans can have any net effect on new muscle growth
  5. That assuming that myostatin can be bound and as a result new muscle growth is enabled, those muscles would be both normal and also as strong, or stronger than normal muscle.

That’s a lot of assumptions. Particularly when there isn’t even ONE SHREAD of evidence based on a single study related to Fraction C!

Personally, I’m not big on assumptions. I like to see at least a reasonable amount of evidence supporting the safety and efficacy of a product before it is introduced to the public. In the case of these myostatin inhibitors we don’t have a clue if they’re safe and we also have a lot of reasons to believe that the AREN’T EFFECTIVE!

In fact, it is pretty clear to me (and many other industry experts) that the companies marketing this category of product knows full well that their products don’t have a prayer of working and that all they’re doing is trying to capitalize on your ignorance to make a fast buck.

They’re making completely false safety and efficacy claims that are totally unsupported by any public or even private research. In other words, these guys are RIPPING YOU OFF!

What can you do? Simple don’t buy these bogus products! What’s more, show these companies how you feel by voting with your wallet. Don’t give them one penny of your hard earned cash. Instead buy your products from companies that are committed to providing value for you dollar.

By value I don’t just mean good prices, but also and more importantly, good products. Products that work. Products that have real research behind exactly what your about to put into your body and not some loosely associated research conducted in a lab on mice that have been genetically manipulated.

Since these companies are clearly not going to police themselves it’s our job to be that police force. Teach them a lesson they won’t forget. That if they lie to you, the consumer, you’ll show them how much you appreciate their dishonesty by eliminating them from the scam artist gene pool.<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->


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I remember that ad rhino. Hopefully this crap will one day work but right now the only evidence I have seen that it works is the first post here and the ads by the supplement companies. Who are we to trust? Surely not the supplement companies yet. They have to truely prove that the products they offer truely work before we spend our hard earned money on scams. Just always watch out before you buy something we have all been tricked into by these so called products when we are new. So watch out till you know the truth.
i would really love to see what peer-reviewed journal this study appeared in! Journal of Crap Supplements!?!?!?!? This stuff is garbage...just another scam out there....i would say let a bunch of people spend their money on it and see what they have to say about it first before rushing out and buying some because some "study" said so!