My Transform Pics



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Oh yeah and for us older guys {turn 35 myself in a few months} parallel squats are not such a bad thing...I have ass to grass{ATG} squatted 455 for reps before when I was younger and I honestly do not see any difference in leg development from it...It tends to make my glutes bigger but not really my legs much bigger...These days with my knees giving me trouble from years of squatting I tend to go just a little below parallel with anything above 365...I also start wrapping my knees as well.


Thanks dude.

Oh yeah and for us older guys {turn 35 myself in a few months} parallel squats are not such a bad thing...I have ass to grass{ATG} squatted 455 for reps before when I was younger and I honestly do not see any difference in leg development from it...It tends to make my glutes bigger but not really my legs much bigger...These days with my knees giving me trouble from years of squatting I tend to go just a little below parallel with anything above 365...I also start wrapping my knees as well.
Honestly, I do no ass-to-grass anything above 315 right now. Just scared of it. It has helped my upper quad development, but not my mass as such. the cuts are just better up around the hip connections. (And a big case of squatter's ass, LOL)

My knees are OK but after carrying all that fat for years, I know that will not last forever. My goal would be to do ATG's that high but realistically, beyond good parallel range I will prob not go. I am working on my stance, getting a bit wider and changing my toe/knee alignment to see if it helps with my tendency to drop my chest/back down.

But, seriously thanks for the advise. Its great to hear from guys in my age range who knows what I am facing. I read your leg workout and we are similar in what we like to do in weight range. I have gone above 1500 on 45 degree leg press for solid reps, but it really hurts my ribs to go anything like a true range of motion. Something in the 1100 range I can do 15 reps for if I am fresh, but after enough squats and/or hacks, It is a good weight to get to exhaustion. (I'll do lighter leg extensions and db leg curls for higher reps for the pump at the end)

I have wondered about wrapping my knees. Have thought it might be a good thing, but no one in my gym does it. So, I have never had feedback from anyone who does it for the pros and cons and doing it properly.


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Seriously Try wrapping on the real heavy stuff....I do it as a safety measure not for adding poundage...although it does not hurt that either.

If I had to pick I would wrap before using a least on squats.


Seriously Try wrapping on the real heavy stuff....I do it as a safety measure not for adding poundage...although it does not hurt that either.

If I had to pick I would wrap before using a least on squats.
Will do. A friend who has been working out for over 30 years was at the gym today and almost killed me when I told him I wasn't wrapping for the safety of it. Going out for some wraps before next leg day.


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you look definitely 10 years or more younger, good job and respect for what you achieved. inspiration to everyone!


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I have to say Brad that you are one of the first transformations I saw on AM that really made believe that I could do it. Thank you for inspiring me over a year ago. I still have a ways to go to hit my new goals, but I am continuing to strive for it.


you look definitely 10 years or more younger, good job and respect for what you achieved. inspiration to everyone!
Thanks man. Most people in my gym guess I am around 28-30, and the guys I workout with are all 10 years younger than me. I can do everything they can do or more sometimes. Of course, sometimes it does not help things to look a lot younger. A little while back I was in the cell phone store with a now ex, looking at a new phone. The sales guy I knew from the gym so we were talking a little bit and, since he knew me, I was not getting the typical hard sell. My ex at the time did not workout (We were together before I started losing weight, and although she was initially supportive, the change in me and how other people treated me, especially women, that this caused actually cost me that long time relationship), and she was a few years older but not much.

When I got to the point of being down to a couple of phones, and he thought he was gonna make the sell, he asked me, "Now is this your mom? You gonna do a mom-son family plan kind of thing?" HOLY ****!!! Did I go through ten kinds of hell after that.

I have to say Brad that you are one of the first transformations I saw on AM that really made believe that I could do it. Thank you for inspiring me over a year ago. I still have a ways to go to hit my new goals, but I am continuing to strive for it.
Dude, you have no idea how much I value comments like this. I get **** all the time from places like youtube -- where I have some of these pics up -- about how I am a fake, how it is impossible, how I do roids, etc, etc. But, its all worth it if I can help I few people make the same decision I did. Congrats to you for the work you put in and staying with it. It is worth it isn't it?

And the beauty of bodybuilding for me is that I will never reach my goals. If I reach a short term goal - like that elusive 405 bench I want although that may take years -- when I get there, there is always another rep or another 2.5 pound plate to throw on. Then there is the whole new possibility of getting in stage someday. Anyway, this is the only thing I have ever done where there is never a place where I say 'I am done with this and can quit now." That and I love the feeling of a pump WAY too much.


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fxcking awesome transformation! you are extremely motivational! I dont have near as much to lose but if you can do I damn well better be able too! Thanks for motivating us brotha!


fxcking awesome transformation! you are extremely motivational! I dont have near as much to lose but if you can do I damn well better be able too! Thanks for motivating us brotha!
Absolutely dude. If someone as slow and fat as I was can do it, I absolutely believe that anyone can lose the weight.


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This is what I am talking about....DEDICATION!!!!

So freakin awsome bro


New member
Wow Brad I am completely blown away by your transformation. You have no idea what your post means to me. I am currently working hard to reach my goals and your post has truly motivated me to keep pushing on. Your post is exactly what I needed to see because I am able to relate to your before picture because that is where I am coming from. When I first join AM I was like this might not be the place for me because most of the guys are jacked beyond belief. Since August of 2006 I have lost 50lbs but still need to lose another 50 to 60 lbs to meet my goal. I will continue to keep hitting the gym hard because I have seen what hard work and determination can do. Thanks for sharing your success and inspiring me to push on.


Wow Brad I am completely blown away by your transformation. You have no idea what your post means to me. I am currently working hard to reach my goals and your post has truly motivated me to keep pushing on. Your post is exactly what I needed to see because I am able to relate to your before picture because that is where I am coming from. When I first join AM I was like this might not be the place for me because most of the guys are jacked beyond belief. Since August of 2006 I have lost 50lbs but still need to lose another 50 to 60 lbs to meet my goal. I will continue to keep hitting the gym hard because I have seen what hard work and determination can do. Thanks for sharing your success and inspiring me to push on.
Thanks a lot man. Like I said before, it makes me very happy that I can inspire others to get their own success, whether it is just for weight loss and better health or to get into bodybuilding. I know what it feels like to see all the ripped huge guys on sites like this, or in the gym, and want it more than anything, but think you can't do it. Well that attitude, I learned, is a total copout. It's bull. You can do it. All of us can, if we want too.

Congrats to you for keeping with it, for the success you have had. Just push on and you will have more and better success that you dreamed was possible.


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I noticed that most if not all of your pics you have a shirt on. Were you able to trim the real hard lower belly fat that I am still struggling with? It is such a drastic change that you made and that I am making I am just curious if you were able to get the abs as tone and solid as the rest of you.


I noticed that most if not all of your pics you have a shirt on. Were you able to trim the real hard lower belly fat that I am still struggling with? It is such a drastic change that you made and that I am making I am just curious if you were able to get the abs as tone and solid as the rest of you.
My abs are OK right now. I am working on the summer shaping them up, and I have a little bloat at the moment, but they are OK. My lower abs will always have a little fat, just from dead fat cells that will never go away with out surgery. But, they are at least always visible. But, i am working hard on clearing them out.

Sorry abt the pic size too. Cam phones suck.




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My abs are OK right now. I am working on the summer shaping them up, and I have a little bloat at the moment, but they are OK. My lower abs will always have a little fat, just from dead fat cells that will never go away with out surgery. But, they are at least always visible. But, i am working hard on clearing them out.

Sorry abt the pic size too. Cam phones suck.
Very impressive work. I hope like hell I can get my abs visible at some point, but I would be satisfied with a flat belly. Glad to see you posting frequently again.


Very impressive work. I hope like hell I can get my abs visible at some point, but I would be satisfied with a flat belly. Glad to see you posting frequently again.
Thanks man. I need the stress relief of posting. (In addition to working out.) I am back in college and it is getting close to finals. Once summer gets here, i can post regularly again, but I may fall off in a couple of weeks for a week or so.

My goal has always been to run on the beach on vacation with my shirt off. Maybe I can get there someday. But, the reason I have mostly shirts on is that I have muscle dysmorphia. Over my pecs. Posting a shirtless pic is a big thing for me.


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One word comes to mind. INSPIRING!!!!! Congrats bro. That is truly stunning.


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But, the reason I have mostly shirts on is that I have muscle dysmorphia. Over my pecs. Posting a shirtless pic is a big thing for me.
Same thing here man posting pics online to me is also a big deal...I will always feel like I'm a twig....So your not alone here. Many of us are that way....However your tranformation has been amazing !!! Phenom work !!!


Same thing here man posting pics online to me is also a big deal...I will always feel like I'm a twig....So your not alone here. Many of us are that way....However your tranformation has been amazing !!! Phenom work !!!
Hey man. Thanks a lot for that. I see so many pics of you guys totally jacked posting pics here all the time. In the gym, practically parading around the locker room. I never tell anyone how small it makes me feel. Sometimes i look in the mirror and it is like a panic that I am shrinking. Kind of funny to feel after being fat for so long, but its true.

The doc told me that I can never trust what I see in the mirror because it will not be what is really there. So, getting the kind of feedback that you guys, who look great beyond belief, it give me really helps me to know that I am not doing this for nothing.


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So not me at all man...I'm the guy in the gym always in sweat pants and a big baggy sweatshirt...I will not even wear a short sleeve shirt to the gym...All of my pics are taken at home in my bathroom...I'm too selfconcious otherwise.
Hey man. Thanks a lot for that. I see so many pics of you guys totally jacked posting pics here all the time. In the gym, practically parading around the locker room. I never tell anyone how small it makes me feel. Sometimes i look in the mirror and it is like a panic that I am shrinking. Kind of funny to feel after being fat for so long, but its true.

The doc told me that I can never trust what I see in the mirror because it will not be what is really there. So, getting the kind of feedback that you guys, who look great beyond belief, it give me really helps me to know that I am not doing this for nothing.


So not me at all man...I'm the guy in the gym always in sweat pants and a big baggy sweatshirt...I will not even wear a short sleeve shirt to the gym...All of my pics are taken at home in my bathroom...I'm too selfconcious otherwise.
Didn't mean you specifically but "you" collectively about showing off. You know the type of guy who shows off everything, even when they do not necessarily have it. And then there are the 270 pound freaks who rest between sets, with their arms behind their heads looking in the mirror flexing (We have one of those. 37 and never done a show before but could be on the pro stage and knows it.) It really does play in your head.

I know how you feel in the gym tho. I never change in front of other people. I enjoy the stream room and sauna but the self-consciousness is so strong I will not go if there is anyone else there and rarely stay for long. I take my pics in the mind/body room of the gym . . . but I have a key and can lock the door to make sure no one sees me. I do not feel so bad tho when guys like you feel it and then like my chiropractor. He is doing Musclemania worlds in Vegas his year and his wife who does fitness modeling for MRI at the Arnold, as an example of many shoots she does, do exactly what you do in the gym. Why? Because he sees himself as small and fat.

But, on the other hand, that fear of being small and what I see in the mirror drives me harder. My workout partner asked me last night where my drive comes from because I work 150% everyday, even when I am tired or am having a suck lift day. There are a lot of reasons, my old fat clothes being one, but there are other.

That said, man you look fantastic. If I have to trust others for a good opinion of what I need to do, trust one from me. You look totally amazing.


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As do you, as do you, and that's not me blowing smoke up your ass either. You are very solid...Of course we all feel like we could be bigger but I don't see any real big weak points in your Physique and considering where you started !!!...SIMPLY OUTSTANDING

We all kind of got a strange view of ourselves, or at least you and I do, but we gotta still keep plugging away at it and mybe one day we will eventually be comfortable.
Didn't mean you specifically but "you" collectively about showing off. You know the type of guy who shows off everything, even when they do not necessarily have it. And then there are the 270 pound freaks who rest between sets, with their arms behind their heads looking in the mirror flexing (We have one of those.) It really does play in your head.

I know how you feel in the gym tho. I never change in front of other people. I enjoy the stream room and sauna but the self-consciousness is so strong I will not go if there is anyone else there and rarely stay for long. I take my pics in the mind/body room of the gym . . . but I have a key and can lock the door to make sure no one sees me. I do not feel so bad tho when my chiropractor -- who is doing Musclemania worlds in Vegas his year and his wife who does fitness modeling for MRI at the Arnold, as an example of many shoots she does, do exactly what you do in the gym. Why? Because he sees himself as small and fat.

But, on the other hand, that fear of being small and what I see in the mirror drives me harder. My workout partner asked me last night where my drive comes from because I work 150% everyday, even when I am tired or am having a suck lift day. There are a lot of reasons, my old fat clothes being one, but there are other.

That said, man you look fantastic. If I have to trust others for a good opinion of what I need to do, trust one from me. You look totally amazing.


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We all kind of got a strange view of ourselves, or at least you and I do, but we gotta still keep plugging away at it and mybe one day we will eventually be comfortable.

I still look in the mirror and see the fat guy I used to be. There are times where I will feel that I am looking good and then other times I look in the mirror and say "Man, I have been busting my ass in the gym for almost 2 years and this is the best I look?". Regardless, I know where I want to get and will keep pushing forward no matter how long it takes. I can rest when I am dead.


I love to see this type of ****. This proves to all those overweight people out there that you CAN do something about it. With hard work and dedication anything is possible. A 2 year old thread, but damn this deserves a lifetime accreditation. So all those people out there with the so called metabolism problem that you always fall back on, wake up and stop complaining. Do something about it like this man did. Much much respect man. Thats the best transformation I've ever seen.


I love to see this type of ****. This proves to all those overweight people out there that you CAN do something about it. With hard work and dedication anything is possible. A 2 year old thread, but damn this deserves a lifetime accreditation. So all those people out there with the so called metabolism problem that you always fall back on, wake up and stop complaining. Do something about it like this man did. Much much respect man. Thats the best transformation I've ever seen.
You know, most people would expect me to be sympathetic to the obese, but more and more I am not. I do not mean unsympathetic or supportive of the men and women who are doing everything they can to get in shape, not bodybuilding but just for weight loss or heart health. Like a guy in my Gold's Gym. He is in his 50's and at least 350 pounds. But he sweats like mad, he gets on the unassisted dip bar and pushes his weight up off his toes (he is so heavy his feet never leave the ground). He an barely move a bar in bench press and even then the trainer he works with (a good one) has to hand him the bar as he can't fit under a rack. But he is there, and he is trying. For that, he has my total support and respect and always will.

No, I have serious problems with the people who are like I was,who bitch about wanting to look good, to have a great body but cop out. Who are too lazy or are just too apathetic to do anything. I always thought good bodies only came from good genes and I had a sad ass set. I had no idea of the work that it takes until I started, and I found out that my genes were pretty good.

I find now that I am more comfortable around my gym friends that my old obese friends, with a few exceptions. A large number of my old friends who were fat like I was were and are supportive of my change, even if they refused to do anything themselves. But as I grew leaner and stronger, they grew more and more antagonistic toward me. (Not all but a fair number of them) Mumbling about how I must be using drugs or lying or cheating. That people like I was could never "really" do it. It kept getting worse until the friendships and my marriage died all together. So, did it cost me a lot. YES!! Is it worth every second, even though I wound up woth 60% new friends and divorced? YES!! Sometimes I wonder if that does make me a prick, but it is how I feel.

There are a few people with legit medical uses and weight gain, but they are FEW. I walk through the grocery now, my cart full of clean foods, fresh fruit and veggies, lean protein, nothing processes and look at the obese families around me -- staring at me and making assumptions about me -- with a cart filled with sh*t and sugar and fat. If I could only smack some sense into them, if they could only feel what I have felt, the freedom, the rush, the addiction of a pump, all of it. But, they do not understand and part of me believes most never will.

Perhaps that is too pessimistic, but with the numbers of people around us every year committing suicide by the fork, I do not think so.

ADD - I thought about putting these in a new post with the OP not two years old and just linking to this thread, but since everything was together here, I just stayed with it. Maybe I should repost in a new thread.


Yeah when you succeed in life, you really find out who your real friends are. You got hater friends who want to see you fail, and then the real ones who stick by you no matter what and never judge you. They never thought you could do it and you proved them all wrong horribly. The way I see it is not losing a friend, its just finding out their true enemy identity. It doesn't make you a prick, you don't look down on anybody, you've just been there and done that and that part of you is in the past along with the negative people that you don't need in life.


Yeah when you succeed in life, you really find out who your real friends are. You got hater friends who want to see you fail, and then the real ones who stick by you no matter what and never judge you. They never thought you could do it and you proved them all wrong horribly. The way I see it is not losing a friend, its just finding out their true enemy identity. It doesn't make you a prick, you don't look down on anybody, you've just been there and done that and that part of you is in the past along with the negative people that you don't need in life.
Thanks Mike. I suppose that is true.

I just wish that the people who I know, who are obese or worse, would take the step . . . or at least try. But, I guess what really makes me angry, and it does make me angry, are the friends who are at least somewhat supportive of me, but ask over and over how I did it -- how I "really" did it, expecting me to share the magic weight loss secret that does not require the sh*t loads of work we know it does. They may even try it for a few days before sliding back into old patterns. Two in particular come to mind, fairly close to me, who on the one had will burst into tears and kind of take it out on me for their inability to stick with it, then beg for my help. I try, but I know it will go nowhere. They are a huge drain on me when it happens, but I just can't bring myself to cut them off or tell them I will not help them until they prove that they really want it by doing something for more than 48 hours. Maybe I should, though.

Thanks man.


Just posting also my 6 month chest progress pics to my main thread.




New member
Great job man, this is truly unbelievable but you achieved your goal and thats great man! how was ur dieting? do you know what you or your trainer had you eating to help you lose weight. and cardio wise what you do and how many times per week did you do it?


Great job man, this is truly unbelievable but you achieved your goal and thats great man! how was ur dieting? do you know what you or your trainer had you eating to help you lose weight. and cardio wise what you do and how many times per week did you do it?
Thanks man.

I actually did all of the weight loss myself. I never even set foot in a proper gym until after my weight loss had stopped (I was too embarrassed to go to a gym while I was fat.) I had a trainer when I first started at the gym, but that was only for about 3 weeks -- after that he stopped charging me to train me and asked me to be his workout partner doing his workout. Jarred taught me a hell of a lot about being a good trainer while we were working out together.

Anyway -- my dieting was simple and what you see everywhere in bodybuilding over and over again. I still follow that diet and eat the same way now, even if it is in higher cal amounts. 6 small meals per day and I had to experiment until I found that between 2000 and 2200 cals per day for me was optimum for weight loss for me. I ate a 40/40/20 macro diet, which seemed to me when I was researching to be balanced and sustainable over the long term. Every meal (save just before bed which had no carbs) had a lean protein, a complex or simple carb combination, and a fat source. I had one cheat meal per week where I could eat what I wanted -- within reason, but I was free to go out and eat. (I had a real taste for some nasty fajita nachos drown in cheese from a local Spanish restaurant.) I eliminated all the processed food, salt, and sugar I could. Past that, I basically ate the foods I wanted to eat. No "special" things to eat, so to speak. Just clean, healthy eating. There are lots of clean food lists online, and they are all more or less the same. I just used one as a guide, selecting foods that I likes, and built my own constantly changing diet. To tell the truth, after the initial withdrawal from caffeine and sugar, I have never been hungry. How many people can say that they have not experienced hunger in 3 years? But, that is a positive "side effect" of a bodybuilding lifestyle for me.

Cardio was easy too and nothing out of the ordinary. I bought a recumbent stationary bike used from a local gym equipment store for a couple hundred dollars that was capable of bearing my weight and comfortable on my joints. I started out at 5 mins per day, and increased it by 5 mins per week until I was at 45 mins per day, 6 days a week. As my heart health improved and I adapted, I raised the intensity to keep my heart rate up to averaging betwee, 140-145 bpm throughout the session.
Last edited:


New member
Thanks man.

I actually did all of the weight loss myself. I never even set foot in a proper gym until after my weight loss had stopped (I was too embarrassed to go to a gym while I was fat.) I had a trainer when I first started at the gym, but that was only for about 3 weeks -- after that he stopped charging me to train me and asked me to be his workout partner going his workout. Jarred taught me a hell of a lot about being a good trainer while we were working out together.

Anyway -- my dieting was simple and what you see everywhere in bodybuilding over and over again. I still follow that diet and eat the same way now, even if it is in higher cal amounts. 6 small meals per day and I had to experiment until I found that between 2000 and 2200 cals per day for me was optimum for weight loss for me. I ate a 40/40/20 macro diet, which seemed to me when I was researching to be balanced and sustainable over the long term. Every meal (save just before bed which had no carbs) had a lean protein, a complex or simple carb combination, and a fat source. I had one cheat meal per week where I could eat what I wanted -- within reason, but I was free to go out and eat. (I had a real taste for some nasty fajita nachos drown in cheese from a local Spanish restaurant.) I eliminated all the processed food, salt, and sugar I could. Past that, I basically ate the foods I wanted to eat. No "special" things to eat, so to speak. Just clean, healthy eating. There are lots of clean food lists online, and they are all more or less the same. I just used one as a guide, selecting foods that I likes, and built my own constantly changing diet. To tell the truth, after the initial withdrawal from caffeine and sugar

Cardio was easy too and nothing out of the ordinary. I bought a recumbent stationary bike used from a local gym equipment store for a couple hundred dollars that was capable of bearing my weight and comfortable on my joints. I started out at 5 mins per day, and increased it by 5 mins per week until I was at 45 mins per day, 6 days a week. As my heart health improved and I adapted, I raised the intensity to keep my heart rate up to averaging betwee, 140-145 bpm throughout the session.

thanks man, youre a great inspiration. god bless you. keep up the good work!


New member
If this is really you before and are the f^*king man!


If this is really you before and are the f^*king man!
LOL. Yes, its really me, both before and after, so thanks. If this helps . . .

The first pic is me at the Grand Canyon. The second is my post loss Sept. 2007. Look at the jeans. They are the same pair of pants. I still have them and can still stand in one leg and walk around. I even have those sunglasses too somewhere, but now, they swallow my face whole.


If this is really you before and are the f^*king man!
Maybe this will help a bit. The first pic is of me at the Grand Canyon Visitor's Center. The second is me Sept 2007 post weight loss. Look at the jeans. They are they same pair of pants. I still have those pants and can still fit in one leg and walk around. I have the sunglasses somewhere too, but they swallow my face whole. Anyway . . .




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Great transformation, very inspirational. I gotta say though, smile more, lol.


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Maybe this will help a bit. The first pic is of me at the Grand Canyon Visitor's Center. The second is me Sept 2007 post weight loss. Look at the jeans. They are they same pair of pants. I still have those pants and can still fit in one leg and walk around. I have the sunglasses somewhere too, but they swallow my face whole. Anyway . . .
Truly fxcking inspirational bro!

(anyone ever tell you that you look kinda John Malkovich"ish"?)


Truly fxcking inspirational bro!

(anyone ever tell you that you look kinda John Malkovich"ish"?)
LOL. You are like the 10th person to say that I look like a young John Malkovich with muscles.


New member
Truly Truly amazing dedication and perceverence. You should be very proud of yourself. You look like a whole new person. Don't be ashamed to show off that hard work. I dont post often but when I saw your transformation I just had to add to the congrats you are receiving.


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This is incredible!!!! I feel like putting the before and after pics on every phone poll in my block lol. Great job Man!!!! Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I have 20 pounds to lose, and until now b***hed everyday about having to get myself back in shape. But not anymore, LOL!! Good Job man!! If I'm not mistaken you said your a teacher right? And you made all your progress bustin' your A** everyday, while still holdin' down a regular job 9 to 5...?!?! Thats impressive!! Any thoughts on using PH's? By the tone of most of your messages, I'd say No!! But just curious!!


Thanks guys for all the support. One of the things I have to adjust to is how slow gaining lean muscle is. You know, you don't see the change in yourself everyday. Then I look at this.

This pic is my change since I stopped trying to actively lose weight. The difference in actual scale weight between these pics is about 5 pounds. But, what a difference a little more muscle and a more narrow waist makes.

First Pic Was May 1, Middle July 1, End October 2nd.


This is a burnout set of Alt DB Curls. Was looking for those "tired" bad habits in form that come out. Light weight (30's), but it seemed to be OK. Some feedback that I need to work on my peak more -- get more sets of preachers in. What do you guys think?

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I have 20 pounds to lose, and until now b***hed everyday about having to get myself back in shape. But not anymore, LOL!! Good Job man!! If I'm not mistaken you said your a teacher right? And you made all your progress bustin' your A** everyday, while still holdin' down a regular job 9 to 5...?!?! Thats impressive!! Any thoughts on using PH's? By the tone of most of your messages, I'd say No!! But just curious!!
Yep, I was a teacher when I was losing weight. Now, I am trainer at my gym. The management loves to give me obese and seriously obese, clients. I wonder why, LOL??? I make more than I did teaching too.

I have tried PH's in the past, after my weight loss was done. The first time, I had GREAT results, but the other times I tried them after that, there was little change. Of course, that PH is now illegal, LOL. I have not used any in quite some time now. To be frank, if I am going to use something like that, I would rather spend the money on real AAS and get those results than on a PH. Just my feeling.

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