Msten + epi andro as test base


Hey guys,

Is epi andro a decent "test base" when doing a msten cutting cycle?

Or would 1 step conversion 4ad be the only viable oral option?

Not looking for topical or injectable solutions. Just trying to do what i can with what ive already spent money on even if i have to hold onto some for a few months.

Additional details. Basically planning an 8 week cutting cycle.
Week 1-4 a mix of andros then 5-8 was gonna be 1000mg epi, msten, trenavar.

I have 8 weeks worth of 1000mg epi andro. Should i use it all on this 8 week cut or switch to 4ad on week 5 to 8..... and stack that epi andro with whatever i do on my 2019 bulking cycle?
Hey guys,

Is epi andro a decent "test base" when doing a msten cutting cycle?

Or would 1 step conversion 4ad be the only viable oral option?

Not looking for topical or injectable solutions. Just trying to do what i can with what ive already spent money on even if i have to hold onto some for a few months.

Additional details. Basically planning an 8 week cutting cycle.
Week 1-4 a mix of andros then 5-8 was gonna be 1000mg epi, msten, trenavar.

I have 8 weeks worth of 1000mg epi andro. Should i use it all on this 8 week cut or switch to 4ad on week 5 to 8..... and stack that epi andro with whatever i do on my 2019 bulking cycle?

This might be a little late to respond but yes epi andro is a excellent test base. (I got this info from someone else) 750-1000mg is the "sweet spot" for a test base.
It's slightly elevated; normally I'm around 110-120/60ish. Now I'm around 130-140/60ish whenever I happen to check. I should probably be doing more cardio and getting more potassium to help with that.

Coq10 at 300 and magnesium at 400 will definitely lower blood pressure. Also might want to add some apple cider vinegar with “the mother”. Just in case your bp wants to mess up.
my blood pressure always shot up on MSTEN i would usually top it out at 20mg. I gained a ton of weight but in the end only kept a few.