Hey guys,
Is epi andro a decent "test base" when doing a msten cutting cycle?
Or would 1 step conversion 4ad be the only viable oral option?
Not looking for topical or injectable solutions. Just trying to do what i can with what ive already spent money on even if i have to hold onto some for a few months.
Additional details. Basically planning an 8 week cutting cycle.
Week 1-4 a mix of andros then 5-8 was gonna be 1000mg epi, msten, trenavar.
I have 8 weeks worth of 1000mg epi andro. Should i use it all on this 8 week cut or switch to 4ad on week 5 to 8..... and stack that epi andro with whatever i do on my 2019 bulking cycle?
Is epi andro a decent "test base" when doing a msten cutting cycle?
Or would 1 step conversion 4ad be the only viable oral option?
Not looking for topical or injectable solutions. Just trying to do what i can with what ive already spent money on even if i have to hold onto some for a few months.
Additional details. Basically planning an 8 week cutting cycle.
Week 1-4 a mix of andros then 5-8 was gonna be 1000mg epi, msten, trenavar.
I have 8 weeks worth of 1000mg epi andro. Should i use it all on this 8 week cut or switch to 4ad on week 5 to 8..... and stack that epi andro with whatever i do on my 2019 bulking cycle?