Msten/Epiandro/Trenadrol Log


Active member
Hey all,

Going to start a PH cycle to go through the holidays, as I will have time to really crush it with no school. This will be my 3rd cycle (done Epi/1/4 andro; Trest/Epistane/Msten, and Halo/Epiandro). As I'm in athletics, I'm looking to get the little extra gains I can before the season starts to get and strong as I possibly can.
Stats: 6'4" 240lbs, est. 13%bf

Cycle will consist of:
1-8 Trenadrol by fusion supps at 90mg/day
1-8 Dark Carnival (Epiandro) by Vicious Labs @ 900mg/day
3-8 Pyrosten (Msten) by Vicious Labs @ 20/20/20/20/30/30 day
1-12 Mk677 12.5mg/day
1-12 Dac 4mg/week

1-12 Armicare pro 8 caps/day
9-12 Clomid 50/50/25/25

Increase strength while staying around the same weight (Recomp)
Squat 500lbs Current 425lbs
powerclean 275lbs current 235lbs
Deadlift 600lbs current 500lbs
Bench: 300lbs current 275lbs

workout program will be upper/lower 2x week.

Workout program to follow! Starting today so Im pumped, lets get them gains!
Day 1: off day, as my school gym changed hours with the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday break.

Day 2: upperbody
Went really well, was nice to lift hard again because I've been sick right before I started.
Bench prone grip

Pull ups weighted

Db row

DB lying extension

BB shrugs
225x6 explosive
225x6 explosive
225x6 explosive

Rear delt row
40x8 40x8

Hammer curls

Felt/looked a little leaner and more vascular. Not sure when the trenadrol will kick in? Doesn't matter but should be good! Tomorrow doing legs, should be interesting as I haven't done heavy legs for a week or so.
Hey all sorry for not so many updates, been swamped with school and didn't really have much to report before stuff kicked in. Just going to report on what I've noticed since I started and will update 2x a week at minimum hopefully. I'm 17 days in.
Change in dosage, I got a good deal on Black Friday so I bought enough msten to run at 30mg for the entire cycle. Strength has shot up in the past 5 days. Set a PR on front squats at 375lbs for a single. Felt like an absolute beast! Before that previous Max was 315 set about 1 month ago. So definitely an increase in strength.
Up 8-10lbs since beginning of cycle. Idk why but I have been INSANELY hungry all the time.
Vascularity kicked in really high about 4/5 days ago. Looks like I have a pump all day.
A new thing to note on this cycle is all my joints are incredibly dry. Has anyone experienced this? I wasn't expecting that so it's something new.
Also horny and feel ready to go at all hours lol
Other than the dry joints no sides. Sometimes anxious feeling but nothing insane. I just have to usually get up and do something.
Day 22:

Things are going strong. Loving the freaking strength that I am getting! This cycle is a little different because it feels like i could go forever. I just dont feel like I am getting tired at all lol. I guess I can ramp up the intensity now?

Lifting accomplishments

Monday started out with 80s on DB bench and was going for 8-10, ended up putting up 15 lol so I reached 100s on DB bench for 6-8 reps, first few sets were 8 and last one was 6.
Leg wise tuesday got cut short becuase of work. Looking forward to hitting it hard tomorrow.
wednesday was rest day.

Just a pro/con list for those following so far:

Massive strength increase
great endurance
great vascularity

sore joints. Don't know if this is common?
acne. Not overly horrible, just more than usual.
Pumps are at times are horrible. Especially when running, I get pump in lower back that makes me have to stop when I run too much at practice. Also Ankle tendon, not sure if it is related but it started at the same time that the pumps did.
Hunger. REALLY hard to want to stay within calories for the day when I want to eat everything in sight.

I probably notice the sore joints and pump the most just from training for my sport and those are things that hurt me at times. Either way loving the cycle so far!