more then 4 weeks on T1pro?


The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
what if you went say 8 weeks on the T1 pro? I read it will shut down natural test production, but I have clomid for post cycle.

would you get better results going longer?

also when would clomid be started after using 1-test?


There is much debate about whether an 8 week cycle or a 4 on, 4 off, 4 on cycle give better results. Is this your first cycle? You could run it for the first four weeks and see if you think you can keep the level of intensity up for another four. If so, do the eight weeks straight, if not take a four week break and hit it again.
well this would be my first time using 1-Test.

Ive used deca b4 but that was a long time ago.

I think I will go the 4weeks and see what happens.


I found 8 was too long. By thta time you are sick of rubbing yourself down 2ice a day... After 4 weeks you don't really make any more gains you just solidify the ones your made in the 1st 4.... Try a 4 on 4off 4 on. that swhat everyone is going to be doing.. talk to ya...
What about 6 on 8 off...

hehe :cool:

just throwin a monkey wrench in the gears
I did 6 on and will probably take at least 6-8 off, may be more.
Will go with 4 on 4 off to cut the off-cycle time. Is it any more important to use anti-E or do post cycle treatments the 2nd or 3rd time around?

Nuts still small 10 days after cycle. I use ZMA, flax. I have a bottle of vitex and haven't used it yet. I don't have problem with the boobies. Vitex will dry you out a bit? Does it help the jewels get back to normal? As far as I have read it's mostly to help gyno.
hamper19 said:
try and get some clomid, that **** works well and is pretty cheap


Clomid? Cheap? where are you getting it from?

(don't actually tell me cuz we cant post sources)
Lifeguard said:

Clomid? Cheap? where are you getting it from?

(don't actually tell me cuz we cant post sources)

wasn't going to tell me and I can give you some direction...


6 weeks will probably work very well judging from my past steroid experience. 4 weeks does not sound like enough to develope blood levels of the substance and get real results. 4 weeks would probably be around the time you really start to get real results, not just some bloat from the 4 ad and "the in the mind effect". Just my 2 cents worth.
But depending on the roids they have esters attached that may last 3-4 weeks even. 1-test and 4-ad have none. So the blood levels are instant(almost).. Talk to ya

I will take your word, I'm realtivly new to the 1test and prohormone scene. I used to just head right for the pill and needle. How would the lack of an ester make blood levels instant though?

You know what test suspension is. It is test with no ester suspended in water.... Inject that and you get instant test in your blood.That is why you inject every day. Steroids with esters have to be injected less frequent and they take longer to peak in your system...

In short with no ester the ph or steroid becomes instantly active in you bloodstream...

Hope that helps.. talk to ya

**********edited********by me*******
I got ya. YES I'm VERY FAMILIAR with test suspension. God I love test... I remember when I did suspension the results were very dramatic in terms of both time and overall gains (granted I was taking it with 5 sustonon a week and 13 dball a day and 30iu of insulin a day). Thanks curt

I was a relativly lean (with abs) 262 at 5'9. I was deadlifting 720, benching 405, squating 540 for 8-10, and doing db flys with 110's
I had a nasty car accident a few years back that brought me back to reality. Now I'm 221 at 5'9 (not small but not a monster) With the help of these new supplements I hope to get back to 245 or so.:saw:
phil216 said:

I was a relativly lean (with abs) 262 at 5'9. I was deadlifting 720, benching 405, squating 540 for 8-10, and doing db flys with 110's

thats pretty deebo man. obviously a powerlifter?