More Noob Q's Pre and post workout shakes:)


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More questions,

Im currently using nitrotechs protein shake Pre work out and I does give me a boost like a dilute jack3d. But realistically would I Need or would you recommend a different post work out shake designed for repair?


All input welcome :)
Realistically no, post workout shakes can be useful.. but essentially all they are is simple carbs and protein. After your workouts your body needs protein and simple carbohydrates, so have a protein shake and consume some fast digesting carbs like white rice, white bread with some jelly, juice, a or even a poptart, things like that. It's easier on the wallet that way, and still effective.
Try a mix of soy and whey at a 1:1 ratio preworkout and mixture of whey and casein or use casein before bed. 20 grams of whey also good when you first wakeup in the morning. Soy, preworkout, is good for boosting GH levels and has a great deal of arginine. Soy also boost nitric oxide levels so great preworkout.
Recommendations in casein proteins? I understand these all break down differently and over different time periods ?
CariSma said:
Recommendations in casein proteins? I understand these all break down differently and over different time periods ?

Don't worry bout casein. Stick with whey n food.
Yea casein breaks down slower over hours whereas whey breaks down much more quickly… but just like the post workout supplements it's not essential for bulking, you can get the same results without it. If you do decide to get it the best time for use is before bed so it can slowly digest and nourish your muscles while your asleep. I'll usually just make a shake and put some cottage cheese in which is casein protein. I agree with hungry4more.
Yea casein breaks down slower over hours whereas whey breaks down much more quickly… but just like the post workout supplements it's not essential for bulking, you can get the same results without it. If you do decide to get it the best time for use is before bed so it can slowly digest and nourish your muscles while your asleep. I'll usually just make a shake and put some cottage cheese in which is casein protein. I agree with hungry4more.

I agree you can get by without casein, but in a perfect world . . . why not use it. Will not hurt and keep catabolism down that may occur over night. Also good for meal skipping or shakes between meals so you don't graze.

Soy, however, I do think is a good idea pre-workout. If for nothing else, I like Soy for the Growth Hormone enhancement. Throw in the arginine and NO benefits and it should be a no brainer to mix soy and whey in a 1:1 ratio preworkout.

Candidly, are we not somewhat better off just consuming a well balanced protein intake to get the wide gamut of aminos. Eat eggs in morning, almonds, brazil nuts or walnuts as snack, chicken with lunch, tuna as snack, and steak with dinner. That would give a great array of aminos. I would keep soy in the mix for Growth Hormone still or eat edamame as snack before workout.
I constantly researching and don't generally do things by half but I feel a tad lost at this stage. I'm willing to experiment but dont want to proceed half ****ed
There is so much misinformation in this thread that I don't even know where to begin.

Cooper go drink some chamomile tea...I got this...EVERYONE CALM THE **** DOWN! IT'S GOING TO BE OK! JUST LISTEN TO ME! (trips and dies)
Your body never and I mean never "needs" simple carbs.

My body needs Snickers always. Snickers satisfies. Right?

Seriously though, I not reference carbs, but please advise if I am misinformed about proteins. Here to learn. I am just passing along for free what I pay $$$ for to a dietician, trainer and anti-aging/endo doctors.
Your body never and I mean never "needs" simple carbs.

Well yes, i guess i used the wrong word when i said "needs", but after strenuous exercise your does need glucose to restore muscle energy, and foods with a high glycemic index should be consumed… Correct? Especially when bulking, cutting is a different factor.
There is so much misinformation in this thread that I don't even know where to begin.

This^. It's a misnomer that simple carbs are needed after a workout. Take some whey after workouts and maybe some BCAA's intra otherwise don't stress. Lift heavy eat whole foods when able and hit your calories/macros and all will be good.
Well yes, i guess i used the wrong word when i said "needs", but after strenuous exercise your does need glucose to restore muscle energy, and foods with a high glycemic index should be consumed… Correct? Especially when bulking, cutting is a different factor.

Incorrect. The GI of the carbohydrate is irrelevant, and timing postworkout is not necessarily more beneficial than at any other point in the day. The insulin spike postworkout is biphasic with phase 1 occuring on a carbohydrate-independent level (hence, only protein is necessary). You will have anywhere from 2-7 days to replenish local muscle glycogen before your next training session, so spiking insulin with simple carbs rather than consuming whole foods that are rich in micronutrients and fiber is unwise.
mr.cooper69 said:
Incorrect. The GI of the carbohydrate is irrelevant, and timing postworkout is not necessarily more beneficial than at any other point in the day. The insulin spike postworkout is biphasic with phase 1 occuring on a carbohydrate-independent level (hence, only protein is necessary). You will have anywhere from 2-7 days to replenish local muscle glycogen before your next training session, so spiking insulin with simple carbs rather than consuming whole foods that are rich in micronutrients and fiber is unwise.

Aren't there studies that show increase hypertrophy and gains from simple carbs post work out though?
Aren't there studies that show increase hypertrophy and gains from simple carbs post work out though?

They tend to study carbs solo vs protein and carbs (as an example) rather than sources of carbs.

People tend to hypothesise in this area because no study is absolutely conclusive on it.
Aren't there studies that show increase hypertrophy and gains from simple carbs post work out though?

The studies are methodologically flawed and the only one that showed true benefits had the subjects come to a facility in which they conducted the test ~3 hours postworkout. You need to dispel the notion of reductionist thinking and understand the big picture of daily anabolism/catabolism
mr.cooper69 said:
You need to dispel the notion of reductionist thinking and understand the big picture of daily anabolism/catabolism
Good advice to follow. Concentrate on your daily intake meeting your goals. I tried the simple carb post workout routine years ago and found no difference.