MK677 Bloodwork Keto Log


New member
First time poster...short time lurker. Post inspired in part due to @tregar

Want to log my progress and get any feedback that may help me along the way.

I will be posting weekly updates along with monthly or bi-monthly bloodwork(depending on financial budget lol), I have attached bloodwork that will be used as my starting base. I'm currently on the Ketogains protocol and have been for almost two years, the last year being the most disciplined with weight lifting. Went from 250lbs to 180lbs over the course of the last two years, currently at 190lbs. I plan on staying on my Ketogains protocol and taking MK677 in the mornings along with my morning coffee. I'll do my best to post as much detail as possible. I am open to any input/feedback. I will start my log the first week of February 2023.

Weight: 190lbs
BodyFat: 28%
Height" 5'11

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You haven’t started the MK677 yet, correct? That’s a pretty good starting IGF number.
Correct - I noticed that as well, a bit surprised to be honest. I’m going out of town for the next 5 days, quick vacation. Then starting on the 1st of February. Inhibitor-P will be waiting for me as well when I get back. @Burnfire
Wanted to give Day 1 impression.

Took 25mg of MK677 around 9am with 16oz of cold brew. About an hour later the lethargy people talk about kicked in. Decided to grab a protein style 4x4 from In-n-Out, felt way better for about 20min. Then the lethargy AND hunger kicked in hard. Grabbed a keto style bowl from a local place and added extra beef. No change - about an hour later grabbed a SECOND keto style bowl. No change. I could feel the physical fullness but the hunger sensation was not even close to going away. Grabbed a bag of Alien Jerky Beef Jerky to snack on, cleared the whole bag in about 30min, tried to pace myself. It’s like my body wanted sugar. Decided to test something, I consume very little sugar on a regular basis. Not just for health reason but my skin will break out if I consume sugar, over 50g will definitely lead to skin issues the following day or two. I came home and packed a bit of peanut butter into a single slice of bread. The hunger sensation went away for almost 2hrs and has stayed at a reasonable level in my opinion. Lethargic feeling is still a bit above a reasonable level. Going to try and get a work out in and go straight to bed.
Quick Day 2 Update
Work out yesterday was fine.
Didn’t really get any sleep - tossed and turned which is a bit unexpected.
25mg at 9 am with coffee today.
I’m tired but nothing compared to Day 1 , same goes for the hunger sensation.
Quick Day 2 Update
Work out yesterday was fine.
Didn’t really get any sleep - tossed and turned which is a bit unexpected.
25mg at 9 am with coffee today.
I’m tired but nothing compared to Day 1 , same goes for the hunger sensation.

Any particular reason you’re not taking it at night? I’ve read most people take it at night due to the lethargy. Helps guys sleep deeply along with vivid dreams. It also may help with the consistent hunger. Just a thought.
Any particular reason you’re not taking it at night? I’ve read most people take it at night due to the lethargy. Helps guys sleep deeply along with vivid dreams. It also may help with the consistent hunger. Just a thought.
I take it 30min pre workout in the morning, does make me hungry tho, very hungry. I actually know guys who only use it on there high carb or refeed day. There specifically using it to drive hunger
I take it 30min pre workout in the morning, does make me hungry tho, very hungry. I actually know guys who only use it on there high carb or refeed day. There specifically using it to drive hunger

Yeah I knew it can drive hunger and would be great to take on refeed days or bulking but I took it as he was complaining about the hunger so a kinda assumed he wasn’t bulking. I could be totally wrong though.
Yeah I knew it can drive hunger and would be great to take on refeed days or bulking but I took it as he was complaining about the hunger so a kinda assumed he wasn’t bulking. I could be totally wrong though.
I wasn't assuming he was bulking. I have high carb and refeed days when I cut. He's also on keto so I highly doubt he's bulking or even worried about muscle retenion for that matter.
I wasn't assuming he was bulking. I have high carb and refeed days when I cut. He's also on keto so I highly doubt he's bulking or even worried about muscle retenion for that matter.

Have you taken it at night in the past? If so how was your hunger level the next day?
Update for Week 2

I was fighting a cold the first week I took MK677 - I've been purposely been taking it in the morning to see what the sides are and how intense they are. As you can see above, Day 1 was intense. Every day afterward has been fine. I don't have intense hunger and the lethargy is very minimal - once I get caffein in my body I don't notice it. I did purposely skip taking it this last Sunday and Monday was almost as bad as Day 1 with the hunger, no lethargy tho. I have been consuming more calories overall since I started MK677 - went from about 2200cal to 3100cal a day. I plan on skipping Sunday this week and switching to taking it at night. I haven't experience any of the sleep sides mentioned by others, I tend to wake up between 3am/4am every night and was looking forward to having the sleep sides benefits others talk about. Sleeping through the night sounds amazing. Have not noticed any water retention in my face or body. My workouts seem about the same.
Yeah I knew it can drive hunger and would be great to take on refeed days or bulking but I took it as he was complaining about the hunger so a kinda assumed he wasn’t bulking. I could be totally wrong though.
It wasn't so much a complain I think - I just had this physical full feeling - like my food was up to my throat but my mind just wanted to keep eating. Was uncomfortable more than anything.
Reading your results I have to wonder why you feel the need to do 25mg. You don’t need to use the dose the is mentioned the most online. Not all people will react the same. You’ll make things easier starting at a lower dose and then increasing after you’ve made an assessment.
Reading your results I have to wonder why you feel the need to do 25mg. You don’t need to use the dose the is mentioned the most online. Not all people will react the same. You’ll make things easier starting at a lower dose and then increasing after you’ve made an assessment.
I stuck with 25mg based on the studies I combed thru more so than what everyone else was doing online. As of now the sides have been very manageable. With the exception of Day 1. I plan on sticking with the 25mg considering everything “feels” fine so far. I had zero sides today which is great. With that said would you still recommend I drop down to 15mg and work my way back up to 25mg?
If you don’t need to drop down then it’s all up to you

I would say the dose vs curve is logarithmic, meaning any compound gets diminishing returns and (increasing side effects) as dose keeps going up. I’m a fan of slow sustainable gains with low doses. Even at 12.5 MK677 I took a few days off because of blood pressure headaches; just one day off solves it. And I think it’s most of the IGF1 benefit anyway. Never saw the need to just jump up to “standard” doses.

no one should have to deal with side effects like you had where you kept needing extra meals lol I can’t imagine it
If you don’t need to drop down then it’s all up to you

I would say the dose vs curve is logarithmic, meaning any compound gets diminishing returns and (increasing side effects) as dose keeps going up. I’m a fan of slow sustainable gains with low doses. Even at 12.5 MK677 I took a few days off because of blood pressure headaches; just one day off solves it. And I think it’s most of the IGF1 benefit anyway. Never saw the need to just jump up to “standard” doses.

no one should have to deal with side effects like you had where you kept needing extra meals lol I can’t imagine it
I like this logic and agree. Thanks for the input, really appreciate it. Thankfully the hunger sides was only Day 1 lol - if it stayed any additional days I would have dropped dose or switched taking right before bed.
Nice log ohflow23. I was on mk677 for 6 months (Sept 2022 thru Feb of 2023). Now I'm on peptides for the next 6 months: see post #6 for instructions on use of peptides: (63) 25mg MK677 bloodwork FAQ = 4iu pharm grade HGH (used 25mg mk677 for 6 months out of the year for 5 years straight with 7 bloodworks) -

Quick question: are you still experiencing mild lethargy? I get zero lethargy myself, lucky I guess. In case the lethargy is ever too much, the peptides have none for those who get tiredness while on mk677.
Nice log ohflow23. I was on mk677 for 6 months (Sept 2022 thru Feb of 2023). Now I'm on peptides for the next 6 months: see post #6 for instructions on use of peptides: (63) 25mg MK677 bloodwork FAQ = 4iu pharm grade HGH (used 25mg mk677 for 6 months out of the year for 5 years straight with 7 bloodworks) -

Quick question: are you still experiencing mild lethargy? I get zero lethargy myself, lucky I guess. In case the lethargy is ever too much, the peptides have none for those who get tiredness while on mk677.
Thanks for responding, I appreciate it. The lethargy is basically gone. I have noticed it seems to linger in the back a bit if I get sloppy with the Keto diet. Not sure if I will transition to peptides - with my IGF-1 already naturally at high levels I will likely stay off the MK for 3/4 months and then jump back on if the MK results at the end of this pan out in my favor. So far things have been great. I have bloodwork scheduled for the first week of March and will post the results on here along with additional information.