I think that they were drastically overblown. Some brands seemed to have a lot more reports of that than others; and I don't think we had 5 people total every report experiencing that with ours. This could have had to do with the wide discrepancy in raw material quality with TTA raw materials. A few brands were going for the cheapest raws they could get and there was a higher level of impurities in those. On our end, we were extremely picky about the quality of raw materials that we would accept. Hence why we were literally out of stock for years after the two major suppliers stopped making the ingredient years ago.
We tried really hard to get this ingredient made and we had companies that could make it in the low 90% range and that wasn't acceptable to us. We stayed out of stock and lost money being out of stock of it bc we weren't willing to accept raws in that percentage range. To me, it wasn't a matter of say accept a 92% and increase the dose a little bc I always suspected it may be the impurities that really exaggerated the water retention and digestive issues that some people said they experienced with it bc we never had those complaints on ours.
And now, with the relaunch of TTA-500, we add an electrolyte blend to also help with any of the potential issues.
All of that being said, it is possible to hold a little bit of fluid with TTA bc that's just part of how it works; and if someone already tends to hold fluid easily it may be more pronounced to them. But we're still talking minimal, nothing like what you see some people blow it out of proportion to - at least not with ours.