MitoBurn XT - Now Available

You are correct I am Stacking the MitoBurn and the TTA-500, so yes that is where the slight water retention is coming from. I am really enjoying them both !!

I recall hearing quite a bit about water retention issues with TTA. In my experience, they were overblown, or maybe I just did not tend to retain much water with it
You are correct I am Stacking the MitoBurn and the TTA-500, so yes that is where the slight water retention is coming from. I am really enjoying them both !!

I recall hearing quite a bit about water retention issues with TTA. In my experience, they were overblown, or maybe I just did not tend to retain much water with it
I recall hearing quite a bit about water retention issues with TTA. In my experience, they were overblown, or maybe I just did not tend to retain much water with it

I have been using it for about 2 weeks, I have noticed very slight water retention, I add (1) Dandelion capsule a day and it is gone !
I have been using it for about 2 weeks, I have noticed very slight water retention, I add (1) Dandelion capsule a day and it is gone !

Nice. Yeah I think water retention is a complicated thing… independent of TTA, could be sodium, carbs, hydration status, etc
I recall hearing quite a bit about water retention issues with TTA. In my experience, they were overblown, or maybe I just did not tend to retain much water with it

I think that they were drastically overblown. Some brands seemed to have a lot more reports of that than others; and I don't think we had 5 people total every report experiencing that with ours. This could have had to do with the wide discrepancy in raw material quality with TTA raw materials. A few brands were going for the cheapest raws they could get and there was a higher level of impurities in those. On our end, we were extremely picky about the quality of raw materials that we would accept. Hence why we were literally out of stock for years after the two major suppliers stopped making the ingredient years ago.

We tried really hard to get this ingredient made and we had companies that could make it in the low 90% range and that wasn't acceptable to us. We stayed out of stock and lost money being out of stock of it bc we weren't willing to accept raws in that percentage range. To me, it wasn't a matter of say accept a 92% and increase the dose a little bc I always suspected it may be the impurities that really exaggerated the water retention and digestive issues that some people said they experienced with it bc we never had those complaints on ours.

And now, with the relaunch of TTA-500, we add an electrolyte blend to also help with any of the potential issues.

All of that being said, it is possible to hold a little bit of fluid with TTA bc that's just part of how it works; and if someone already tends to hold fluid easily it may be more pronounced to them. But we're still talking minimal, nothing like what you see some people blow it out of proportion to - at least not with ours.
I believe you have a winner !!
I think that they were drastically overblown. Some brands seemed to have a lot more reports of that than others; and I don't think we had 5 people total every report experiencing that with ours. This could have had to do with the wide discrepancy in raw material quality with TTA raw materials. A few brands were going for the cheapest raws they could get and there was a higher level of impurities in those. On our end, we were extremely picky about the quality of raw materials that we would accept. Hence why we were literally out of stock for years after the two major suppliers stopped making the ingredient years ago.

We tried really hard to get this ingredient made and we had companies that could make it in the low 90% range and that wasn't acceptable to us. We stayed out of stock and lost money being out of stock of it bc we weren't willing to accept raws in that percentage range. To me, it wasn't a matter of say accept a 92% and increase the dose a little bc I always suspected it may be the impurities that really exaggerated the water retention and digestive issues that some people said they experienced with it bc we never had those complaints on ours.

And now, with the relaunch of TTA-500, we add an electrolyte blend to also help with any of the potential issues.

All of that being said, it is possible to hold a little bit of fluid with TTA bc that's just part of how it works; and if someone already tends to hold fluid easily it may be more pronounced to them. But we're still talking minimal, nothing like what you see some people blow it out of proportion to - at least not with ours.

If TTA powder measures at 92% (for example), what’s the remaining 8%?
If TTA powder measures at 92% (for example), what’s the remaining 8%?

There's no way to answer that question for sure bc we're talking about hypotheticals with raw materials 6 to 15 years ago and it could vary from supplier to supplier back then.

In the case of the TTA that we are using now in TTA-500, we require a high percentage and also I do know what the 1% or 2% other would be and its completely harmless and wouldn't add to any water retention. But TTA may make some people hold a slight amount of water due to the way it works, but I think the people that experienced it big time years ago wasn't necessarily the TTA itself.
There's no way to answer that question for sure bc we're talking about hypotheticals with raw materials 6 to 15 years ago and it could vary from supplier to supplier back then.

In the case of the TTA that we are using now in TTA-500, we require a high percentage and also I do know what the 1% or 2% other would be and its completely harmless and wouldn't add to any water retention. But TTA may make some people hold a slight amount of water due to the way it works, but I think the people that experienced it big time years ago wasn't necessarily the TTA itself.

Understood - thanks!
Interesting you mentioning the sides. I've never really gotten muscle cramping from TTA, but I have had prior issued where my stomach just feels a little offensive. Like semi-full/queasy. With this SNS batch I don't get nearly as much of it. Maybe a hint the fist few days, but nothing like before. Any idea what that's about?
Interesting you mentioning the sides. I've never really gotten muscle cramping from TTA, but I have had prior issued where my stomach just feels a little offensive. Like semi-full/queasy. With this SNS batch I don't get nearly as much of it. Maybe a hint the fist few days, but nothing like before. Any idea what that's about?

I want to specify to anyone reading so they don't get confused that we're talking about TTA, not MitoBurn. I just wanted to make that clear since this conversation is going on in the MitoBurn XT thread.

To answer your questions, its the same as I explained above about the fluid retention in that I think that TTA can cause a slight bit of fluid retention and possibly a slight bit of digestive disturbance for some people but that it is mild and that its nowhere near as pronounced as some people in the past made it out to be - at least related to ours, and that's because we're extremely conscious of the quality of raw materials that we use. Even if you look back years to where we offered TTA-500 in the past, you never saw the reports of fluid retention or stomach issues with ours like you did some brands. I'm not knocking anyone in particular, they were just likely making decisions to go with whatever raws they could get at the time or maybe not testing the raws that they were getting, whereas on our end we always were and are extremely strict about the quality of raw materials that we would use and would rather be out of stock on it than offer lower quality raws.
I am starting my third week of TAA with no problems
Already - Sounds Like SNS Has A Winner !!
Any news on when Mitoburn will be back in stock? Seems to be sold out atm

We're hoping to have it back in stock within the next couple of weeks.
If you’re going to start a blog with some industry insight, I think a really interesting topic is determining the initial production amount for new SKU’s

That would be an interesting topic but that's something that has to be determined on a case by case, product by product, and company by company basis. There's no one general answer to that one bc it depends on the size of the company, the customer base, marketing, product type, and a lot of other factors.
I wanted to let everyone know that we just received MitoBurn XT back.

We will be extending the Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale thru December 6th, so for a limited time, you can save big on MitoBurn XT!

MitoBurn XT - 500 mg. per capsule - Regular Price: 39.99; Black Friday Sale Price: 27.99 each (save 12.00!)

MitoBurn XT/TTA-500 Stack - Regular Price: 74.99; Black Friday Sale Price: 52.49 (save 27.50 total!)

Also, to celebrate it MitoBurn XT being back in stock, we are now offering a MitoBurn XT - 3 pack:

MitoBurn XT - 3 Pack - Regular Price: 109.99; Black Friday Sale Price: 76.99 (save 42.98 total!)
Should dosage be split on off days or does it not make a difference?
Anyone confirm mitoburn is making a big difference in dieting?

I love it myself. From Feb. 14th. up thru 3 weeks ago, I had lost a little over 40 lbs. with changes to my diet but without being super strict, and that was without being able to exercise. I was using more than MitoBurn, but pretty experienced with supps and knowing how different things affect me and can definitely say it helped.

Overall, there is a lot of good feedback on MitoBurn in general, MitoBurn XT, ThermoScorch, LipoVantage, and Lipo Elite (all of which have it in there).

Here's a very in depth review from @TheMrMuscle on Thermo Scorch

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I have used it in the past with good results !

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Mitoburn is an awesome ingredient, and SNS' version is the best on the market in terms of amount per serving and price point
The bottle says to take 2 in the A.M. on non training days, and I wasn't sure if there was a reason for that.

It can be taken 2 in the morning on non-training days or taken 1 twice per day. Some people even use 2 twice per day.

It's really just a matter of preference.
It can be taken 2 in the morning on non-training days or taken 1 twice per day. Some people even use 2 twice per day.

It's really just a matter of preference.
Thanks again. I was doing 2 prebed, but just switched it up to 2x a day.
Thanks again. I was doing 2 prebed, but just switched it up to 2x a day.

I think that you're fine either way. I've done 1 cap 2x per day and I've also done Thermo Scorch in the morning and LipoVantage before bed, which ups my total MitoBurn to 2 grams per day.
I think that you're fine either way. I've done 1 cap 2x per day and I've also done Thermo Scorch in the morning and LipoVantage before bed, which ups my total MitoBurn to 2 grams per day.

This is the protocol I used with good success!
Is it suppose to improve endurance also? I am at the 2 weeks mark and my cardio session become less hard. I am not sure if it is the mitoburn, or the epichachetin from a blend I take. I am already on Anabolic effect and cordyceep, so i am impress
Is it suppose to improve endurance also? I am at the 2 weeks mark and my cardio session become less hard. I am not sure if it is the mitoburn, or the epichachetin from a blend I take. I am already on Anabolic effect and cordyceep, so i am impress

Some people do report improved endurance from it.

Anabolic Effect helps with my endurance a lot.
Sounds Like A Winner !!
So added mitoburn xt and definitely notice a uptick in fatloss. Had platued on cut and instead of reducing calories added mitoburn and really impressed. It's been 2 weeks so looking forward to 2 more and hopefully continue with results.
So added mitoburn xt and definitely notice a uptick in fatloss. Had platued on cut and instead of reducing calories added mitoburn and really impressed. It's been 2 weeks so looking forward to 2 more and hopefully continue with results.

Thank you for the feedback, that's great to hear.

I think and hope that you'll continue to see progress with it - for a lot of people, myself included, the results with MitoBurn XT seemed to get better by the week for a period of time and then stay consistent. Very much a fan of it.
I like the combo of your other mitoburn supps. Just needed to try the ingredient solo first.

Thanks. I've done the same thing - I've done Thermo Scorch in the morning and LipoVantage at night, but also had done just MitoBurn XT to see how I liked it solo too. Once I established that I really do like it a lot, I had went into the combo ones.
Need to try xpg cortisol product next.

Suppress-C is a great product. It applies easy, is fast drying, and great results.
Need to get. Wife watching the supp budget top closely. Trying to convince her it might improve her sleep. Lol
Need to get. Wife watching the supp budget top closely. Trying to convince her it might improve her sleep. Lol

It does help a lot of people with sleep. It also helps with immune system support as well.
Sleep and abdominal fat loss is my goals.

Suppress-C is great for both - but if you're looking specifically for abdominal fat loss, I would suggest stacking Ab-Solved with it.

Ab-Solved is a great product and helps target abdominal fat loss and especially visceral fat.

The feedback on Ab-Solved has been great and I've used it and been very impressed by it.