MitoBurn XT - Now Available

Will you guys do a thread on feedback from people trying mitoburn? Love to hear feed back before I decide to buy.

Usually SNS welcomes people to throw a quick feedback here .. theres few people here i know that bought some and hopefully we will see some revies ..sold out pretty fast on DPS.
Free amino acids are essentially 100% bioavailable - with some minimal saturation limitations (I.e. competition if taken with food / protein bonus). Take with empty stomach.

well said .. no need to worry about amino acids lol
Usually SNS welcomes people to throw a quick feedback here .. theres few people here i know that bought some and hopefully we will see some revies ..sold out pretty fast on DPS.

DPS never had it in stock. They still need to put it up for sale on site.
DPS never had it in stock. They still need to put it up for sale on site.

oh they didnt .. i saw it on their page and said out of stock, so i thought they put it up and sold out .. i subscribed so should know when they put it up.
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oh they didnt .. i saw it on their page and said out of stock, so i thought they put it up and sold out .. i subscribed so should know when they put it up.
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They probably got word from SNS it was coming so they went ahead and put it up. I'd guess they have it for sale soon.
Thanks bud, thought it was a new product

All good .. so a new product, the ingredient it self has been out but more and more is coming to the market since NNB nutrition trademarked it and did studies. So we know the source is legit when it comes to mitoburnXT

if you just search there's a lot of co that has this out but they cheat and give you 150-250mg

i had someone started this at 2caps this monday .. and will check back in weekly.

me personally i think i will start this 2nd-3rd week of this month, solo so i know how it treats .. might try just 1cap for a month since its a hefty dose and see if can see some body composition.
All good .. so a new product, the ingredient it self has been out but more and more is coming to the market since NNB nutrition trademarked it and did studies. So we know the source is legit when it comes to mitoburnXT

if you just search there's a lot of co that has this out but they cheat and give you 150-250mg

i had someone started this at 2caps this monday .. and will check back in weekly.

me personally i think i will start this 2nd-3rd week of this month, solo so i know how it treats .. might try just 1cap for a month since its a hefty dose and see if can see some body composition.
Thanks for the info
Also is there is any data on this product for bioavailability of mitoburn?

I see that this already got answered but I still wanted to acknowledge it.

MitoBurn has good oral bioavailability - that's actually one of the things that it's known for is being the first commercially viable orally bioavailable form of L-BAIBA.

Will you guys do a thread on feedback from people trying mitoburn? Love to hear feed back before I decide to buy.

We welcome people to put their feedback in this thread. The more feedback the better.

Overall though, there is a lot of solid feedback on MitoBurn. What we really did with MitoBurn XT is make it a lot more cost effective to people at offering double the dosage of some brands at a lesser price.

Link plz ?
Also when you say it’s free form acid
Does that mean automatically it’s bioavailable and our body absorb and utilize it etc ?

I don't think he's supposed to link to that source from here if I'm not mistaken.

No, being a free form amino acid doesn't automatically mean that its bioavailable but MitoBurn is.

Well said. You nailed it. SNS dosages and quality are top-notch.

Welcome back, Steve! Picked up some Mitoburn during the Memorial Day sale. Good stuff. Sending positive thoughts and prayers. Be well, brother! What doesn't kills us, makes us stronger.

Thank you. I really appreciate the kind words and support. It's been a really, really rough last few months.

I really truly appreciate the prayers.

They probably got word from SNS it was coming so they went ahead and put it up. I'd guess they have it for sale soon.

They have the same thing happen to them that happens to us sometimes in that when they add a product to the site, it may show available for a few moments when they test the listing and then they turn it out of stock.

They added the listing when I let them know it was available and they ordered it.

Thanks bud, thought it was a new product

MitoBurn XT is a new product from us but the ingredient itself has been around for a little while :)
Maybe a July 4th sale is in the works ??
Just started this today. Took 2 with preworkout. Any dosing suggestions or other timing schedule. I plan to take 1 before fasted cardio with yohimbine/caffeine and another before weightlifting in the evening. On days I can't do fasted cardio I'll take 2 before regular woukout.
Just started this today. Took 2 with preworkout. Any dosing suggestions or other timing schedule. I plan to take 1 before fasted cardio with yohimbine/caffeine and another before weightlifting in the evening. On days I can't do fasted cardio I'll take 2 before regular woukout.

I like your layout and its what I'll be doing myself when I can get back to regular training - 1 before cardio and 1 before regular workouts or on days where I don't do those separately then 2 before the one that I do.

I would also take 2 per day on non-workout days as well.

I hope that you'll be very pleased with it.
Any reviews on this with the high doses?

I'm not sure if there are any yet with MitoBurn XT but I've seen plenty of good ones on MitoBurn in general. And I think we'll likely see a lot more bc MitoBurn XT should allow people to much more cost effectively use higher doses :)
Maybe a July 4th sale is in the works ??

Yes sir, it definitely is.

And also, maybe a couple more surprise releases before then as well :)
Day 3. Definitely sweating more. I have already been on ursa for about 2 months, added this is in and felt like a sauna during workouts. Will report back as the cycle goes. Bought 2 bottles. Might increase to 3 caps a day in a few weeks depending on results.
Day 3. Definitely sweating more. I have already been on ursa for about 2 months, added this is in and felt like a sauna during workouts. Will report back as the cycle goes. Bought 2 bottles. Might increase to 3 caps a day in a few weeks depending on results.

@BigSWOLE25 2 caps seems to work great .. let us know if you do 3caps and notice a difference.

I do notice a lil more sweat, but i dont sweat much to begin with.
I'm not sure if there are any yet with MitoBurn XT but I've seen plenty of good ones on MitoBurn in general. And I think we'll likely see a lot more bc MitoBurn XT should allow people to much more cost effectively use higher doses :)
I’m taking on a daily basis:
3 caps MitoBurn XT (500 mg per cap)
3 caps Forskolin-95+ (25 mg per cap)
3 caps Paradoxine® (100 mg per cap)

I take 1 cap of MitoBurn XT plus 1 cap of Forskolin-95+ plus 1 cap of Paradoxine® (all three together) upon waking, then all three again mid afternoon and lastly all three after dinner. In total I’m consuming 1,500mg of MitoBurn, 75mg of Forskolin, and 300mg of Paradoxine daily and I’m really enjoying the results.
@sns8778 do you plan on making a stand-alone Forskolin-95+ product? Both the MitoBurn and Paradoxine are SNS products but it took me a long time to find the ForsLean Forskolin-95+ because nobody really makes it.
Will have to pick some up to try again, recall using 2g/day for a couple months of the bulk powder that antaeus put out years ago and not noticing much from it
Will have to pick some up to try again, recall using 2g/day for a couple months of the bulk powder that antaeus put out years ago and not noticing much from it

L-BAIBA has always traditionally had stability issues. That's one of the highlights of MitoBurn is that its the first commercially available consistently stable form of L-BAIBA. So hopefully you'll see a lot better experience :)
I’m taking on a daily basis:
3 caps MitoBurn XT (500 mg per cap)
3 caps Forskolin-95+ (25 mg per cap)
3 caps Paradoxine® (100 mg per cap)

I take 1 cap of MitoBurn XT plus 1 cap of Forskolin-95+ plus 1 cap of Paradoxine® (all three together) upon waking, then all three again mid afternoon and lastly all three after dinner. In total I’m consuming 1,500mg of MitoBurn, 75mg of Forskolin, and 300mg of Paradoxine daily and I’m really enjoying the results.
@sns8778 do you plan on making a stand-alone Forskolin-95+ product? Both the MitoBurn and Paradoxine are SNS products but it took me a long time to find the ForsLean Forskolin-95+ because nobody really makes it.

That looks like a great stack.

Very interesting that you asked that haha. I have Forskolin XT in stock right now; it's one of the products that I need to finish the write up on and get in the release schedule. It'll be available probably within the next week or two. If you or anyone needs any before we release it, pm me and I'll try to get you taken care of :)
That looks like a great stack.

Very interesting that you asked that haha. I have Forskolin XT in stock right now; it's one of the products that I need to finish the write up on and get in the release schedule. It'll be available probably within the next week or two. If you or anyone needs any before we release it, pm me and I'll try to get you taken care of :)
Does your Forskolin XT product contain ForsLean® 95%? I ask because whenever I have taken forskolin extracts that are 10% or 20% pure, I get bad GI distress. On the other hand, I found that ForsLean® 95% pure extract doesn’t give me any GI distress.
Does your Forskolin XT product contain ForsLean® 95%? I ask because whenever I have taken forskolin extracts that are 10% or 20% pure, I get bad GI distress. On the other hand, I found that ForsLean® 95% pure extract doesn’t give me any GI distress.

Yes, we use actual Forslean 95% for the product. It will be 25 mg. per capsule, 60 caps per bottle.
Some more Great Stuff coming !!
That looks like a great stack.

Very interesting that you asked that haha. I have Forskolin XT in stock right now; it's one of the products that I need to finish the write up on and get in the release schedule. It'll be available probably within the next week or two. If you or anyone needs any before we release it, pm me and I'll try to get you taken care of :)
Nice! Some great things coming from SNS!
I think I am going to start running this stack on Monday.
I think I am going to start running this stack on Monday.

I think you'll be very pleased with it. I look forward to hearing your feedback.
My life's journey is to be leaner !!
Just started a new bottle as part of my QAM postprandial hypoglycemic elimination protocol (D BHB, L BAIBA, Phlorizin) for IF. L BAIBA blunts insulin release and works quite nicely.
I have been using my new SNS TTA-500 stacked with (1) MitoBurnXT everyday this week and I swear I am drop body fat. My pants are getting looser and I am seeing definition I have never seen ??? I will step the dose up on the MitoBurnXT to (2) Capsules next week and (3) the following week. I am looking forward to reporting back !!

My Current SNS Stack. @sns8778 send me this FocusXT at No Charge with an order several months ago, I am just getting around to trying it. I now wish I had not waited so long Good Energy and it taste Great ! I guess I will have to pick some up with SNS order!

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I have been using my new SNS TTA-500 stacked with (1) MitoBurnXT everyday this week and I swear I am drop body fat. My pants are getting looser and I am seeing definition I have never seen ??? I will step the dose up on the MitoBurnXT to (2) Capsules next week and (3) the following week. I am looking forward to reporting back !!

My Current SNS Stack. @sns8778 send me this FocusXT at No Charge with an order several months ago, I am just getting around to trying it. I now wish I had not waited so long Good Energy and it taste Great ! I guess I will have to pick some up with SNS order!

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Rocket, what does the taurine do for you??
@sns8778 correct me if I wrong but I think I read that MitoBurn XT could cause some slight water retention. I notice this week after I bumped my dose up to (2) capsules a day some slight swelling in my hands, I was not sure if it was my arthritis of a little water retention ? After (2) dandelion capsules the swelling is gone. So if anyone else is noticing a little extra water, give it a try.
Any reason to space out the two caps per day? Right now I'm doing AM pre-WO and one PM after dinner. Or would 2 caps in the AM be better, not make a difference?
Any reason to space out the two caps per day? Right now I'm doing AM pre-WO and one PM after dinner. Or would 2 caps in the AM be better, not make a difference?
For me :
Take both pre workouts or both in morning and be done with it .. def can space out the 2nd dose 6-8hrs apart ..dont think theres any wrong way

But since the amino acid has shown to reduce appetite , convert fat cells into energy along with anti-aging .. i like to start the day with it and not worry about the 2nd dose.
Any reason to space out the two caps per day? Right now I'm doing AM pre-WO and one PM after dinner. Or would 2 caps in the AM be better, not make a difference?

I have been doing (2) in the AM PWO. I'm not sure what is best? @sns8778 ?
@sns8778 correct me if I wrong but I think I read that MitoBurn XT could cause some slight water retention. I notice this week after I bumped my dose up to (2) capsules a day some slight swelling in my hands, I was not sure if it was my arthritis of a little water retention ? After (2) dandelion capsules the swelling is gone. So if anyone else is noticing a little extra water, give it a try.

It would be very uncommon for MitoBurn to cause water retention.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you're taking TTA-500 too? If so, that would be more likely to be doing that than MitoBurn as some people get slight fluid retention due to its method of action. It's not common but not impossible either. Or like you said, it could be coincidental.
Any reason to space out the two caps per day? Right now I'm doing AM pre-WO and one PM after dinner. Or would 2 caps in the AM be better, not make a difference?

I could make an argument either way. For me, I'm a creature of habit and I always like the idea of spacing most things out. Some would argue that due to the MOA of MitoBurn that they would take both pre-workout which I could completely understand; but for me, I'd space it out like you are.
I have been doing (2) in the AM PWO. I'm not sure what is best? @sns8778 ?

I don't think that there's really a right or wrong answer to as to how to best do it.

I could make an argument either way. I tend to like to space things out myself but due to the MOA a lot of people would take it pre-workout. That would be based off the part about enhancing the effects of exercise. But then if you look into the rest of the science, it makes a good argument for taking it out.

I need to tighten my diet up myself and lose some fat that I've gained after the accident. When I do, I'll probably be doing 1,000 mg. before physical therapy in the morning (the only workout I can do right now) and then 500 mg. later in the day/evening but I'm nowhere near as lean as you.
It would be very uncommon for MitoBurn to cause water retention.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you're taking TTA-500 too? If so, that would be more likely to be doing that than MitoBurn as some people get slight fluid retention due to its method of action. It's not common but not impossible either. Or like you said, it could be coincidental.

You are correct I am Stacking the MitoBurn and the TTA-500, so yes that is where the slight water retention is coming from. I am really enjoying them both !!