methyldiazirnol (tr1umph OL) log


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This is not going to be a detailed log, more here to just keep me accountable. Had this hidden away for awhile in a dark place, got sick of looking at it and couldnt bring myself to throw it out.

My goal is to cut some bodyfat and really want to increase my deadlifts, I have a holiday planned October so want to be in better shape for that, I know this doesnt sound well thought out but I have done plenty of cycles in the past, nothing in the past couple of years but I know my stuff, just gonna post here randomly with updates and talk ****...

Starting stats-
20% bodyfat (yes I know too high, but I will be comitted with eating clean and smashing the weights here so expect it to drop quickly)
6 foot 2
Deadlift- 190kgx3

I will be doing 6 weeks, first week 40mg 2-6 will be 60mg. I will also be using Dermacrine. I have all the relevant support supps (tudca/cycle support) and serm for PCT. I am running MAPS Split as my program.

Started on Monday, so far so good.


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In on this as well!


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Last night workout, can already feel the difference in the muscle fullness, excited to see how this goes;
All lifts in KG btw.

Deadlift- 60x10, 100x8, 120x6, 150x3, 180x3, 180x3

Pullup- +10kgx6, +10kgx6, +10kgx6

Seated Cable Row- 90x6, 90x6, 90x6

Trap Bar Shrug- 80x10, 100x6,100x6,100x6

Barbell Curl- 20x12, 20x12, 30x6, 40x6

Hammer Curl-16x6, 16x6, 16x6, 16x6


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I tell you what, the muscle soreness I am getting is pretty wild seeing as I havent gone overly heavy yet.

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