Methyl 1-D first time user

lycanthrope 8

New member
Looking for personal experiences with Methyl 1-D and Natadrol:

Some background:
Avid lifter with about four years of experience - recent year and a half use of "natural test boosters" (i.e. Animal Stak (2), Test / Magnum Nutraceuticals Thrust / BPI A50&AHD, respectively). In the years prior I've kept to a clean diet and supplemented with various protein and mass gainers, creatines, branched chain aminos. I am a hardgainer. In the past two years in particular I have seen some gains and changes in body composition, denser muscles and vascularity, strength and overall feeling of well-being and energy.
Albeit increased protein and carbohydrate consumption, solid 8 hours of rest and split routine schedules, overload, I cannot manage to see sizable gains. I do not have any pervading medical issues.

I'm looking to take supplementation to the next level and maintain or add whatever insight/advice users here might have to offer. My goal is over the course of 8 weeks to add 5-10 pounds of dry gains.

I've read heavily and discussed with LG reps but the answer seems to be a gray area: Is Methyl 1-D a prohormone or a highly advanced test booster with a specific form of DHEA at the base of the formula?

At 22 y/o, I want to run a 4 week cycle of either M1D or Natadrol or perhaps both, along with Anabolic Innovations Life Support, multi's/bcaas, and PCT with Formadrol and Con-Cret Creatine for hormone level and strength maintenance.

Can anyone comment on the safety, associated pro's and con's firsthand, actual nature of the products?

Thank you


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I won't comment on the LG products since i'm a rep and most that don't already know me would think my opinions biased. What i will comment on is the beginning of your post. Those that consider themselves "hardgainers" simply lack a fundamentally sound diet. Since you've already said you have no medical issue that prevents your body from working like everyone elses... you simply are not eating enough calories. You can take all the supplements you like but if your diet is not up to par you'll lose whatever you gained on cycle, or you won't gain anything and blame the product for not working. Let me repeat, if you're not gaining you're not eating enough. Plain and simple. Now that my lecture is over...

M1D is a mild prohormone, so mild i don't even consider it in the typical "PH" category. It must be classified as one because of it's makeup, but it's no where near the potency of Superdrol or P-Mag or H-drol to name a few. M1D does convert to DHEA but we've added compounds to help it convert to T at a higher rate instead of E. M1-D is outdated in my opinion, and very soon we are releasing new hormonals that should be top notch. If you wanted to buy something now i'd advise Sub Sterone + DAA. DAA typically increases hunger (it did for me) and increases T quite a bit. Sub Sterone will harden you up. Both products can be had very reasonably. I'd get SNS DAA if it were me.

lycanthrope 8

New member
Rhadam -

Appreciate the follow-up -- I understand the importance of diet and that no supplement is a miracle pill, AAS or not. At 155 lbs I'll typically consume that up to 250 in protein per day, as well as 300-400 carbohydrates; EFAS in oils and peanut butters are the primary sources of fats.

I'm aware of DAA and recommended it to my roommate - guy cut up and put on pounds that were clearly not fat, several of us have noticed a physique change. I for one use it just for a period of month and noticed the hunger/hardening effect.

LG rep or not - I hold no grudges to any company and thanks for the follow up. M1D has been recommended to me as far back as 2 years ago at GNC and I flat out rejected due to my age and felt there were other avenues more appropriate at that time. Thought I'd look into it now.


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or a highly advanced test booster with a specific form of DHEA at the base of the formula? : YES THIS


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Looking for personal experiences with Methyl 1-D and Natadrol:

Some background:
Avid lifter with about four years of experience - recent year and a half use of "natural test boosters" (i.e. Animal Stak (2), Test / Magnum Nutraceuticals Thrust / BPI A50&AHD, respectively). In the years prior I've kept to a clean diet and supplemented with various protein and mass gainers, creatines, branched chain aminos. I am a hardgainer. In the past two years in particular I have seen some gains and changes in body composition, denser muscles and vascularity, strength and overall feeling of well-being and energy.
Albeit increased protein and carbohydrate consumption, solid 8 hours of rest and split routine schedules, overload, I cannot manage to see sizable gains. I do not have any pervading medical issues.

I'm looking to take supplementation to the next level and maintain or add whatever insight/advice users here might have to offer. My goal is over the course of 8 weeks to add 5-10 pounds of dry gains.

I've read heavily and discussed with LG reps but the answer seems to be a gray area: Is Methyl 1-D a prohormone or a highly advanced test booster with a specific form of DHEA at the base of the formula?

At 22 y/o, I want to run a 4 week cycle of either M1D or Natadrol or perhaps both, along with Anabolic Innovations Life Support, multi's/bcaas, and PCT with Formadrol and Con-Cret Creatine for hormone level and strength maintenance.

Can anyone comment on the safety, associated pro's and con's firsthand, actual nature of the products?

Thank you
I would rec a cycle of natadrol and M1D liek this:
wk1-8 8caps natadrol ed
wk1-8 6caps M1D ed

or just the M1D 6-8caps ed.

Pros: ALOT safer the ph's that are liver toxic
Cons: less gains then PH's or steroids, pro: but less sides at same time.


Try a new style of trainning like DC or FST-7 imo

lycanthrope 8

New member
Rumor has it the new improved version is a "M1D Black" TBR soon? Any idea how soon?

Thank you for suggested dosing protocols. I likely will take only M1D for cost reasons.

Noted on the training style - I recently put into a lot with rest-pause training style, x-reps/partials and particular attention to overload --- I have this year alone with these changes seen physique changes but not anything over the top. Will up the diet.


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I hope to receive a write up or two on Tuesday after this holiday break. Everyone took off early for the 4th.

I was hoping to be able to acquire some of the new M1-D for my rep order but i had to settle for some of the new LipoBurn... but i'm not complaining since we only produced 50 or so bottles of the new stuff.


Active member
They have a guy who used to be Mr. Louisiana that works out in the same gym I do. I talked to him about supplements, PH specifically and he recommended M1D to me. To give you an idea of what this guy looks like, if he were to put on a gorilla suit and run around I would tranquilize him. It worked for him, but of course he had a super diet and a ton of help with training and everything to get that big. He seemed to like it, I haven't given it a run yet.

I haven't heard anything really negative about it, but I haven't hardcore researched it either. You say for cost reasons you are gonna go with M1D, but you may or may not see results and if you don't, then you have completely wasted your money.

I praised it then I bashed it. I know I contradicted myself. Trying to give you both sides. It might have only worked for my friend because of the genetics he has. But it might have worked because its a good compound. Out of what I have read recently I haven't seen many people using it. More people that use PH's seem to be leaning towards SD or H-drol for beginners. I have seen a few things on natadrol, but have never tried it myself nor really read up to much on it.

Before you purchase anything I would research a little more.

lycanthrope 8

New member
@Rhadam / Blergs --

Made the decision to use Natadrol dosed 8 ppd in conjunction with 2000mg - 3000mg of L-Carnitine L-Tartrate after reading literature and clinical studies backing increase androgen receptor uptake and receptiveness.

Along with an increased protein intake of about 200grams per day, 400 carbohydrates and about 100 fats - anywhere up to 50 poly/mono, I have gained 3.5 pounds in one week. My strength has increased approximately 20% on major lifts such as standing barbell overhead presses, weighted pull ups, dips, squats and bench. I have yet to put it to test with squats. I would rep this product 100x.

Side effects - No change in BP or sleep patterns. Increased aggression in gym. Increased appetite. Increased vascularity and pump ranging several hours after workout. Deep sleep and faster recovery. Look more dense and have received several comments. I was out of the country for the past 10 months so for the people who greeted me upon my return the results were visible within just this week. I am warm/sweating easier --- however, as my last dose is not taken after 6pm I have had no issues sleeping or waking to night sweats. Will post past.


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LCLT is AMAZING, solid addition to the stack. I just picked some up myself and i'm really looking foreward to using it. As far as your progress... simply fantastic. Those sides sound like Natadrol all right. Great feedback, i'm glad you like Natadrol!


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I won't comment on the LG products since i'm a rep and most that don't already know me would think my opinions biased. What i will comment on is the beginning of your post. Those that consider themselves "hardgainers" simply lack a fundamentally sound diet. Since you've already said you have no medical issue that prevents your body from working like everyone elses... you simply are not eating enough calories. You can take all the supplements you like but if your diet is not up to par you'll lose whatever you gained on cycle, or you won't gain anything and blame the product for not working. Let me repeat, if you're not gaining you're not eating enough. Plain and simple. Now that my lecture is over...

M1D is a mild prohormone, so mild i don't even consider it in the typical "PH" category. It must be classified as one because of it's makeup, but it's no where near the potency of Superdrol or P-Mag or H-drol to name a few. M1D does convert to DHEA but we've added compounds to help it convert to T at a higher rate instead of E. M1-D is outdated in my opinion, and very soon we are releasing new hormonals that should be top notch. If you wanted to buy something now i'd advise Sub Sterone + DAA. DAA typically increases hunger (it did for me) and increases T quite a bit. Sub Sterone will harden you up. Both products can be had very reasonably. I'd get SNS DAA if it were me.
this is why i always tell peopel to put in a few years of lifting and diet before they use PH's or aas.

you need ot learn what you need ot give your body to grow before jumping in and wasting your time, money and possibly hurting yourself.


Well-known member
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Looking for personal experiences with Methyl 1-D and Natadrol:

Some background:
Avid lifter with about four years of experience - recent year and a half use of "natural test boosters" (i.e. Animal Stak (2), Test / Magnum Nutraceuticals Thrust / BPI A50&AHD, respectively). In the years prior I've kept to a clean diet and supplemented with various protein and mass gainers, creatines, branched chain aminos. I am a hardgainer. In the past two years in particular I have seen some gains and changes in body composition, denser muscles and vascularity, strength and overall feeling of well-being and energy.
Albeit increased protein and carbohydrate consumption, solid 8 hours of rest and split routine schedules, overload, I cannot manage to see sizable gains. I do not have any pervading medical issues.

I'm looking to take supplementation to the next level and maintain or add whatever insight/advice users here might have to offer. My goal is over the course of 8 weeks to add 5-10 pounds of dry gains.

I've read heavily and discussed with LG reps but the answer seems to be a gray area: Is Methyl 1-D a prohormone or a highly advanced test booster with a specific form of DHEA at the base of the formula?

At 22 y/o, I want to run a 4 week cycle of either M1D or Natadrol or perhaps both, along with Anabolic Innovations Life Support, multi's/bcaas, and PCT with Formadrol and Con-Cret Creatine for hormone level and strength maintenance.

Can anyone comment on the safety, associated pro's and con's firsthand, actual nature of the products?

Thank you
I would rec no less then 6 weeks min on Mid or natadrol.

I would rec wk1-6 8caps natadrol ed
wk1-6 5-6 caps M1D ed

lycanthrope 8

New member
HELP! I am 13 days cycling 8 Natadrol per day. At about day 5 I thought I noticed that my penis was limp/wouldn't maintain an erection - thought it may be just a fluke but it has persisted. This is something that I am quite frankly not willing to chance. I have on-hand Adamantium, Powerfull and Formadrol intended for PCT / natural test run post Natadrol. What would a rep recommend I do?

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