Amazon has methylene blue!


Well-known member
It’s legit too because it definitely makes your pee blue. Relatively cheap and you don’t have to worry about staining your hands or anything else as much. Pretty sweet all around.

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That listing shows methylene blue as a dietary supplement in a tablet form.

Methylene blue is absolutely not legal to be sold as a dietary supplement and no legit contract manufacturer would risk producing a product that had that in there.

I'm not saying whether I believe its legit or not, but I'm saying if it is, then they're begging to get not just fined, but arrested for a misbranded drug charge based off the way they're labeling that and claims that they are making.

As far as turning your pee blue, that's honestly not a sign of legitimacy. Notice how its odd that they list it as an active and in the other ingredients? A tiny amount of methylene blue in the other ingredients would still cause the blue effect along with some other things.

I would caution anyone to be as cautious of that as when buying any random research chemical, but Methylene Blue is definitely in no way legal to be sold as a supplement. It's literally a prescription drug, and yes you can buy it as a research chem, but a company saying its a supplement would be no different than a company adding any other prescription drug to their product.
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yeah basically its a research co selling the stuff .
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yeah basically its a research co selling the stuff .

That statement there is actually the statement that is legally required on dietary supplements - its not supposed to be on research chemicals. Bc research chemicals aren't supposed to be for human consumption; and that statement is speaking of human consumption.

On the front, they're actually calling it a dietary supplement and have a supplement facts panel - but then it contains a prescription drug sold as a research chemical.

To translate that to anyone that doesn't know the legalities of the industry - that's an actual crime. That's not grey or iffy or debatable, that's a misbranded drug charge - which means labeling a drug as a dietary supplement.

I don't know them or know anything about them, but I do know that no legit contract manufacturer would dare make a product with methylene blue in a supplement because they would be risking their entire business for it bc if caught, they would be shut down by the FDA.
That statement there is actually the statement that is legally required on dietary supplements - its not supposed to be on research chemicals. Bc research chemicals aren't supposed to be for human consumption; and that statement is speaking of human consumption.

On the front, they're actually calling it a dietary supplement and have a supplement facts panel - but then it contains a prescription drug sold as a research chemical.

To translate that to anyone that doesn't know the legalities of the industry - that's an actual crime. That's not grey or iffy or debatable, that's a misbranded drug charge - which means labeling a drug as a dietary supplement.

I don't know them or know anything about them, but I do know that no legit contract manufacturer would dare make a product with methylene blue in a supplement because they would be risking their entire business for it bc if caught, they would be shut down by the FDA.

Correct me if wrong Steve, but when that company ships said product is it not a potential additional charge when it crosses state lines? Something to do with interstate commerce laws?
Correct me if wrong Steve, but when that company ships said product is it not a potential additional charge when it crosses state lines? Something to do with interstate commerce laws?

That is correct. That's why you know for sure on Amazon's end that it was an oversight and not something they would intentionally allow. I think its a case where their algorithm probably just doesn't have it in there that its a drug, not a supplement; but it would definitely get pulled down if they figure it out.

It doesn't surprise me to see some random research chemicals pop up and get pulled after a week or two on there, but this one does kind of surprise me.

I don't care what anyone takes - I'm very personal choice - but I think that consumers have the right to know when there is a drug in their supplements. At least with methylene blue as an rc, people know they're taking a risk. But some random 60 year old lady could come across this and think she was getting this to help with her cognition and run into serious issues with it.

It's stuff like this that is the reason why the FDA unleashes hell on this industry from time to time and also the reason that a lot of people in general life have a negative attitude towards supplements.
That statement there is actually the statement that is legally required on dietary supplements - its not supposed to be on research chemicals. Bc research chemicals aren't supposed to be for human consumption; and that statement is speaking of human consumption.

On the front, they're actually calling it a dietary supplement and have a supplement facts panel - but then it contains a prescription drug sold as a research chemical.

To translate that to anyone that doesn't know the legalities of the industry - that's an actual crime. That's not grey or iffy or debatable, that's a misbranded drug charge - which means labeling a drug as a dietary supplement.

I don't know them or know anything about them, but I do know that no legit contract manufacturer would dare make a product with methylene blue in a supplement because they would be risking their entire business for it bc if caught, they would be shut down by the FDA.
Correct me if wrong Steve, but when that company ships said product is it not a potential additional charge when it crosses state lines? Something to do with interstate commerce laws?
Im glad i found this thread. Ive seen it for sale in a few places that appeared to be normal us companies and i was trying to figure out how, id if its even legit.

I did find this that says Methylene blue is fda approved and legal over the counter. Im not saying its right, i thought its not legal too. Is there any credibility to this link on it? I dont know what primehealthdenver is 🤷‍♂️

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What’s the deal with this….good pre workout?
Anti aging. Reduces brain fog. Can help prevent and reverse some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s/dementia. Increase’s mitochondrial function. Used to treat cyanide poisoning lol. It’s kinda awesome
Anti aging. Reduces brain fog. Can help prevent and reverse some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s/dementia. Increase’s mitochondrial function. Used to treat cyanide poisoning lol. It’s kinda awesome
I have Science Bio liquid methylene blue drops. I haven’t used it just don’t want to turn blue haha
Im glad i found this thread. Ive seen it for sale in a few places that appeared to be normal us companies and i was trying to figure out how, id if its even legit.

I did find this that says Methylene blue is fda approved and legal over the counter. Im not saying its right, i thought its not legal too. Is there any credibility to this link on it? I dont know what primehealthdenver is 🤷‍♂️

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That's actually an affiliate article - if you look at the links and examine them, they would get a referral credit of some type.

It's FDA approved in the same way that Viagra is, as a prescription drug. Research chem sites can try to skirt around that as you know, but that's different than a supplement company putting it in a capsule and calling it a dietary supplement.

Think about it like this - there are legal requirements for things to be considered a dietary supplement, and if its FDA approved, it is therefore a drug. Even if its FDA approved as an OTC (over the counter drug) like Tylenol, it is still not legal to be called a dietary supplement.

I have no problem with people taking anything they want to take, but I think that people have the right to know what they're taking and for things not to be misrepresented to them. If a research chem site sells something, it says right there not for human consumption, so if someone takes it then they knew there was obviously a risk involved. But in cases like this, its putting something that is a serious prescription drug/chemical in something sold and marketed as a dietary supplement.

I would ask anyone that thinks things like this are okay to ask themselves a simple question - how would they feel if their mom, dad, or grandparents bought something like this thinking it was a basic supplement for cognitive health and actually be getting a drug in it that can some very serious side effects in some people. Like in this case, if their loved one thought they were taking a basic brain health supplement and they had mild kidney issues and it put them into kidney failure?

Methylene Blue can have some positive cognitive benefits for some people - but with the possibility of serious side effects; it's not something for people play with an overlook the potential side effects of - and its definitely not something that anyone should ever be led to think is an ordinary dietary supplement.

Even me - I've tried a lot of things in my life and I've thought about trying it for the post concussion issues, and I can't make myself do it. Once I read past the info of the people trying to pimp it to me with the affiliate and sales type articles and look at real studies and real side effect profiles, I just can't make myself be willing to chance it.
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What’s the deal with this….good pre workout?

I don't think it would be beneficial for pre-workout use.

From what I've read, the benefits of it are moreso with daily use and it may have a lot of positive benefits - but it definitely has the risk of some very serious side effects too. It's something that people really need to do real research on beyond the sales articles on it and decide for themselves if the potential side effects are worth it to them - and that's personal choice.

I've thought about it but I'm too scared to try it. I've researched the heck out of it myself and thought about trying it and I do think it could help me with some of the issues that I have - BUT I think there's also a very real chance it could create other serious issues for me and that for me, its not worth the risks bc I'm dealing with enough as is.

I don't have any problem with the ingredient in the sense of people using it - I only have a problem with companies lying to people and making it seem like its something that's safe like Sabroxy, ALCAR, Tyrosine, PQQ, etc.
I don't think it would be beneficial for pre-workout use.

From what I've read, the benefits of it are moreso with daily use and it may have a lot of positive benefits - but it definitely has the risk of some very serious side effects too. It's something that people really need to do real research on beyond the sales articles on it and decide for themselves if the potential side effects are worth it to them - and that's personal choice.

I've thought about it but I'm too scared to try it. I've researched the heck out of it myself and thought about trying it and I do think it could help me with some of the issues that I have - BUT I think there's also a very real chance it could create other serious issues for me and that for me, its not worth the risks bc I'm dealing with enough as is.

I don't have any problem with the ingredient in the sense of people using it - I only have a problem with companies lying to people and making it seem like its something that's safe like Sabroxy, ALCAR, Tyrosine, PQQ, etc.

As a semi-related PSA, someone looking for a preWO endurance boost+mitochondrial support, high-dosed Ubiquinol+PQQ is LEGIT.

You want something with 100% all health positives, that’s the ticket - take as much as your poor screaming crying wallet can handle, because just to run like 200+20 from Jarrow was something like $2.50, but it only gets better as you up the dose. Picked that tip up from Vigorous Steve, and it works.

You can stack Shilajit with the Ubiquinol to greatly elevate the Coq10 levels instead of taking more of that, but you need to drink tonic water intra if you want to also elevate the PQQ effects without actually taking more.
I remember lots of Reddit hype on this 5-6 years ago but never wanted to make a blue mess of everything. Im shocked this slips through Amazon when they’ve clearly pulled a ton of synephrine and other basic products
What’s the deal with this….good pre workout?
No! Its more like a medication. It seems like in other countries they use it otc for a ton of different stuff, but in the us its obviously not used like this. I dont know enough about m blue to make a single concrete claim, its just something of intrest that im intrested in researching and learning about. What caught my intrest in this stuff is how reglarly its used in other places for so many things and in the US big pharma takes away anything that works so i always get intrested in the meds other places use. Another thing that has me intrested is i managed to find about 20 people that used it and the majority of them felt it was extreamly effective and most of them said it makes them feel really good. Lots of energy and focus. I had 1 person tell me the opposite Where they used it for a bacterial infection or something like that and it worked, but it made him feel shitty and his bp was spiked while he was on it.

Its supposedly really good at lowering hematocrit and rbc, but when i say "good" dangerously good. You can lower it so much it can be a problem.

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Im also seeing that it has interactions with A lot of medications and it also makes some medications not work. So its definately not something you just start taking blindly.

Again, im qbsolutely not saying m blue is good for......... but its definately peeked my intrest over the years and its something i think eventually i will try in a fitting situation (whatever that my be)

Some other interesting things i found show it has potiential to increase testosterone. That dont do norhing for me, my test comes from a needle lol. But interesting none the less, im not saying its a test booster. But certain things that caused low testosterone were fixed by m blue

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Its not all rainbows and butterflies tho...

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As a semi-related PSA, someone looking for a preWO endurance boost+mitochondrial support, high-dosed Ubiquinol+PQQ is LEGIT.

You want something with 100% all health positives, that’s the ticket - take as much as your poor screaming crying wallet can handle, because just to run like 200+20 from Jarrow was something like $2.50, but it only gets better as you up the dose. Picked that tip up from Vigorous Steve, and it works.

You can stack Shilajit with the Ubiquinol to greatly elevate the Coq10 levels instead of taking more of that, but you need to drink tonic water intra if you want to also elevate the PQQ effects without actually taking more.
I like taking 100-200 ubiquinol with a pump product and 500 l-carn inject pre workout. WTF is PQQ?
I don't think it would be beneficial for pre-workout use.

From what I've read, the benefits of it are moreso with daily use and it may have a lot of positive benefits - but it definitely has the risk of some very serious side effects too. It's something that people really need to do real research on beyond the sales articles on it and decide for themselves if the potential side effects are worth it to them - and that's personal choice.

I've thought about it but I'm too scared to try it. I've researched the heck out of it myself and thought about trying it and I do think it could help me with some of the issues that I have - BUT I think there's also a very real chance it could create other serious issues for me and that for me, its not worth the risks bc I'm dealing with enough as is.

I don't have any problem with the ingredient in the sense of people using it - I only have a problem with companies lying to people and making it seem like its something that's safe like Sabroxy, ALCAR, Tyrosine, PQQ, etc.
I see what your saying now. Its not the product That bothers you it's the way that it's being marketed. And im with you. I really wamna try it but im a little scared lol. Ive been passivly researching it for at least a year with a few times i was really digging but im no 100% yet.

Im just getting over bronchitis and god knows what else but i was thinking about trying it for this, but im like 90% better already so 🤷‍♂️ maybe nexr time
I like taking 100-200 ubiquinol with a pump product and 500 l-carn inject pre workout. WTF is PQQ?

PQQ is pyrroloquinoline quinone, which is a great supplement in general and really good to take with Ubiquinol.

Caution - there are a lot of brands on this that have been shown to not meet label claims, so be sure to buy from a brand like NOW Foods, Jarrow, etc.
PQQ is pyrroloquinoline quinone, which is a great supplement in general and really good to take with Ubiquinol.

Caution - there are a lot of brands on this that have been shown to not meet label claims, so be sure to buy from a brand like NOW Foods, Jarrow, etc.
By the way, i asked mike if m blue was something he could sell and he says even being fda approved its a bad idea. The fda still does not like to see it sold otc for some reason. So if It's a legal risk for RC then i can imagine the supplement marketing is risky AF
By the way, i asked mike if m blue was something he could sell and he says even being fda approved its a bad idea. The fda still does not like to see it sold otc for some reason. So if It's a legal risk for RC then i can imagine the supplement marketing is risky AF

I think he's right on it being a bad idea; I think its risky even for research chemical companies to offer this one.

As far as it being FDA approved, its important to realize that its FDA approved as a drug, not a supplement.
Supplements aren't FDA approved, they don't have to be - that's the distinction that allows them to be sold as supplements.

That's the thing - the company in question in this thread is selling a prescription drug with the word supplement on it, which it absolutely isn't. And in this case, it is one that could absolutely be dangerous to anyone that were to innocently mistake it for being a regular dietary supplement.

I could care less if anyone sells Methylene Blue - but be honest about it - don't try to sell it as a dietary supplement.

And I could care less if a person uses Methylene Blue - as long as they are made aware up front that it is not a dietary supplement, that it is a serious drug with the possibility of some very serious side effects and that can interact with quite a few medications.

Anyone labeling methylene blue as a dietary supplement and putting a supplement facts panel on it is asking to go to prison.
I think he's right on it being a bad idea; I think its risky even for research chemical companies to offer this one.

As far as it being FDA approved, its important to realize that its FDA approved as a drug, not a supplement.
Supplements aren't FDA approved, they don't have to be - that's the distinction that allows them to be sold as supplements.

That's the thing - the company in question in this thread is selling a prescription drug with the word supplement on it, which it absolutely isn't. And in this case, it is one that could absolutely be dangerous to anyone that were to innocently mistake it for being a regular dietary supplement.

I could care less if anyone sells Methylene Blue - but be honest about it - don't try to sell it as a dietary supplement.

And I could care less if a person uses Methylene Blue - as long as they are made aware up front that it is not a dietary supplement, that it is a serious drug with the possibility of some very serious side effects and that can interact with quite a few medications.

Anyone labeling methylene blue as a dietary supplement and putting a supplement facts panel on it is asking to go to prison.

Mblue is certainly something that should NOT be falling into the hands of folks who don't know, or care, about he difference between grams, mgs, and mcgs. If you mess up your magnesium doses things can go to "****," but there is little serious risk.

Anyone that wants to go down the rabbit hole of mblue check out threads on longecity forums, reading for days with threads that are probably over a decade old at this point. The older threads don't have affiliate links or such other non-sense and lots of front line in the trenches use of this stuff.
Mblue is certainly something that should NOT be falling into the hands of folks who don't know, or care, about he difference between grams, mgs, and mcgs. If you mess up your magnesium doses things can go to "****," but there is little serious risk.

Anyone that wants to go down the rabbit hole of mblue check out threads on longecity forums, reading for days with threads that are probably over a decade old at this point. The older threads don't have affiliate links or such other non-sense and lots of front line in the trenches use of this stuff.
Im assuming longe city forums It's supposed to say longevity forums? That's the type of typos I usually make so that's why I caught my eye lol.

Or is it actually called longe city
Im assuming longe city forums It's supposed to say longevity forums? That's the type of typos I usually make so that's why I caught my eye lol.

Or is it actually called longe city
longeCity is correct. I'd link but it's another forum and I am not sure if that is kosher.