methyl 1-d as bridge into The One?



Looking for some advice. What if I ran a short cycle of Methyl 1-D as a bridge into The One? If I ran one or two bottles of Methyl 1-D and then transitioned directly into The One, does that make sense? Both are considered mild in terms of suppression.... Methyl 1-D seems like a great bridge PH.


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I and most everybody has no experience with "the one" yet, but I would think that bridge would work just fine.

M1D is certainly low in sides and suppression but I think w/ two bottles you can easily add 10lbs of mass before even starting on the one, which is supposed to be pretty good itself.

If youve never used M1D youll be shocked, after all the mild this mild that talk, I thought it would just be fair in terms of gains but I prefer it to many methyls and believe its the closest PH to the effects I get from testE @600mg/week.


Those are pretty high expectations... Ten pounds? I haven't heard many people on this board make those kind of claims. Though on some reviews on other sites people seem to love m1d, on aminds and I just don't see people talk about it much. All the talk is always tren, epistane, h-drol, and superdrol clones.


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Those are pretty high expectations... Ten pounds? I haven't heard many people on this board make those kind of claims. Though on some reviews on other sites people seem to love m1d, on aminds and I just don't see people talk about it much. All the talk is always tren, epistane, h-drol, and superdrol clones.
The talk usually revolves around methylated compound, as they are stronger, but also thus more toxic.

M1D can certainly make a good bridge, and that is what I have done with mmv2.


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Those are pretty high expectations... Ten pounds? I haven't heard many people on this board make those kind of claims. Though on some reviews on other sites people seem to love m1d, on aminds and I just don't see people talk about it much. All the talk is always tren, epistane, h-drol, and superdrol clones.
ive used epi, halodrol (original gaspari) and superdrol (original designer supplements before they even licensed to AX)

superdrol and epi were the only two that compared to M1D in terms of mass, I also didnt have much for sides with any of these three compounds.

i recently used M1D and went from like 203 to 212 in 20 days at 600mg. The results far exceeded my expectations and its my personal new favorite LG supp. This wasnt as lean of gains as w/ superdrol, but when ive tried clones of halo or super they never match the originals (of course theres many theories as to the purity of clones and what the og's may have been spiked with)

original superdrol leaned ppl out like crazy, even gave the thin skinned look in addition to rampant mass gains, the clones never did anythign besides mass. And I was eating more carbs than ever on og superdrol, probably about 800g daily because that **** craved carbs.

On M1D I was only eating about 400g carbs daily, but I dont do all the cardio via sports I used to do back when I tried superdrol. These days I just lift and sometimes play beach volleyball w/ some of my lady friends for fun and to not be so pale ;) , but no high intensity cardio that eats up the carbs.

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