MA Labs presents GW-501516 Fat Burner!!


Well-known member
Whats up guys.

Check out this new Beta Version of GW-501516

And when I say "Beta" this simply means the labels that are on this are generic, and dont' represent the final labels.

The product is 10mgs per capsule. A bottle has 60 capsules.

Lab Tested High quality GW!!

Use code "WES20" at checkout for 20% off this and all the other fine products at
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GW-501516 is a selective agonist (activator) of the PPARδ receptor which regulates fat burning through a number of widespread mechanisms; it increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue and increases muscle gene expression, especially genes involved in preferential lipid utilization. This shift changes the body’s metabolism to favor burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates or muscle protein, potentially allowing clinical application for obese patients to lose fat effectively without experiencing muscle catabolism or the effects and satiety issues associated with low blood sugar.

GW-501516 also increases muscle mass, which improved glucose tolerance and reduced fat mass accumulation even in mice fed a very high fat diet, suggesting that GW-501516 may have a protective effect against obesity. Furthermore in rats treated with GW-501516, increased fatty acid metabolism in skeletal muscle and protection against diet-induced obesity and type II diabetes was observed. In obese rhesus monkeys, GW-501516 increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and lowered very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). The mechanism by which PPARδ agonists increase HDL appears to be a result of increased expression of the cholesterol transporter ABCA1.

This is on my to do list. Anyone who hasnt tried gw. From a reliable company doesnt know what they are missing.
Improved cardio, endurance, better oxygen utilization, (i has asthma) and gw improves this .i will vouche for that. And fat burning .. Fat seems to melt off.
With a solid nutritional plan, and a solid weight training and Cardio routine you will drop fat like your dropping trash in the trash can..
I tried cardarine and have to say, although it gave different me excellent endurance, it sadly does not possess fat burning properties, tons of other posters on here will say the same.
I tried cardarine and have to say, although it gave different me excellent endurance, it sadly does not possess fat burning properties, tons of other posters on here will say the same.

I would adamantly disagree. Not only do the studies prove that GW has strong fat burning properties, but MANY who have purchased the product say the same. In this very thread, Macedog says that "the fat melted off" when he used it. I tend to think that the majority of people who say that their results did not match what has been demonstrated in clinical studies are people who did not have real GW.
Wow! A rep claiming that the product works even better than it should.
Who would've thought it?

Macedog is not a rep.

Lets look at some FACTS.

You say GW doesn't assist with fat loss because you know some people from this board who said it didn't work for them, despite the fact that some of these people have recently come forward and said they weren't sure if they were using real GW.

On the other hand, I say that GW does work...because ALL the clinical studies (which are certainly more reliable because product quality is not an issue) ever conducted shows that it does work, along with 100's of individuals all over the Net who have reported results consistent with those sen in clinical studies.

People have bad experiences with all products, including testosterone, growth hormone, Dianabol, and every other drug ever made. However, it doesn't invalidate the FACT that all of those products do exactly what science says they do. It simply means that those individuals either used junk products, were poor responders, or had other factors working against them (such as the guy who continues to eat like a hog and the complains Clen didn't help him lose any fat).

Note: Did you ever stop to consider that I decided to sell GW because I BELIEVE in the product...and because I have seen it work both clinically and in the real-world, time and time again for years? Of course, that couldn't be the case, right? I mean, I must be purposely making products that I know don't work and then lying about it on the boards...because why on Earth would I actually sell a product that does what it is supposed to?

This type of ass-backwards thinking might be accurate in some cases, but certainly not in all. I know more than a few company owners who will NOT sell anything they don't full believe in...and the ONLY products they sell are those which are backed by both clinical and anecdotal evidence for their effectiveness. It is no different with MA Labs. I ONLY sell those things I believe in--things I know work. I was touting GW for YEARS before I even started MA labs, so naturally, when I started the company, it was one of the first things I wanted to sell. It's the same with MK-677. That's why I push my products so hard and will defend them to the figurative death...because they are not only backed by a mountain of clinical trials, but I have seen what they can do first-hand...

Why is it that some of you always think that a company owner can't possibly be telling the truth about something he sells? You know, there are people who won't sell things that don't work or which they don't believe in. I am one of those people. I decided right from the very start, when the idea for this company had just taken birth, that I would NEVER sell a product that didn't work no matter how popular it was and even more importantly, that I would strive to make sure that every single product I sold was the absolute BEST in its class. Thus far I have achieved that. Obviously, because GW is a solo product and therefore can't claim best-in-class status because other people who sell GW as well, but it is so unique and effective at what it does that it was something I had to sell.
So if I bought gw via a research company and it gave me great endurance but no fat loss, are you saying that it wasn't actually gw but something else?
So do you have COA for your gw?
He is for iron mag and you're affiliated with iron mag

No, I am not. I am not affiliated with ANY company other than MA Labs. Rob, who is my partner, is the owner of IML...and it is a completely separate entity in EVERY way. Saying I am affiliated with IML would be like Rob saying he is affiliated with the next company I plan on opening just because he is my partner here at MA Labs. Silly.

Besides, MaceDog doesn't benefit one little bit by talking up GW. My reps and my reps ALONE receive benefits from MA one else. In fact, you seem to know more about IML's reps than I do, as I didn't even know MaceDog was a rep for IML. LOL.
So if I bought gw via a research company and it gave me great endurance but no fat loss, are you saying that it wasn't actually gw but something else?
So do you have COA for your gw?

You think your experience is the end-all-be-all of GW evaluation? Wow! Haughty! I also know plenty of people who have used high-dose pharm-grade GH and gained fat while on their cycles because they ate too much. I guess GH doesn't assist with fat loss either because some people didn't experience fat loss when using it. For that matter, I also know plenty of guys who have used legitimate AAS and gained nothing! I guess steroids don't work either.

The bottom line is that your experience doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. You are denying hard science--clinical trials--as well as the experience of 100's of people who disagree with you, including the guy in this very thread (and me)! LOL. But yeah...your singular experience trumps all of that.

Look, I don't care if you think GW doesn't assist with fat loss...and I don't even care of you say it, but if you come in my sub-forum and start denying both science and the real-world experience of innumerable people, I am going to disagree with you...because there is much more evidence in favor of what I am saying than what you are saying. You flat-out DENIED that GW has ANY fat loss properties. That was a very bold statement....and wrong. I am not denying your experience, but I am denying your claim that GW doesn't promote fat loss.

Oh, and you have now completely ignored several of the valid points I brought up...for one main reason...because you can't refute them, so until you can converse like an adult, which means acknowledging and responding to another person's points, there is no sense in going further. This is not a one-way conversation.
You think your experience is the end-all-be-all of GW evaluation? Wow! Haughty! I also know plenty of people who have used high-dose pharm-grade GH and gained fat while on their cycles because they ate too much. I guess GH doesn't assist with fat loss either because some people didn't experience fat loss when using it. For that matter, I also know plenty of guys who have used legitimate AAS and gained nothing! I guess steroids don't work either.

The bottom line is that your experience doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. You are denying hard science--clinical trials--as well as the experience of 100's of people who disagree with you, including the guy in this very thread (and me)! LOL. But yeah...your singular experience trumps all of that.

Look, I don't care if you think GW doesn't assist with fat loss...and I don't even care of you say it, but if you come in my sub-forum and start denying both science and the real-world experience of innumerable people, I am going to disagree with you...because there is much more evidence in favor of what I am saying than what you are saying. You flat-out DENIED that GW has ANY fat loss properties. That was a very bold statement....and wrong. I am not denying your experience, but I am denying your claim that GW doesn't promote fat loss.

Oh, and you have now completely ignored several of the valid points I brought up...for one main reason...because you can't refute them, so until you can converse like an adult, which means acknowledging and responding to another person's points, there is no sense in going further. This is not a one-way conversation.
How could one tell if they have high dose pharma grade GW, and I think along with others who posted on threads on AM that gw promotes better endurance that could lead to fat loss. I read all the online claims about fat loss associated with cardarine and bought a liquid version in the hope of fat loss and endurance benefits but the fat loss claims were negated by many forum users including myself and yes you're right, that was just my experience.

I would love if your gw `melted fat away' because I would undoubtedly buy it but people on here would need more convincing that yours is high grade as opposed to other supplement companies.
How could one tell if they have high dose pharma grade GW, and I think along with others who posted on threads on AM that gw promotes better endurance that could lead to fat loss. I read all the online claims about fat loss associated with cardarine and bought a liquid version in the hope of fat loss and endurance benefits but the fat loss claims were negated by many forum users including myself and yes you're right, that was just my experience.

I would love if your gw `melted fat away' because I would undoubtedly buy it but people on here would need more convincing that yours is high grade as opposed to other supplement companies.

I never said it "melted fat away". LOL. That was someone else. He obviously had a good experience with it. If you want my assessment of it, I have posted it on this board already. You can be rest-assured that my opinion is in line with typical user experiences and not subject to exaggeration. You never even asked me what I thought about it's fat loss effects, which is just one aspect of the product. You simply denied that it assisted with fat loss in any way.

GW stimulates fat loss not through an increase endurance (although that may help), but by increasing the rate of oxidation (the burning of fat for fuel). It accomplishes this by by preferentially shuttling circulating fatty acids into the mitochondria, while simultaneously increasing glucose uptake into the muscle cell, where it is then stored as glycogen. Basically, it turns on the same genes that are activated by exercise. This is why some call it "exercise in a pill".

However, lipolysis is the first step in the fat loss process, while oxidation is the second. GH increases fat loss by increasing the rate of lipolysis (the release of fat from the fat cell into the bloodstream, at which point it becomes free fatty acids). So, GH basically makes stored fat "more available" to be burned as fuel, but it does not actually increase the rate of fat "burning" (oxidation). On the other hand, GW does not increase the rate at which fat is liberated from the fat cell (lipolysis) like GH does, but it will shuttle larger amounts of circulating fat into the mitochondria to be burned as fuel.

Therefore, stimulating both of these processes at once can potentially lead to rapid fat loss. I say "potential" because even a significant increase in both lipolysis and oxidation does not "guarantee" fat loss, as there are many circumstances under which their positive effects on fat loss an be off-set (eating too many calories, for example). However, they do make it easier to lose fat because the individual won't have to do as much as in the areas of diet and exercise in order to continue losing fat. Of course, best results are still achieved when all areas of the individuals program are on-point. Drugs such as this are just tools. If the individual is adhering to a below-maintenance caloric diet, they will cause him to lose fat more quickly, but if he is eating way above maintenance it may be too much for these drugs to overcome. As a result, the indovidual will either stay the same or get fatter.
I never said it "melted fat away". LOL. That was someone else. He obviously had a good experience with it. If you want my assessment of it, I have posted it on this board already. You can be rest-assured that my opinion is in line with typical user experiences and not subject to exaggeration. You never even asked me what I thought about it's fat loss effects, which is just one aspect of the product. You simply denied that it assisted with fat loss in any way.

GW stimulates fat loss not through an increase endurance (although that may help), but by increasing the rate of oxidation (the burning of fat for fuel). It accomplishes this by by preferentially shuttling circulating fatty acids into the mitochondria, while simultaneously increasing glucose uptake into the muscle cell, where it is then stored as glycogen. Basically, it runs on the same genes that are activated by exercise. This is why some call it "exercise in a pill".

However, lipolysis is the first step in the fat loss process, while oxidation is the second. GH increases fat loss by increasing the rate of lipolysis (the release of fat from the fat cell into the bloodstream, at which point it becomes free fatty acids). So, GH basically makes stored fat "more available" to be burned as fuel, but it does not actually increase the rate of fat "burning" (oxidation). On the other hand, GW does not increase the rate at which fat is liberated from the fat cell (lipolysis) like GH does, but it will shuttle larger amounts of circulating fat into the mitochondria to be burned as fuel.

Therefore, stimulating both of these processes at once can potentially lead to rapid fat loss. I say "potential" because even a significant increase in both lipolysis and oxidation does not "guarantee" fat loss, as there are many circumstances under which their positive effects on fat loss an be off-set (eating too many calories, for example). However, they do make it easier to lose fat because the individual won't have to do as much as in the areas of diet and exercise in order to continue losing fat. Of course, best results are still achieved when all areas of the individuals program are on-point. Drugs such as this are just tools. If the individual is adhering to a below-maintenance caloric diet, they will cause him to lose fat more quickly, but if he is eating way above maintenance it may be too much for these drugs to overcome. As a result, the indovidual will either stay the same or get fatter.
Thanks for the info
He is for iron mag and you're affiliated with iron mag

I think you are confusing these guys with me.

I am the Sales Manager for IML. I also am a rep for IML, IMR, Ma Labs, IML Hers, Milehigh Kratom and MuscleGELZ.

So if there is any thing I can help you with as well, please say the word.
Can this be ran non stop also my father has copd would something like this help it increases endurance does it increase oxygen also
This is on my to do list. Anyone who hasnt tried gw. From a reliable company doesnt know what they are missing.
Improved cardio, endurance, better oxygen utilization, (i has asthma) and gw improves this .i will vouche for that. And fat burning .. Fat seems to melt off.
With a solid nutritional plan, and a solid weight training and Cardio routine you will drop fat like your dropping trash in the trash can..

I didn't see this earlier if it helped with asthma it should help with copd also is this something you cycle
I didn't see this earlier if it helped with asthma it should help with copd also is this something you cycle

There are no known cycle limitations, as it is a non-toxic substance that doesn't seem to negatively affect any health markers at all.
Wow! A rep claiming that the product works even better than it should.
Who would've thought it?
Im not a rep for ma! Im giving you my results when i used it. And obviously it wasnt for ma because he just come out with this. It was an old log i did. I will find the link. But i busted my balls day in and out and kept track of everything. It was an rc. I used it for a contest i was doing at work many years ago.
edit: Posted in wrong thread


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I've been reasearch GW and hgh frag. Both work similar by oxidizing fat. Ppl say neither work but then looking at how they're using it proves why it is isn't. You can oxidize something as much as you want but if you create no need for burn it, you won't. Pretty simple if you ask me.

Oxidize the fat with steady state fasted cardio and you'd probably notice a lot from it.
On the other hand, I say that GW does work...because ALL the clinical studies (which are certainly more reliable because product quality is not an issue) ever conducted shows that it does work, along with 100's of individuals all over the Net who have reported results consistent with those sen in clinical studies. .

Mike, Do you have the links to those clinical studies? I thought that there were no human trials using GW501516 (after it was abandoned by GSK in 2007)? I am not trying to throw stones, but honestly would love to hear that there were new studies/trials performed. Thanks!
Mike, Do you have the links to those clinical studies? I thought that there were no human trials using GW501516 (after it was abandoned by GSK in 2007)? I am not trying to throw stones, but honestly would love to hear that there were new studies/trials performed. Thanks!

No, not human trials. It never made it that far. However, extrapolation in this instance is pretty reliable. If you read any of the research done on it or any of the papers written by researchers, they have all come to pretty much the same conclusion. PPAR beta agonists are being heavily researched right now.

There are already a few guys posting that they have lost fat within the first 2 weeks (1.5-3 pounds). I think when it comes to fat loss, dosage, product quality, and duration of use are all important factors. I have seen at least 5-6 people say my GW is the best they have ever used--noticeably stronger than any other products used previously.

GW is similar to GH in that fat loss comes, but it isn't super dramatic like clen or T3. It is slower, but consistent...and adds up over time...without all the side effects attributed to stims and other fat loss drugs. I have yet to see anyone use it at 30 mg/day (good GW) for 8 weeks and say they didn't notice significant fat loss. I have been using it in my clients for years...long before I started selling it.
No, not human trials. It never made it that far. However, extrapolation in this instance is pretty reliable. If you read any of the research done on it or any of the papers written by researchers, they have all come to pretty much the same conclusion. PPAR beta agonists are being heavily researched right now.

There are already a few guys posting that they have lost fat within the first 2 weeks (1.5-3 pounds). I think when it comes to fat loss, dosage, product quality, and duration of use are all important factors. I have seen at least 5-6 people say my GW is the best they have ever used--noticeably stronger than any other products used previously.

GW is similar to GH in that fat loss comes, but it isn't super dramatic like clen or T3. It is slower, but consistent...and adds up over time...without all the side effects attributes to stims and other fat loss drugs. I have yet to see anyone use it at 30 mg/day (good GW) for 8 weeks and say they didn't notice significant fat loss. I have been using it in my clients for years...long before I started selling it.

gotcha, thanks for the response.
Is this gonna be like your mk677 product where it has the main compound and then support compounds with it. ... Or is it 10mg GW a cap by itself?
Is this gonna be like your mk677 product where it has the main compound and then support compounds with it. ... Or is it 10mg GW a cap by itself?

It's already available. GW is one of the few MA labs products that will ever contain just a single substance. The reason I left GW as a solo compound is because GW has so many diverse functions (fat loss, metabolic health, endurance booster, etc). I obviously couldn't focus on all of them at once and do it cost-effectively, so rather than trying to focus on just one thing to the exclusion of everything else and potentially segregate customers who might want to use the product for a different reason, I just left it as a solo compound.
It's already available. GW is one of the few MA labs products that will ever contain just a single substance. The reason I left GW as a solo compound is because GW has so many diverse functions (fat loss, metabolic health, endurance booster, etc). I obviously couldn't focus on all of them at once and do it cost-effectively, so rather than trying to focus on just one thing to the exclusion of everything else and potentially segregate customers who might want to use the product for a different reason, I just left it as a solo compound.

Gotcha. I appreciate your detailed answer.
Is this something you need to cycle off / pct? I am new to many compounds and haven't taken any 'non natty' things yet. Love learning and reading this stuff though!

Thanks for any future answers!!
Is this something you need to cycle off / pct? I am new to many compounds and haven't taken any 'non natty' things yet. Love learning and reading this stuff though!

Thanks for any future answers!!

No PCT is needed for GW. I dont think it is written in stone... But most people run it for 8-12 weeks then take a month break from it just to be safe. I dont know if that is necessary I just know that is common protocol.
I've been reasearch GW and hgh frag. Both work similar by oxidizing fat. Ppl say neither work but then looking at how they're using it proves why it is isn't. You can oxidize something as much as you want but if you create no need for burn it, you won't. Pretty simple if you ask me.

Oxidize the fat with steady state fasted cardio and you'd probably notice a lot from it.

So you're saying steady state cardio would be better when using GW than HIIT?

I'm very interested in trying this I was planning on doing a cycle of epi but with being laid off and not being able to afford everything plus gym membership I put it on hold. So now that I'm concentrating on doing cardio and a bunch of body weight exercises at my local track I am looking into this to help burn some fat. I'm selling my andros and might use some of the funds to try GW and in very interested in trying it from MA. Been hearing different dosages some say more for fat loss others more for endurance purposes. Main goal is to just burn fat and will obviously be in a small deficit when using if I do.

Any advice would be appreciated thanks
Just ordered last night and got shipping tracking already that's great turn around time I'll post my results for sure
Thanks guys!!
What?! No way! I placed an order aug 8 and have yet to get it. Smh

Something is going on then. Your order would have bee shipped LONG ago. All orders are shipped the very next business day. I would contact the person who handles all the processing and shipping, who you can reach by going onto the website and sending an email through the "contact us" tab.
It will go right to our CFO. Tell her (Gena) what is going on and she will look into it right away. One thing is for certain...and that is that your order either never went through...or it was shipped and you never received it...because we never wait to ship orders.
Something is going on then. Your order would have bee shipped LONG ago. All orders are shipped the very next business day. I would contact the person who handles all the processing and shipping, who you can reach by going onto the website and sending an email through the "contact us" tab.
It will go right to our CFO. Tell her (Gena) what is going on and she will look into it right away. One thing is for certain...and that is that your order either never went through...or it was shipped and you never received it...because we never wait to ship orders.

Now I'm confused because I sent you a DM and this is what you told me and now your saying it should've been sent? Invalid Link Removed
Now I'm confused because I sent you a DM and this is what you told me and now your saying it should've been sent?

Oh, OK...when I read your post I didn't realize it was already out of stock when you ordered it. It is still out of stock. No Somatozine has been shipped for weeks now. If anyone recently received a bottle it is because it was held up at the post office or something, but nothing has been shipped since we ran out.

The gentleman who said he ordered the other day (post #38) and already received tracking must've ordered something else with his Somatozine...and it is that other product that shipped, not the Somatozine. We can't ship something that isn't in stock.
Any side effects also can you run it forever
Don't know if you still look for a reply.
Somewhat like a GDA. might cause low blood sugar. Not strong thou, just a little carbs help.
Huge doses have caused cancer in rats. If you are a rat then don't take the bottle all at once.
Run time would be 2-3 months max.
It messes with hormones a bit. More risk with longer cycle. Seems like most people won't PCT and are OK.
Don't know if you still look for a reply.
Somewhat like a GDA. might cause low blood sugar. Not strong thou, just a little carbs help.
Huge doses have caused cancer in rats. If you are a rat then don't take the bottle all at once.
Run time would be 2-3 months max.
It messes with hormones a bit. More risk with longer cycle. Seems like most people won't PCT and are OK.
Since when did cardarine mess with hormones a bit? You wanna show me a study that confirms this?
Since when did cardarine mess with hormones a bit? You wanna show me a study that confirms this?

Most all these SARMs will when ran at doses people are running with their more is better attitude. I don't think you really need a study to prove this. understanding the structure of the compounds and how they act on androgen receptors shows is highly plausible.
Since when did cardarine mess with hormones a bit? You wanna show me a study that confirms this?
No studies that it will and no studies that it won't.
Some PPAR drugs have shown to also interact with other receptors. We can't be sure Cardarine isn't like that and what it might effect.
When I say it might, I mean might. Probably will be ok.
Allthough if you by RC (or some small companies that sell pills) then a bigger danger is that it might be contaminated with SARMs. For that reason I like to run a test booster after, something that isn't quite for PCT but has other benefits too. Like Test1fy or Alphamax XT.
No studies that it will and no studies that it won't.
Some PPAR drugs have shown to also interact with other receptors. We can't be sure Cardarine isn't like that and what it might effect.
When I say it might, I mean might. Probably will be ok.
Allthough if you by RC (or some small companies that sell pills) then a bigger danger is that it might be contaminated with SARMs. For that reason I like to run a test booster after, something that isn't quite for PCT but has other benefits too. Like Test1fy or Alphamax XT.
Absolute rubbish, I suggest you read back over your post, you said it messes with hormones a bit. You did not say MIGHT. Where is your proof that that rc even puts sarms into ppar modulators, basically you're just surmising everything and making sh1t up
Don't know if you still look for a reply.
Somewhat like a GDA. might cause low blood sugar. Not strong thou, just a little carbs help.
Huge doses have caused cancer in rats. If you are a rat then don't take the bottle all at once.
Run time would be 2-3 months max.
It messes with hormones a bit. More risk with longer cycle. Seems like most people won't PCT and are OK.

The cancer study in rats was complete B.S. I spoke about this in depth previously. The truth is that in every study using human cell lines (there have been many), GW not only didn't cause any cancer, but it actually PREVENTED cancer in numerous bodily systems. This was actually the reason GW was first invented--to prevent cancer in humans.

As far as cycle length recommendations are concerned, anyone who says it should only be used for a certain period of time is talking out their ass (I am not referring to you, as I realize you are simply repeating what you've read), as there has never been one single researcher/doctor who provided cycle length guidelines for humans. Any currently accepted cycle recommendations were simply "made up" by peptide-research company owners, as there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest it should only be used for a certain period of time.

If anything, the evidence suggest that those who invented the drug intended for it to be used long-term, as it was being researched by pharm companies for the purpose of diabetes, cholesterol management, obesity, and cancer prevention. Prescribing the drug for those conditions indicates long-term/indefinite use...not 8 weeks. Although this is speculation as well, at least there is some evidence to suggest it is correct, unlike those peptide-research company owners who just pulled a cycle recommendation out of their ass without any evidence to back it up.

Lastly, there is absolutely zero evidence to show that GW interferes with hormones at all. This has never even been suggested, let alone proven.

It does act as a GDA, however, as one of the compound's main effects is the preferential shuttling of glucose into muscle tissue over fat cells.

At this point GW has been in use for almost 10 years with zero real-world evidence to show it causes any harmful effects, as there is no medical documentation or anecdotal reports testifying to such. On the other hand, we DO KNOW it provides a multitude of beneficial effects on our health.
Most all these SARMs will when ran at doses people are running with their more is better attitude. I don't think you really need a study to prove this. understanding the structure of the compounds and how they act on androgen receptors shows is highly plausible.

You're correct that all SARMs will alter hormone levels, but GW isn't a SARM.