m14ad bulk-msten,epi,or another for a stack


New member
The title is self-explanatory I'm thinking 10 mgs msten or 30 mg epi. if I decide to go with the sten the m14ad will be dropped from 90 to 60 for the first 4 weeks until I am off the msten if ran with the epi it will be 6 weeks of both m1 at 90 epistane at 30. If you guys have any other compounds that might stack well let me know because I have researched for months and can't seem to make up my mind. Im also probably never going to run 19 nors (unless someone can convince me otherwise in this thread ) to do my best to keep natural test levels. Thank you in advance.
Also have plenty of cycle support supplements including a beta blocker, full cycle support product from brawn tudca nac astralagus fish oil etc.
The title is self-explanatory I'm thinking 10 mgs msten or 30 mg epi. if I decide to go with the sten the m14ad will be dropped from 90 to 60 for the first 4 weeks until I am off the msten if ran with the epi it will be 6 weeks of both m1 at 90 epistane at 30. If you guys have any other compounds that might stack well let me know because I have researched for months and can't seem to make up my mind. Im also probably never going to run 19 nors (unless someone can convince me otherwise in this thread ) to do my best to keep natural test levels. Thank you in advance.

Why are you using m1,4add? I mean dianabol isn't faked really ever and is very cheap and very available? Idk maybe you live someplace where these are legal? All I know is your taking higher doses of a methylated compound that converts at like 15% to dianabol but doesn't seem to have any additional benefits itself beyond that conversion? You would get better, cleaner and healthier effects from just running dianabol itself?
Why are you using m1,4add? I mean dianabol isn't faked really ever and is very cheap and very available? Idk maybe you live someplace where these are legal? All I know is your taking higher doses of a methylated compound that converts at like 15% to dianabol but doesn't seem to have any additional benefits itself beyond that conversion? You would get better, cleaner and healthier effects from just running dianabol itself?
Yes it is a legal route for me but I also don’t have access to any of that so I take M14add which does have a slight conversion to dbol but it also has activity on its own I found it to be a decent bulker in my other prohormone runs it’s mild enough to run for 6-8 weeks(atleast for myself I’m not advocating long oral cycles) but it also has a methyl estrogen conversion enough to give me high estro symptoms without a proper ai. It keeps my libido up and my mood decently stable throughout now I would like to keep this thread on track as I can hardly find any threads other than a few good ones on m14a and I would have found something like this helpful.
Yes it is a legal route for me but I also don’t have access to any of that so I take M14add which does have a slight conversion to dbol but it also has activity on its own I found it to be a decent bulker in my other prohormone runs it’s mild enough to run for 6-8 weeks(atleast for myself I’m not advocating long oral cycles) but it also has a methyl estrogen conversion enough to give me high estro symptoms without a proper ai. It keeps my libido up and my mood decently stable throughout now I would like to keep this thread on track as I can hardly find any threads other than a few good ones on m14a and I would have found something like this helpful.

Yes 3,17 diols do indeed have some binding affinity for the AR however it is miniscule when compared to the target hormone in this case methandrostenolone. I wouldn't expect much of an effect compared to a 15 to 20% converted comparison to the target?

As far as a source if your going to keep running AAS them I'd advise to start researching? Take your time and really to to weed out the scams which sadly are everywhere but if you use your brain you will succeed!

Your results and your overall health outcomes will be better then taking what you can find for quasi legal compounds!!!
Yes it is a legal route for me but I also don’t have access to any of that so I take M14add which does have a slight conversion to dbol but it also has activity on its own I found it to be a decent bulker in my other prohormone runs it’s mild enough to run for 6-8 weeks(atleast for myself I’m not advocating long oral cycles) but it also has a methyl estrogen conversion enough to give me high estro symptoms without a proper ai. It keeps my libido up and my mood decently stable throughout now I would like to keep this thread on track as I can hardly find any threads other than a few good ones on m14a and I would have found something like this helpful.

You are correct though if you are going to use such compounds then it is smart to run something that converts to an estrogen for health benefits!

If I was to run this I would run the M14add with epistane but I uad excellent results with this back in the day? I ran 20mg ed epistane with 50mg eod test prop for 6 weeks and had some pretty amazing results recomp wise?
You are correct though if you are going to use such compounds then it is smart to run something that converts to an estrogen for health benefits!

If I was to run this I would run the M14add with epistane but I uad excellent results with this back in the day? I ran 20mg ed epistane with 50mg eod test prop for 6 weeks and had some pretty amazing results recomp wise?
I was thinking that too I just started the m1at 90 a day epistane will be started in the 3nd week what dose do you think I should run? I was thinkin 30
I agree with most of what m tor is saying. I would (completely subjectively from personal experience) estimate m14add to be about 50% as effective as Dbol. So maybe we might be underselling it's effectiveness a bit. I think if I could dose m14 high enough, it'd get close to Dbol. But anything over 120 makes estrogen and bp harder to control than Dbol imo.

I agree with most of what m tor is saying. I would (completely subjectively from personal experience) estimate m14add to be about 50% as effective as Dbol. So maybe we might be underselling it's effectiveness a bit. I think if I could dose m14 high enough, it'd get close to Dbol. But anything over 120 makes estrogen and bp harder to control than Dbol imo.

In my experience if your diet is in line you won’t hold too much water but If your eating a lot of sugars your gonna be bloated asf
I agree with most of what m tor is saying. I would (completely subjectively from personal experience) estimate m14add to be about 50% as effective as Dbol. So maybe we might be underselling it's effectiveness a bit. I think if I could dose m14 high enough, it'd get close to Dbol. But anything over 120 makes estrogen and bp harder to control than Dbol imo.

M14ad is kinda disappointing to me
hey bro where can I get this monster from? thks
you can find that **** just look where it’s legal
In my experience if your diet is in line you won’t hold too much water but If your eating a lot of sugars your gonna be bloated asf
Probably spot on here. I'm Older and wiser now... rarely waste my time (and health) with orals any more and diet stays much cleaner too
To be completely honest I have no idea why someone would use an oral pro hormone instead of an oral steroid (especially one that converts to an incredibly cheap and available one…) but anyway!

I used m14add for 6 weeks, starting epistane 3 weeks in, and running that for 6 weeks- 9 weeks total. Terrible for your body, I was 22 and afraid of needles when I ran it, but I had great results. Real epistane is an incredible recomp compound. I ate maybe 500kcsl over maitenance and gained 15 lbs, after shedding water from m14add, I ended up 8 lbs up, but with a massive recomp effect. I didn’t measure body fat back then but my educated guess would be a 3-4% drop on BF.

I don’t remember my m14add doses, but I ran epi at 20/20/30/30/30/30. If I did it again I’d go 30 straight. I ran on log on AM that you can find via my profile. It’s m14add and p-mag. Not the same, but pretty similar. Check it out if you want. I ran very consistent and detailed logs. Good luck.