Low/Non-Stimulant STACKS


There are two types of Low/Non Stimulant Stacks we recommend.

You can stack ALPHA-T2 with a cortisol blocker, such as Lean Xtreme, or with a Selective Insulin Muscle Sensitizer such as Anabolic Pump. In fact, you could even stack all three! But let’s not get carried away…

Users will notice great results with these stacks, with low to no side effects. They are the safest stacks you can use, and are very versatile to both lean bulking and cutting cycles.

Here is how the dosing scheme would work for these two stacks:

ALPHA-T2 + DS Lean Xtreme (or other non stim cortisol blocker)

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Strength: STRONG (7/10)

Cost: Cheap

Length: 4-8 weeks

What to Buy: For a 4 week stack, you will need 1 bottle of ALPHA-T2 and 1 bottle of DS Lean Xtreme.

Additional Info:

This is a solid stack that will yield very noticeable gains without any stimulants. It would be most common for people looking for strictly a cutting stack with reduced side effects.

When stacking ALPHA-T2 with a cortisol blocker, you are allowing an entirely new mechanism of burning fat to come into play. When cortisol levels in your body are high, such as from being stressed or overweight, your body stores more visceral adipose tissue (belly fat).

Also, high cortisol levels have a negative effect on the thyroid gland, inhibiting it from releasing proper amounts of T3 and T4. That’s where the synergy comes into play.

So you’re taking ALPHA-T2 to increase your thyroid function, but then taking a cortisol blocker to decrease cortisol’s negative effect on the thyroid! Its synergy at its finest! So here’s what you get from this stack: Targeted Fat Loss, Decrease in Belly Fat, Increased Thyroid Output.

You can stack any cortisol blocker with ALPHA-T2. We recommend Lean Xtreme due to its affordability and added synergy of its other non-stimulant ingredients.

.....................ALPHA-T2..................Lean Xtreme..........

Week 1........1 Capsule A.M.............2 Capsules A.M.
....................1 Capsule P.M.............1 Capsule P.M.

Week 2........2 Capsules A.M............2 Capsules A.M.
....................1 Capsule P.M............1 Capsule P.M.

Week 3........2 Capsules A.M............2 Capsules A.M.
....................1 Capsule P.M............1 Capsule P.M.

Week 4........2 Capsules A.M............2 Capsules A.M.
....................1 Capsule P.M.............1 Capsule P.M.

ALPHA-T2 + USPLabs Anabolic Pump

Strength: STRONG (7/10)

Cost: Cheap

Length: 4-8 weeks

What to Buy: For a 4 week stack, you will need 1 bottle of ALPHA-T2 and 1 bottle of Anabolic Pump.

Additional Info:

This is a solid stack that will yield very noticeable gains without any stimulants. The Anabolic Pump should be taken before meals. This stack is very popular for both cutting and lean bulking, and is also the safest stack around.

We only recommend Anabolic Pump for your “glucose manipulating supplements”. The reason for this is, Anabolic Pump is unique in the way that it increases the uptake of glucose in muscle tissue. It forces the muscle fibers to become supersaturated with blood sugar and replenishing the glycogen stores and "refueling" your hard trained muscles. So you can see where the lean bulking mechanism comes into play. BUT, Anabolic Pump goes beyond the scope of insulin by selectively shuttling the glucose into energy starved muscles AND cutting of the supply to adipose tissue. This is the only supplement of its kind that is selective towards muscle tissue cells, and inhibitory towards fat cells.

Anabolic Pump and ALPHA-T2 combined force feeds your muscles and starves your body fat, along with burning your existing body fat. What more could a bodybuilder ask for?

.....................ALPHA-T2..................Anabolic Pump..........

Week 1........1 Capsule A.M.............1-3 Capsules/day
....................1 Capsule P.M.

Week 2........2 Capsules A.M............1-3 Capsules/day
....................1 Capsule P.M.

Week 3........2 Capsules A.M............1-3 Capsules/day
....................1 Capsule P.M.

Week 4........2 Capsules A.M............1-3 Capsules/day
....................1 Capsule P.M.