Looking to add Anti-E or Transdermal; Something to stack



  • Established
Currently cutting down to the single digits for BF. I am sitting at 6 foot 1 and 208 pounds and prob 12-13% BF. Been cutting for about 4 weeks and down about 6 solid pounds of fat. Waist is down 2.5 inches. Arms, Calves all are up about .25-.5 inch.

I have two main goals right now.

1: LEAN UP! Looking to cut body fat hard.
2: Get the Alpha Male Feeling. I love the added aggression and confidence that came from PH/DS. I am not looking for extra energy, pump in the gym ect. These are added bonuses but I really want to lean out primary and keep that alpha male feeling as number 2.

Currently taking:

-Staples: Proetin, Creatine, Multi
-Tropinol XP
-ECY Stack

Looking to potentialy stack with the following:

Just looking for what I can add to the mix.
But in no way shape or form will I mess with anything that can cause Gyno. I had Gyno surgery last year and don't want to do anything that can bring that $hit back.



Well-known member
What caused your gyno. Any formestane product will work really to harden you up along with added aggression. Formabolic is a solid choice as is transform from olympus labs. As for the other products any epi products such as follidrone and ep1c will suffice, pic the one that is more cost affective. Look up anabeta elite, it always gave me the alpha feeling. If you are willing to travel to the dark side then go with a mild compound like epistane, it does not aromatize and is great for strength and lean gains. Good luck !


  • Established
What cause your gyno. Any formestane product will work really to harden you up along with added aggression. Formabolic is a solid choice as is transform from olympus labs. As for the other products any epi products such as follidrone and ep1c will suffice, pic the one that is more cost affective. Look up anabeta elite, it always gave me the alpha feeling. If you are willing to travel to the dark side then go with a mild compound like epistane, it does not aromatize and is great for strength and lean gains. Good luck !
I am about to pull the trigger on ep1c and transform. I've done probably 15 cycles of Ph/Ds from m1t to havoc and superdrol ect. My gyno came from OTC PCT and prolactin from DAA. It's was very very bad. Years of not doing PCT correctly. So now, everything scares me.

All of my research up to this point says that suicidal AIs will not cause gyno rebound or estrogen rebound when coming off the AI so I'm just still researching.


Well-known member
I am about to pull the trigger on ep1c and transform. I've done probably 15 cycles of Ph/Ds from m1t to havoc and superdrol ect. My gyno came from OTC PCT and prolactin from DAA. It's was very very bad. Years of not doing PCT correctly. So now, everything scares me.
That would be a great stack, and you shouldn't be scared of a compound just do your research! And I hope to god you did not run a otc pct with m1t or superdrol.


  • Established
I'm just having a hard time understanding the concept of how suicidal AI's are not prone to estrogen rebound once stopping the AI. I understand the difference between type one and type two, but regardless, once the suicidal AI is done and you're no longer taking it what prevents the body from building excessive estrogen and causing Gyno?


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  • Established
Are you saying you wanna pick between Forma, Folli, EP1C and Derma? Not all that together, right?


  • Established
Are you saying you wanna pick between Forma, Folli, EP1C and Derma? Not all that together, right?
Correct. I have it narrowed down to stacking EP1C and TransFORM. That's all


Well-known member
I'm just having a hard time understanding the concept of how suicidal AI's are not prone to estrogen rebound once stopping the AI. I understand the difference between type one and type two, but regardless, once the suicidal AI is done and you're no longer taking it what prevents the body from building excessive estrogen and causing Gyno?
First off rebound is over exaggerated. The enzymes that are no longer able to function because of the suicidal inhibitor become obsolete and new enzymes come in. This process takes time. And if you are worried about gyno take letro or arimidex and taper off. This will stop gyno I guarantee it.

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