Looking for help with a MECHABOL cycle. Desperate


New member
Hey guys! Like i said in the title, I'm looking for help and instruction on a cycle of Mechabol.

Little bit of background on me:

I'm 20 years old, 5'11 and walking around at a drained 221 pounds ( I explain further down) as of this post. Been lifting since I was about 14, but seriously and consistently only for the past 3 years roughly and would consider myself relatively educated on nutrition and weight training (excluding prohormones and cycling and all that jazz) due to my attention and research of the subjects.

The reason:

I want to start this off by saying I DO NOT WANT TO BE DOING THIS CYCLE THIS EARLY IN MY LIFE, but certain things are forcing me to look towards this type of supplementation. I recently have made the decision to enlist in the US Marine Corps. On 11/13 I went to sign my papers and my recruiter told me I was overweight (according to their qualifications). I weighed in at 243 (at about 16-18% bodyfat) and my "max" he said was 221 pounds. On 11/21 after drinking and eating as little as possible, and busting my ass in the cardio room I weighed in at 223....BUMMER! Next day was Thanksgiving so of course I ate! I couldnt quite catch myself and get back on the weight loss train so I put 9 pounds back on. Walked in (just about passing out every step) on 12/4 and weighed 218! Loaded myself up on carbs and protein the next two days and tons of water to try and give my body some refuge and ended up absorbing 14 pounds! So this Thursday (12/13) I have to reach weight of 221 again to do my official weigh in for processing to enlist. At this moment I am of weight and just maintaining for the next few days, and feeling very weak and drained (using gum as a small sugar spike to keep me going). I can physically see and feel that I have lost muscle and strength.

My recruiter has me 98% set up to leave January 27th,....... AND I HAVE TO WEIGH IN AT 207 POUNDS FOR BOOT CAMP!. At the point i'm at right now, i feel that if i want to get to 207 pounds in less than 50 days i will show up for my 13 weeks of hell at a very weak state. I don't want to do that at all. So this is the reason I'm going to try to cycle a pro hormone. I realize that going on a pro hormone will make me gain weight, but it will also cut me up. I really want to maximize my strength by then so i can excel in my toughest test yet in life. I'm hoping i can be as close to 207, as possible, or under and trimmed by 1/27 so the doctor who examines me has no choice but to accept me.

The stack:

Mechabol - Antaeus Labs
Licogenix- Athletix
Titanium XL- Athletix
Organ Shield- Purus Labs

This was all put together by PHFsupplements as they call it the "perfect stack"

I have not included a SERM above because I am still researching them (torem, tamox, etc.) and trying to decide on which is best for me to take (so input would be greatly appreciated).

I have an idea of how to run this but I am not going to jot it here and look like an ass in case I am terribly wrong, so if I can get some responses about how to run this correctly and opionions about if this is a good stack or if i should choose other supps i would truly appreciate it.

Like I said I really do not want to run this cycle at this point in my life and I understand it is not the safest thing to do, but I have goals and deadlines to reach and I'm going to do what i need to do to get there. So please do not bash me and instead help me get to where i need to be in a safe manner.



New member
^^^ also looking at ephedrine hcl for a pre workout.


drop mechabol and run epistane, itll help you lose weight better. and i cant imagine you are a lean 220lb dude at 5'11, that would be ****ing huge. you may also want to look into clen or albuterol and maybe even t3 if you are super desperate for weight loss. those would more heavily focus directly on weight loss compared to the steroid where you might accidentaly gain weight. you can get any of those 3 from research chem sites f you decide to take that route


i agree 100%, id run epistane with clen or ephedrine and possibly t3(thyroid hormone) make sure you are back to good after cycle before bootcamp the last thing you would want is to end your cycke feeling great then go into pct during bootcamp finish all that beforehand
drop mechabol and run epistane, itll help you lose weight better. and i cant imagine you are a lean 220lb dude at 5'11, that would be ****ing huge. you may also want to look into clen or albuterol and maybe even t3 if you are super desperate for weight loss. those would more heavily focus directly on weight loss compared to the steroid where you might accidentaly gain weight. you can get any of those 3 from research chem sites f you decide to take that route


New member
@ ThunderHumper- not lean*** I never actually got my BF configured, I was just basing it off of what other people's % at my gym. If they were wrong about theres then i'm most likely wrong about mine. I have a picture posted of me at 247 pounds if you click on my profile.

and thanks for the help guys! I'll look into all that


Active member
Dont run the titanium and lico worth your ph, save that for pct, i recommend torem, pill form


Active member
I also don't think that's enough time to run a proper cycle and pct, especially considering you wanna be fully recovered for camp


i have a hard time understanding that the use of anabolics is needed for your weight loss. you also stress that you do not want to run the cycle a few times in your post and at your age i def wouldnt.


  • Established
I do not think a hormone is needed but will certainly help maintain muscle in a negative calorie state. I would look into ADF alternate day fasting or some kind of fasting protocol as it certainly would help you loose in that time. Out of curiosity what happens if you show up not at their specified weight? Are they going to refuse you entry? I mean it's not like you aren't going to loose a ton of weight in basic anyways. I am scratching my head as to why they would not want you to show up as muscular as possible but I guess I always think along the lines of more muscle = better but then again I have never been in war so what do I know.


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@hvactech - the reason I want to run this is because I don't feel I have enough time to reach 207lbs on a healthy diet, lifting, and running. If a week out from leave I am not of weight I will be forced to crash diet, and I have been doing so this past month and the weakness I feel right now, at 221ish lbs, is not what I want to feel when i show up for basic training. I want to be in top shape, strong and full. I do not want to be weak and drained like I am right now. I stated that I do not want to run this cycle because I know it is not the smartest and most ideal plan, but I need to do what I need to do

@pushinweightw - I am not sure what exactly would happen if i'm not the correct weight, and I would rather not find out lol. Most likely they would post pone my departure. I think the logic behind it is that they want someone who is more agile and who can move quickly than someone who can lift a horse and move like a turtle.


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I know this is an old thread, but, here's some advice... You won't lose your slot if you show up to MEPS overweight on your first ship attempt. You will RENO for a later date and the earliest you can return is 30 days after you fail weight the first time. I wouldn't run a half-ass cycle in an attempt to make a superficial weight just because you think it has to happen "now". Don't kill yourself trying to make it, in other words. Furthermore, there are other branches out there that are a little more lenient when it comes to ht/wt standards, so if you can't make what the USMC has for a standard, look elsewhere. Just my $.02.

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