Keto meal prep companies?


Currently running a sarm stack cycle for 10 weeks with my girlfriend along with a piana like keto diet. With our work schedules cooking for the week has become a massive chore, been thinking of ordering some premade meal plans. Anyone know of any good keto based meal plan preps with GOOD ingredients with low processed meats?
keto is super unhealthy. carbs play an important role in the body's signaling to tear down and replace old connective tissue, thus setting you up for injury if you ever start lifting real weight (among many other things). if you did some research you'd find more reasons to avoid keto like the aids. your best bet, if you insist on this ridiculous diet, is to eat eggs, MCTs, cheeseburgers, chicken thighs, ground lamb, fish, greens... etc. all very easy to cook, but since you do keto you're probably pretty lazy as is.