johnyq's 1-T tren log



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Belated happy bday!


Cycle ended yesterday. I'm going to post up my final stats and feelings on the cycle soon, and then open a new log for the PP TRS stack which I started today.

I'm also taking a few days off of the gym this week just to recover. I'm feeling under the weather, and think I may just need a short break.


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a short break probably would do you some good. when i'm on cycle i feel like the last week is so important im worn out by the time my run is finished. i really enjoy PCT anyway.


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I lied and I hit the gym yesterday and today for some reason (I WILL be breaking until next monday though, so thats not too bad). The good news is I tested bench press today, and pressed 310! I went for 320 but did not quite have it in me.

I have no doubt my deadlift has gone up to, but I'm not going to be testing it for a while.

End of cycle review

General log cliffnotes

My original goals: increase powerlifting total by 105lbs, gain 8 pounds, and lean out. Very hard goals to reach, but I feel I pretty much nailed it. I went up 10 pounds, leaned out, and increased my strength a huge amount. I did not hit my target powerlifting total, because my squat suffered technical issues, and I had to reset my form...even without the squat, I went up 75 pounds in DL/bench !!!! My target was to go up 105 including the squat.

I started off the first half of the cycle eating really clean, and was really leaning out fast. Eventually I realized I needed to make some weight gains too, so I added in some carbs and cheat meals and the weight came fast. I didn't go crazy, but managed to get 10 pounds on in the last half of the cycle. I also stopped doing cardio by the end of the second half, mostly due to being lazy (or possibly feeling too much lethargy.

(click to enlarge)

after ( was bloated today, and even still you can see I leaned out)

bench:--260----------- 310----- + 50
squat:---360----------- NA ------ +0
deadlift: -375---------- 400------- +25

weight: 196lbs-------- 206------- +10 lbs

height: 5'7 ------------ NA----------- 0
right arm: 15.75" ----- 15.875 ----- +0.125
left arm: 15.75" ------- 16 ------- +0.25
waist at naval: 39" --- 37.75------ -1.25"
right calf: 15.25"------- 15.5"------ +0.25"


lethargy: I consistently experienced a high level of lethargy. It really wore on me, and I almost stopped the cycle early. It interfered with my work life, and made going to the gym difficult.

gyno: I had itchy nips a few times, and one instance early on of a sensitive left nipple (that I now think may have just been bruised from the gym).

hair loss: nothing

prostate: I had some discomfort; Enough to make me go out and buy some hawthorn.

skin issues: very minimal. I'm sensitive to acne, and I only experienced a very slight amount. The random/occasional one on my back.

blood pressure: I saw a decent increase, be careful, take some hawthorn before the cycle, and during.

Libido: my libido was strange. I feel like my sexual desire went down, and yet I was having random and raging (excuse me..heh) erections. I wonder if this was the sustain alpha keeping the little man going. Everything was 100% working order the entire time, so all in all this was great..


An amazing cycle, I am very pleased with the results. I almost don't believe the gains I had in bench press, especially after the last few years of struggling so slowly from 220-260...then bam, 310!

I have received innumerable remarks on my size. I have definitely filled out, and even lost some in some key places.

The bad for me, and really the only negative thing to note, is that the lethargy really took its toll. Its probably something I could find a solution to, or maybe just run a cycle during the winter when everyone else is sleepy too :lol:
I did not have lethargy on 1T, so I am curious what caused it. I'll post any updates if it turns out it was not related to 1TTren.

Considering the gains, and the total sides, its hard to imagine many other legal supplements comparing.



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good work man im just about to run this cycle in a week or so


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Your review def makes me want to run this sometime this summer! Looks like you had a fantastic cycle. Congrats bro.


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Well done johnyq. Another great log. I too am starting to hit some lethargy, also did not experience it on 1-T. Dienolone is a different animal, it would seem.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Well done johnyq. Another great log. I too am starting to hit some lethargy, also did not experience it on 1-T. Dienolone is a different animal, it would seem.
I actually noticed lethargy on 1-T, but not so much on 1-T TREN... I felt more of a rage with 1-T TREN. (similar to trenbolone)



Bro it's saw palmetto you want to take for the prostrate..
You can find it straight, or my local shop has a "prostrate protection" item that has the saw palmetto and other stuff in it... it's cheap there, $15.00...
Nice work on the cycle... feels good to get that bounce in your strength huh?
Keep on it thru PCT, nows the time to make or break this...
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Bro it's saw palmetto you want to take for the prostrate..
You can find it straight, or my local shop has a "prostrate protection" item that has the saw palmetto and other stuff in it... it's cheap there, $15.00...
Nice work on the cycle... feels good to get that bounce in your strength huh?
Keep on it thru PCT, nows the time to make or break this...
Yeah, but make sure you get the stuff that standardized for whatever oil that is in the saw palmetto... otherwise you just have dirt ****...



New member
Awesome Log Johnny! I am my second cycle of 1-T Tren, and only wish I had the time to do such a dedicated log on my usage / progress...but I too find awesome results in leaning out and amazing strength gains on this product..I highly reccomend it to anyone. I can second Johnny on the increased irritability, but in my just means the test is workin! Again..awesome write up. I found to combat the lethargy to use a fat burner type stimulant along with the product or use some caffeine in the afternoons.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Awesome Log Johnny! I am my second cycle of 1-T Tren, and only wish I had the time to do such a dedicated log on my usage / progress...but I too find awesome results in leaning out and amazing strength gains on this product..I highly reccomend it to anyone. I can second Johnny on the increased irritability, but in my just means the test is workin! Again..awesome write up. I found to combat the lethargy to use a fat burner type stimulant along with the product or use some caffeine in the afternoons.
Good to hear socal...



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All i want is to lean out and feel that Trenbalone feeling. RAGE. I love it. When i run this stuff....whenever i do....i will log it as well. nice job.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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All i want is to lean out and feel that Trenbalone feeling. RAGE. I love it. When i run this stuff....whenever i do....i will log it as well. nice job.
Well then you are gonna love 1-T TREN...


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I didn't start a log for my PCT, so I will throw out my status as of now.

libido is completely back, no hair loss, no gyno (however, I did have some itchiness, don't know if it was related or not, but its gone).

weight: 204lbs, down 2 since the peak of the log

Strength is up

430lbs fatbar deadlift. I'm slowly getting there :)

That was an increase of +30 pounds over my last PR, and +55 pounds since the start of this log.

My PCT is Primordial's TRS stack and nothing else (other than my basic supplements).


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Dude, that gym is SICK. Wish there was one like that around me.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Yeah, that is a very cool gym! Nice lift too!



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I feel very lucky to have that gym close to where I live. It has made training into an experience I look forward to almost every day, rather than a chore to keep in shape.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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I feel very lucky to have that gym close to where I live. It has made training into an experience I look forward to almost every day, rather than a chore to keep in shape.
Yeah, I used to have a garage to perform Olympic lifts like that... damn I miss those days...

Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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FYI, You can get 30% off on 1-T TREN for the next week -


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