Jim's Training to Become a Human Tank!



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Yeah, that's what I'm hoping to become as well. Although, I don't expect it to be soon lol.
Same here, really. It's a long journey.


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Biceps are pretty sore from the other day, not like damaged. Just sore. Really sore actually. Everything else feels alright, there is a minor amount of soreness in my mid back and there was a bit of lat soreness yesterday, but really it's just the biceps that got it bad.

Did ME Log Press today. The workout went pretty well, and I came away with a Log C+P PR, even though it wasn't as much as I had hoped to get.

Warmup: BB Strict OHP to 135 x 4, Band Warmup

Pre: 1.5 Condense

Log C+P: 160 x 2, 180 x 1, 200 x 1 (PR for C+P), 210 x F

My clean is awful and needs work. It's either technique issues (and I need to focus more on actually pulling it into me) or my upper back just needs to be stronger. So, I'll continue to work the technique and will put even more emphasis on strengthening my upper back (and triceps too).

Dips (2-3 second eccentric, explode to lockout): BW x 10, +35 x 10 x 2

a1. DB Inc. Bench (2 second eccentric, explode to 3/4 lockout): 45 x 12, 50 x 12 x 2
a2. Lateral Raise (strict, dead stop): 15 x 15, 10 x 15 x 2

b1. Pendlay Rows: 135 x 10, 155 x 10, 185 x 10 (form got a little looser than I would want with the last 5), 165 x 10
b2. DB French Press: 65 x 8 x 4

Rear Delt Destroyer: 40 x 60, 20 x 30, 10 x 10 (hold 3 seconds at the top)

Workout went well, had to stop twice with the first set of the rear delt destroyer (at 30, then at 48) just to reset and start again. Maybe 3-5 seconds each time.

Video of the Log + Pendlay (1 set):


Notice that when I start to come up from the lap position that the log falls away from my chest and becomes a swing/reverse curl to get it to the rack. This is the exact thing that you do NOT want to happen when cleaning the log, it wastes energy and can lower the amount of weight one can press.


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What are the rules on the press? Obviously a push press is allowed, but are jerks allowed as well? Couple things you could use to improve your press is to implement split jerks, or push jerks. To help with either of the jerks, of course, I would also add in some overhead squats.


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What are the rules on the press? Obviously a push press is allowed, but are jerks allowed as well? Couple things you could use to improve your press is to implement split jerks, or push jerks. To help with either of the jerks, of course, I would also add in some overhead squats.
The only rule is to get it from the ground to overhead.

Push jerk I would try, split jerk with a log I wouldn't feel stable enough. I just don't know if I have enough time before this competition to learn it. But, you're probably right about it being better to learn in the long run (that's how Marshall does it).

I've only ever warmed up with OH Squats.....would you recommend heavy or volume work (or both)?


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Push jerk should be pretty straight forward to learn and doesn't take a whole lot more than a push press, as far as mechanics. Once you get that first bounce, you're basically pulling yourself under the weight, at which point the OH squat will come into play. You'll also be surprised at the ease with which you can learn a split jerk. It almost seems natural after a few reps.
As for the OH squat, start light to get comfortable. 95lbs put me on my ass the first time I tried it due to the balance required. You can only OH squat as much as you can press...


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Push jerk should be pretty straight forward to learn and doesn't take a whole lot more than a push press, as far as mechanics. Once you get that first bounce, you're basically pulling yourself under the weight, at which point the OH squat will come into play. You'll also be surprised at the ease with which you can learn a split jerk. It almost seems natural after a few reps.
As for the OH squat, start light to get comfortable. 95lbs put me on my ass the first time I tried it due to the balance required. You can only OH squat as much as you can press...
Well as much as I can press is probably a good deal more than I could OH Squat lol.

I just think balance will be an issue with the split legs. I'll have to practice it to know for sure. Although, push jerking is probably a good idea.


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Damn, that stone circuit looks real tough. I need to get hard and start doing some **** like this ... well, maybe not exactly that, but more challenge-like stuff.


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Damn, that stone circuit looks real tough. I need to get hard and start doing some **** like this ... well, maybe not exactly that, but more challenge-like stuff.
Lol we kept competing with each other and increasing the amount of reps we did every time it was our turn to go up.

First they were singles, then doubles, then 5s, then Mike did 7 so I did 10 lol. It was fun.


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Today was am abbreviated rep squat:

Front Squat: 225 x 5, 245 x 5 x 2, 265 x 5, drop 225 x 9

With sleeve and oly shoes.

Leg Press (close(r) stance, toes pointed forward w/ chucks): 405 x 8, 495 x 8, 545 x 8

a1. Lunge: BW x 12 x 2
a2. Ring Fallout: BW x 8 x 2

Had planned to do stepups instead of lunges but I ran out of time and tried to squeeze in some unilateral and core before I had to leave.

Also, triceps are sore.


Looking back, they might have been better off if he just ran that kick back....
Yea they would have, been they also could have stopped on the first two drives at the end, and no fg could be made.

I think the offense could have been better again, shady want anywhere near as effective , and there were missed plays... Cooper dropped pass comes to mind. And the missed fg.

I honestly think The birds might look into a new kicker


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I thought that first kick had a bad snap/hold.


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Shoulder Press today.

Warmup: EFS Pullapart Series x 1, BB Press

BB Military: 125 x 4, 130 x 4, 135 x 4, 140 x 4, 150 x 2

Arnold Press: 35 x 8, 40 x 8, 45 x 8, 50 x 5--1--F--45 x 2

CG Bench (pause 2" above chest): 135 x 6, 185 x 6, 205 x 5--1

a1. Pushups (Slow Eccentric, Press to 3/4 lockout, Squeeze Elbows): 22, 19, 13
a2. DB Fly: 25 x 8 x 3

EFS Pullapart Series x 1

Good workout. Gonna go in and squat tomorrow. I also want to say that 150 x 2 is a strict press PR.

My training is changing some, I'm going to be more instinctive with it. At this point I know what I need to do to get better, and I'm going to stop with the rigidity of full training cycles which for me have been taking away from the intensity that I want my workouts to have. As of now it's looking like I'm going to do something like this:

Mon- Shoulder Press (Strict)
Tue- Squat
Wed- Rest
Thu- Pull
Fri- Event Press
Sat- Event Day (Yoke, Carry, Truck Pull, Stone Runs, etc)

The movements will change in accordance with what I need the most work with, I will also always do 4-6 assistance lifts afterwards that will address weakness that I notice in my main lift on that day. Reps/Weight will mostly be chosen by feel, I'd like to keep the main movements in the 3-6 rep range and do volume afterwards. Keep the progression as linear as possible and shoot for either more weight or more reps each week. I also do not intend to deload for any competition that I don't think I will qualify at, like this Metroflex competition. I'm going to go into it like any other event day that I do on Saturday and just lift some weight and get stronger all year long. (this is a long time coming, and has been spurred by my own thoughts and all of the talking I've done with the more experienced competitors that I train with).


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I'm thinking it will work out well, it'll make my training more fun and I feel like I'll bring the amount of intensity that I want into it. Like today, I had intended on pushing for 4s but after the 140 x 4 felt good I wanted to push it for a double with 150 (which I don't think I've ever done strict for even 1), hit a solid PR and kept pushing through the rest of the session.

It should also allow for me to auto regulate a little better by only pushing it for lower reps when it feels like it's gonna be there as opposed to doing it based upon some arbitrary rotation I set up 6 weeks prior.

And, I expect that I will be starting my cycle fairly soon. I have the ancillaries required at this point and will be getting the stuff I'll need in the next couple of weeks and doing a 15 week run at 500mg a week which should take me through TX Strongest Man which is looking like it will be on April 12th. I was talking about it with the old ball and chain and she basically told me to quit being a bitch and order what I needed (because I was on the fence about doing it). With my talks with Marshall the last couple of weeks, and especially today, I am going to bulk balls to the wall until I get to the point where I need to slow it down and lean out before starting up again. His advice to me today was that if I intend to compete at that level then it is better for me to get there as quickly as possible and start competing there, even if I don't win it will give me the experience of what competing in that class is and allow me to continue getting better while I am already at that level. He also told me that if nutrition, training, and "other" things are all down I shouldn't have any issues getting to 220-230 in the next couple of months (let alone the year that I had told him I expected).


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As much natural potential you have, and your youth, it sucks to see you go on cycle BUT I know you're wanting to be a Pro, so I was wondering when the hell you were going to start lol


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So, unrelated note, but who in here has tried BPS Formasurge and who hasn't?

I intend to use it as part of my PCT, staggered with the SERM, but since that won't be for a couple of months I want to give one of you guys a bottle of it to try and log (from my own supplement stash), you won't have to make any new log or anything crazy like that. And I don't care if you use it as a part of a Natty Stack with other products that you want to try.

For those that don't know what it is (probably smoker lol), it is a topical formestane product. Formestane is a very potent AI, and many people who use it have noticed good strength increases, leaning out, and dropping water weight. I'm already giving a buddy of mine a bottle (maybe 2) of DCP 2.0 from my own stash again so that he can give me some feedback on how he likes it (he is a HW Strongman competitor who is using a Ketogenic diet to try to lean out some so that he can be 300+ with abs). And would like to send one of you guys some of this to try and give me some good feedback for how you like it as strength athletes, especially since I know that most of you are experienced enough to know your own bodies and consistent enough to notice the effects it would give.


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Time under tension. Got it

More TUT = More Muscles.

As much natural potential you have, and your youth, it sucks to see you go on cycle BUT I know you're wanting to be a Pro, so I was wondering when the hell you were going to start lol

And that's why I was on the fence about it, because I am young. But, to compete at that level I'm going to have to do it eventually and the sooner I start doing everything I can to get to that level the sooner I will get there. I was talking to Marshall and he went pro when he was 24 years old and told me he's been on gear for longer than I've even been training (and I want to say he's 31 years old lol).


I actually did not know what it was, was prepared to google haha.

Maybe Sean would be good for this cause I don't think he uses a lot of stuff and is all natty


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I actually did not know what it was, was prepared to google haha. Maybe Sean would be good for this cause I don't think he uses a lot of stuff and is all natty
My concern is using a transdermal product and have a toddler that climbs all over me. The dad side of me becomes paranoid.


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My concern is using a transdermal product and have a toddler that climbs all over me. The dad side of me becomes paranoid.
Really, as long as you time it appropriately it shouldn't be an issue.

Does he/she sleep with you regularly because if not you could apply it before bed (post shower) and put a shirt on after it dries (blow drying it works).


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DCP2.0 is good to go. I need to finalize my review but I ate like a PIG for 1.5 weeks and only gained 3lbs from the trip. 4.5 total between thanksgiving and New Years (also "bulking")

Interested as well in formasurge. More as an on-cycle AI. I used formestane and it was great
What's the cycle look like?


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I'd like to run it. I've never tried anything like it, never even heard of it, so I'd be interested to see how my body reacts with it. I haven't taken anything except PWO in a while.


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I'd like to run it. I've never tried anything like it, never even heard of it, so I'd be interested to see how my body reacts with it. I haven't taken anything except PWO in a while.
When do you intend to start your cycle?


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When do you intend to start your cycle?
Not for a while. I'm not going to have the funds for everything for a couple more months. There's a lot that goes with it and I'm not going to half ass an AAS cycle. My first competition will be as a natural, hopefully I'll have everything together by late spring.

Sucks being a broke college student.


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Not for a while. I'm not going to have the funds for everything for a couple more months. There's a lot that goes with it and I'm not going to half ass an AAS cycle. My first competition will be as a natural, hopefully I'll have everything together by late spring.

Sucks being a broke college student.
Ok, I was only asking to see if you intended to use it as an on cycle AI lol.


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@Distilled Water, do you intend to start your cycle soon?

I'd like to see some feedback on it as an on cycle AI and I should have 2 so I could send one to you and one to Cincy if you are able to do that. Plus, I'd like to hear about how it compares to other formestane products you've tried.


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CincyKiller45, hey man, send me your shipping info and I'll send out that Formasurge for you. Like I said, you don't have to keep a new log as this is just coming out of my own stash, but just keep me updated on what kind of effects you notice and maybe toss a review up when you finish it.



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So, today's squat update.

Went in and started warming up with my usual wide stance squat and felt good, once I got to about 315 my knee started to become an issue, threw the knee sleeves on and went for 365 anyway. This time it was extremely painful, did my 2, racked it and had the wife (who apparently doesn't care at all if I'm in extreme pain) do some trigger point work with "the stick". Threw my Oly Shoes on and closed my stance in some (still with knee sleeves) and started all over again lol. These felt much better, my knee is a little achy now but it isn't bad.

Squats w/ Oly Shoe: 315 x 2, 335 x 2, 345 x 2, 355 x 2, 365 x 2, 375 x 2 (PR), 385 x 2 (PR).

These felt good and were a good deal heavier than I have ever been able to go with the closer stance + oly shoes. Also, played with my grip width on the bar when my bicep started to ache and found out that if I move my grip in closer I don't really have the issue.

Drop: 315 x 5

Wanted more than that when I started, but I was pretty beat up lol.

Leg Press: 405 x 8, 495 x 8, 545 x 8

a1. Step Ups: 95 x 12 x 2
a2. Ring Fallout: BW x 10 x 2

b1. DB Row: 65 x 12, 75 x 12, 85 x 12 (had to stop in the middle and take 5 seconds before starting up and finishing)
b2. Rear Delt Pullapart: Red x 50 x 3

Pull-Ups: Wide x 6, Hammer Grip x 5, Chin-up x 5

Done. Feeling good, except for that left knee. Don't have anything planned tomorrow, but might head to the gym and do some mobility and conditioning work and more trigger point work around the knees.


Nice Jim. Setting prs in pain.

That's a heck of a workout IMO.


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CincyKiller45, hey man, send me your shipping info and I'll send out that Formasurge for you. Like I said, you don't have to keep a new log as this is just coming out of my own stash, but just keep me updated on what kind of effects you notice and maybe toss a review up when you finish it.

I appreciate it man.

You can count on feedback and a review after. If I respond well, it will be part of my PCT.


Congrats on that squat PR too. You're well on the way to 500.


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my favorite site I post over n over for trigger points. I haven't looked to see if knees are on it though
I didn't see it, but the trigger points in the Adductor/Quad and most importantly ITB will be what I'll look for.

I appreciate it man.

You can count on feedback and a review after. If I respond well, it will be part of my PCT.


Congrats on that squat PR too. You're well on the way to 500.
No problem man, I can't use it for a good while (because I wouldn't want to risk it during my first cycle) so I figure I'll be able to at least get some out to other people instead of hoarding it all.

And, I'll hit that soon. Along with that 300# OHP.

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