

AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Maybe he got so huge he can't type anymore.....
This must be it.

That or he's been in the gym for 4 days; the man was getting in reps at work and hotting midnight workouts after switching compounds lol


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Yeah.....I missed you guys :).... Sorry again for the delay, personal B.S. Hot water heater took a dump a few days ago while I wasnt home and came back to a mess of water in my house. Been cleaning up and throwing away tons of crap....Oh well $h*t happens.

DAY 37
BW 201 +10 pounds since start.

I had a few caps of the Tren-Stane left over cuz I missed a few doses when I was sick, so the cycle of Tren-Stane was extended a few extra days.
Heres what I ended up running
IRONFLEX,s Tren-stane at 4/5/5/6/6/0/0 10mgs of tren/10mgs of Epi per cap
*************Msten at 0/0/0/0/3/3/3 6mgs per cap

I want to start off by talking about the things I LIKED about Ironflex's Tren-stane.

1. This compound really made me a lot stronger. I hit some PR's that I was never able to hit before.
2. My metabolism was crazy for the first three weeks. I was actually loosing weight if i didnt eat mass amounts of food. eventually having to eat ditry most of the time just to hold my weight, I was constantly hungry. (this could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what type of person you are).
3. It was pretty mellow stuff,really good for a first timer,no depression or anything like that this time around.
4. My veins were bulging during the day while I was at work, pretty much doing light work or nothing.
5. I had no headaches really on this compound , but i did drink about a gallon of water every day the whole time, which i am soo sick of doing!
6. Even tho I did not take a body fat measurement I cant tell a nice amount of body fat was killed during this cycle. IM a fat and skinny guy at the same time so I could really tell a difference. It also seemed to displace a lot of water from my body.
7. And really cool dreams when I was able to sleep.

Now the things I did not like about Ironflex's Tren-stane.

1.This compound really made it hard for me to sleep. A side of the Tren is insomnia (trensomnia :0) and boy did I had that side. Im not sure about the Epi part of it .
2.There were some pretty good sweats and hot flashes from the Tren as well, which Im sure contributed to the sleepless nights.( Lack of sleep I did not like cuz I felt like I was not recovering to my fullest at night).
3. I didnt notice much muscle gains during this cycle. Not sure if Im some what resistant to either compound but I didnt gian like I did on Ironflex's Halo X, which I loved . Still over all a max of 13 + pounds at one point of the cycle.( Im happy with that :0)
4. I got some serious heartburn on this stuff! Honestly too many pills to be taking along with all of your other support supps.
5. My piss also started to turn turn dark during the 4th week. Not sure why but I never had any liver or kidney pain at all except for a few minor back pumps ...nothing really.(probly cuz thats when i started the Msten)
6. Light acne for a 41 year old dude ...( means its working as far as Im conserned)
7. Again, a sour stomach was an issue during the last few weeks of Tren-Stane which ended up making it really hard for me to eat the amount of calories i needed to maintain.
The Tren was a sweet spot at about 100 mgs I think I read, so I would have had to take 10 pills just to get that .
The Epi was a sweet spot at 50mgs and I did run that at 60 for a week but really didnt notice a difference from the 50mgs so i went back to 5 caps a day on the last week of my cycle.
I really didnt like having to take so many. In the long run ,thats what tore me and my stomach up.
8. And another common side was dry or sore joints. I didnt get this until week 5 and im sure it was due to the 60mgs of Epi.
9. some serious aggression on the first few weeks ,some could call this good ,some could call this bad. Most people I know Are all ready angry enough LOL it did go away after a few weeks.

IMO if you want to run these two compounds you should do them as individuals so you can regulate the dosage of each depending on your results.
I had no experience with either one of these compounds until this cycle. Wasnt to impressed with the Tren part of it and would like to give the Epi half another shot some other time since Ive heard a lot of good things about Epi. I personally was not impressed by this run. I guess I am still looking for something stronger. I wasnt sure if I could go to a strong compound but I have started the Msten and I am on my 7th day. so far so good.
THANK YOU everyone who helped me out with my non sponsered log.
**I will post my before and after pics and measurements probly tomorrow when i have some help measuring.**

2 more weeks of Msten .....then Ill be the monster ive allways wanted to be..JK

Safe lifting to all you monsters!!


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Awesome log and nice detailed final review. If you have a running log let me know, I'll follow along


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Sorry to hear about the water damage brother; I have had the same problem twice now (once in each of 2 houses) and for your sake I hope nothing irreplaceable got damaged.

Up some good weight so far and strength; sounds like you're not a good responder in terms if side effects though. Next time when you run a stronger compound like you seem to want it should hopefully be better for you brother. Tren seems to be heavy in the sides.

Maybe Stenzine ;) I have always wanted to see if other feedback would match up to Tyga's run with it.


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Thanks Driven and Pete. It means a lot to have you guys around for help. :)
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Skinny thanks for the honest feedback!

Ps. Check our company promotion deal.. Free pre workout samples :)


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Skinny thanks for the honest feedback!

Ps. Check our company promotion deal.. Free pre workout samples :)
Your welcome. Any time you want an honest review just ask me. I'll do anything for my Ironflex family ;)

I hope I made in on the Ironflex promo in time... I tried.


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It's just methylstenbolan. 18mg would be ideal. You could bridge it in if you wanted.. Just stay on your supports, watch the color of your piss and the whites of your eyes
Ok Tyga. I woke up today and my piss is very dark yellow or brown even. And the whites of my eyes in the corners are a yellow brown :(
I feel fine tho no kidney pain or anything like that.
What do you guys think I should do? I'm on my 10th day of 18mgs of Msten after running 5 weeks of Tren and Epi.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Have Tudca on hand Skinny?

Definitely more water
Up your supports


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Thank you guys
I really don't want to stop. I don't have TUDCA but I will double up my water and live52


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Thank you guys
I really don't want to stop. I don't have TUDCA but I will double up my water and live52
IMO if cycling compounds not used before I would keep TUDCA on hand. Its a godsend for liver protection
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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More water for sure. Increase your TUDCA or NAC, well, whatever supports you're using increase em.

If your eyes are yellowing, can be an early sign of jaundice. Same deal with the yellow/brown piss.


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IMO if cycling compounds not used before I would keep TUDCA on hand. Its a godsend for liver protection
I had that in mind. My TUDCA was supposed to be here weeks ago & still a no show. I re-ordered it day before yesterday... Well see how long it takes this time. First time I've had this problem with amazon.


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More water for sure. Increase your TUDCA or NAC, well, whatever supports you're using increase em.

If your eyes are yellowing, can be an early sign of jaundice. Same deal with the yellow/brown piss.
What do you think I should do if it is an early sign of jaundice ??


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Stop taking the msten and get labs. Liver damage is reversible but you don't want to make it worse. You've been on methyls for 6 weeks and on a stronger one for the second half, so that isn't a good sign.


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If you want to try another day with extra supports and water just pay close attention. Otherwise better safe than sorry brother
Yeah , I'll skip today's dose & double up on everything then see how it looks tomorrow & go from there.
I'll keep you guys posted.


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Stay healthy man! The cycle can always wait for another time
Thanks brother. Yeah still no change in my piss after over a half gallon of water & still drinking.
Consider the cycle done. PCT start tomorrow.


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Thanks brother. Yeah still no change in my piss after over a half gallon of water & still drinking. Consider the cycle done. PCT start tomorrow.
Sorry to hear this!! You have been on for a while and m sten is a big boy.. I know your on TRT so PCT for you is more about recovering from the methyl.. You ran your first cycle took 4 weeks off and jumped back on to a longer and harsher cycle.. You liver is telling u to take more time off so listen. Everyone's body is different so now u know your body's limits. You will be fine.


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Sorry to hear this!! You have been on for a while and m sten is a big boy.. I know your on TRT so PCT for you is more about recovering from the methyl.. You ran your first cycle took 4 weeks off and jumped back on to a longer and harsher cycle.. You liver is telling u to take more time off so listen. Everyone's body is different so now u know your body's limits. You will be fine.
Lol yeah I think it was 5 weeks but it was pretty soon to be starting another :) but I needed to know my limitations I guess. For sure gonna be running something hard like that next time when I'm ready...... Thanks for keeping an eye on me Caz


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Lol yeah I think it was 5 weeks but it was pretty soon to be starting another :) but I needed to know my limitations I guess. For sure gonna be running something hard like that next time when I'm ready...... Thanks for keeping an eye on me Caz
You got it!! That's what Tyga and myself are here for to support you during the entire process.. We care about our customers ;)


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Stop taking the msten and get labs. Liver damage is reversible but you don't want to make it worse. You've been on methyls for 6 weeks and on a stronger one for the second half, so that isn't a good sign.
I got a complete physical with my doctor in 2.5 weeks. Bloods and everything, testosterone count as well.
Do I say anything about running a PH to my doctor?? I really need to know.


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I got a complete physical with my doctor in 2.5 weeks. Bloods and everything, testosterone count as well.
Do I say anything about running a PH to my doctor?? I really need to know.
Is this the same doc managing your TRT?


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Great, thorough review Skinny - as for ending your blast, I'd say it was the right call - TUDCA/UDCA can really let you push a methyl cycles duration, & NAC can make big differences as well at bigger doses, but without either of them even with lots of hydration & antioxidants/bile support I would be more conservative with methyl cycle durations.

One of the big benefits of Tvar (which you unfortunately don't seem to take well), is that it can easily be run for longer durations since it's pretty easy on the liver. Msten on the othe hand, that stuff is TOXIC. Based on my urine, on the same amount of water & supports, I believe Msten @ 24mg to be as or more toxic than M1T @ 15mg/day. These are just my personal findings, but there you go. And most will attest to the toxicity of M1T.


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Great, thorough review Skinny - as for ending your blast, I'd say it was the right call - TUDCA/UDCA can really let you push a methyl cycles duration, & NAC can make big differences as well at bigger doses, but without either of them even with lots of hydration & antioxidants/bile support I would be more conservative with methyl cycle durations.

One of the big benefits of Tvar (which you unfortunately don't seem to take well), is that it can easily be run for longer durations since it's pretty easy on the liver. Msten on the othe hand, that stuff is TOXIC. Based on my urine, on the same amount of water & supports, I believe Msten @ 24mg to be as or more toxic than M1T @ 15mg/day. These are just my personal findings, but there you go. And most will attest to the toxicity of M1T.
Ok so my TUDCA came today, both bottles . The late one and the new one. I knew that would happen... Oh well I got 2 bottles now.

Should I be taking it now even though I'm off cycle?? Will it help?
My piss is still all f'd up.


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Ok so my TUDCA came today, both bottles . The late one and the new one. I knew that would happen... Oh well I got 2 bottles now.

Should I be taking it now even though I'm off cycle?? Will it help?
My piss is still all f'd up.
yes dose it twice a day.. How many mg per dose you have?


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Run Alpha Lipoic Acid at 600-1000mg/day also. I've run it as my only liver support and had clear urine on SD bridged into M1T. I think I have a titanium liver but still Alpha Lipoic Acid is probably up with TUDCA. I mean I have an uncle with a liver that is shot. He's right next to needing a replacement. Once per year he gets intravenous Alpha Lipoic Acid at a special clinic and it pretty cheap holds him up for a year. He feels amazing after running it. Now he supplements with it all year so the IV isn't as necessary


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Always order 2-3 bottles of TUDCA/cycle, as you're gonna be running 500mg-1g of it. I know it's not cheap but neither are liver transplants. TUDCA is personally more important to me than a general cycle support, considerably.

I tried the ALA @ 600-1k on Tony's suggestion - it definitely helps, & generally supports stronger immune function & even better lipid profile I believe (as well as being a very mild GDA), but it gives me wicked heartburn in conjunction with methyls. I can't use it longer than about 3 wks. It's dirt cheap and you can get it in any supplement aisle. If it doesn't give you heartburn, it's awesome for you.


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Always order 2-3 bottles of TUDCA/cycle, as you're gonna be running 500mg-1g of it. I know it's not cheap but neither are liver transplants. TUDCA is personally more important to me than a general cycle support, considerably.

I tried the ALA @ 600-1k on Tony's suggestion - it definitely helps, & generally supports stronger immune function & even better lipid profile I believe (as well as being a very mild GDA), but it gives me wicked heartburn in conjunction with methyls. I can't use it longer than about 3 wks. It's dirt cheap and you can get it in any supplement aisle. If it doesn't give you heartburn, it's awesome for you.
Yeah it gives a something like heartburn but I've had both and I think what ALA does is just the acid from the pill rising. Anyway now I take it under my meals and no problems like that. Plus if you want the stuff at GNC never seems to do that to me anyway. I think it releases slow. They have gel caps and sometimes solid caplets


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Yeah it gives a something like heartburn but I've had both and I think what ALA does is just the acid from the pill rising. Anyway now I take it under my meals and no problems like that. Plus if you want the stuff at GNC never seems to do that to me anyway. I think it releases slow. They have gel caps and sometimes solid caplets
Thought you had to take it pre-meal for best absorption? You're for sure right though (Alpha Lipoic ACID, afterall). TUDCA can do the same to ppl, but that's always just eaten with food usually so ppl don't report issues as much. I'll try it with food next time. And that's interesting about the gel caps.


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Thought you had to take it pre-meal for best absorption? You're for sure right though (Alpha Lipoic ACID, afterall). TUDCA can do the same to ppl, but that's always just eaten with food usually so ppl don't report issues as much. I'll try it with food next time. And that's interesting about the gel caps.
Well I take it pretty much any ol time.. It's cheap so I just take more with food.


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Still no change.
I went to the doc today and had blood tests to check my liver and blood and all that stuff , full blood panel. To see if I do have any probs.
Funny ,,, he was telling me I gained too much weight in the last few months 19 pounds :) I told him it was all muscle he just laughed & said don't eat so much.

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