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I want some strawberry cheesecake !!


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Vein nutrition rupture review:
blueline438 was kind enough to send me a scoop of the green apple to try out.


Took the 1 scoop and put it in about 16oz of water (I almost always go heavy on the water just to drink more through the day). This was actually a great amount for me as the flavor was still strong, but not overpowering. It's much more of a sweeter apple than a very tart Granny Smith type. It has a slight tartness (that gives it the "green") but nothing major. I'm not a fan of sour apple flavors so I enjoyed this.

10-15 min after dosing I began to feel the BA tingles in my face and forearms. Not crazy strong but noticeable. Energy also began to come on, albeit not very strong.

I made it to the gym at about the 25min mark and began my workout (legs hypertrophy). I have to say that I didn't ever really get a "kick" like I do usually with anything with dmaa so I was rather surprised. The write up hypes the focus aspects of rupture so I was keen to look for this and compare to some others, but frankly I never really felt anything in that regard. If anything, I actually was less focused as the energy had my head a bit "flighty" and I was constantly looking around and just not really interested in anything.

Overall the workout was good, but I didn't get what I had expected either in terms of energy or focus. With a reported 75mg dmaa and 200mg caffeine, I expected to be flying during and to have a bit of a crash afterwards but never really had either. The comedown was oticable, but not dramatic like a lot of other dmaa products seem to be. There was zero impact on mood either.

One thing that did stand out it I was sweating like a maniac. Far more than normal which was interesting.

Overall, I thought this was very average in every way, and far below par for focus. A bit of a letdown for my first experience with Vein products. Personally I would not buy this as the energy can be found anywhere and outside of that there really was nothing special to speak of. Overall score: 5/10

I will be trying out bloodshot tomorrow for push power day and hopefully will have better results there.


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Hook up from ketosports


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Vein Nutrition Bloodshot Review

This is one of the hardest reviews I've ever done and frankly, I have no idea how to score this one. Trust me, its worth the whole read though as it was a complete roller-coaster ride... Dosing was 1/2sc 25min pre and the other half about 40min later, intra workout.

The easy parts:

Flavor - Blackberry lemonade - smells amazing (both powder and mixed)... taste... not so much. Its not undrinkable, but its not good at all either. Its an odd, bitter, sour, mishmash of sorts that tastes like someone tried to cover up bad tasting ingredients with random flavoring. Think along the lines of OG conquer unleashed where it just was tolerable at best. 1/10 (gets 1 for smelling good ha)

Mix - Easy as pie - simply swirl in a cup and you're good to go. no floaters or grit.

The actually important parts:

Energy - With the exorbitant amount of DMAA, I expected to be flying out of my mind and maybe even a bit heart-racing/shaky. What I experienced went as follows (times are minutes from first dose):

10min - initial warmth/moderate energy - MASSIVE pounding headache. At this point, I was on my way to the gym and debated if I was going to take the rest as I felt flat out terrible. head pounding, stomach a bit funny, etc. I decided to push on and see how things proceeded

25min - Start of workout. Headache still there, but stomach seemed settled. Energy was decent, but not off the charts. Mood was VERY low though... I was just flat out angry at everything.

35min - Headache had subsided, but dear god THE RAGE. I swear to you I may have never been so angry/frustrated in my life. I wanted to punch every single person in the gym, throw weights at them, etc... All for literally no reason. I had to actively keep myself from gritting my teeth as I was grinding them so hard. It was to the point where I was ready to start a fight with anyone just to fight. Really terrible feeling. Started to sip on the second 1/2sc

45min - Rage was still there and I swear I was just cursing under my breath at anyone that looked at me. It was effecting my workout negatively at this stage because I was more focused on how mad I was than on what I was doing. Energy at this point was pretty high as I found myself rocking back and forth on m bench between sets, tapping my legs, drumming with my hands, etc. Not a cracked out energy, but definitnely high level. Also the amount of energy paired with the rage had me almost incapable of focusing on my lifts which was another negative.

60min - All was drank by this time, and I was about 3/4 through my workout. The rage had somewhat tapered down (not completely, but just not blinding like it had been) and the energy had seemed to level off at a steady high level. I was pushing good weight, but was a bit unaware of where i would fail and a couple times pushed to failure on sets I had not intended to. Mind muscle connection was zero and all my brain could think about was pushing HARD.

80min - End of the workout. I went to sit in the sauna for a bit as I always do but couldnt sit still. Also began to feel sick between the heat and the energy so this was only a 5-10min session (15-20 normally and I never feel sick). Rage had come down to a pretty low level, although I did seem to be easily frustrated with anything and anyone still.

90-120min - leaving the gym my head began to ache again... seemed the energy was also tapering down a bit as well as the rage having mostly subsided. I began to feel fairly tired and just "down".

~145min - pretty much nothing left but a sour mood. Energy was low, motivation was low, I wasn't hungry at all, head was slightly achey, and generally just "depressed"... I would call this the crash stage as I was just not feeling life in general. It was a good thing it was a decent day otherwise, or this would have really just magnified any existing bad feelings.

The good:
-Energy was very high
-Rage/Anger made me push REALLY hard on some lifts (sometimes dangerous tho on ones that I pushed too far and almost squished myself without a spotter ha)
-The smell (haha)

The bad:
- Headaches at the start and end
- Too much energy and anger to focus well
- Mood throughout was just awful. Angry, depressed, etc... all bad

The "other":
- Roller-coaster of energy, anger, power, frustration, sickness, etc... a complete wild ride
- Don't see this as a viable option for regular use due to the formula... seems dangerous based on the overall feelings I experienced.

Overall thoughts:
The highs were high, the lows were hellish... Just a total mixed bag of emotions, benefits, sides, etc that really had me confused about how to quantify and collect my thoughts on this one.

Would I buy it? No way... too many bad things and not enough good to use a whole tub.

Would I try it again? Maybe... given the right circumstances, and maybe at the end of a cut or other high stim period this would be reasonable to use once in awhile.

Would I recommend it? Only to the right audience... High tolerance stim junkies, and people who can control their emotions... This stuff is the closest I've ever felt to "Roid Rage" haha


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That's a heck of a review, Dan. The rage you describe is something I've not often felt to an extreme level, but experience on a semi regular basis in the gym (e.g. I view all people as obstacles and just want to get in and get out and they're all nothing more than in my way).

The crash you describe at the end is how I felt after the only time I've used Kraken thus far. I'm kind of scared to try it again because I felt so emotionally hollow when I was done (no endorphin rush/post-workout high).

I've got Bloodshot to sample still and just have to find the right day to attempt it (knowing that the stim level will be high).

Did you get the little tiny tub? or scooped out? Because from what I just read, the labels are misprinted on those sample tubs and it's actually 2 servings per and not one, as stated (which can be risky enough, but would not be something I'd want to make the mistake of with something with this much DMAA in it).


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That's a heck of a review, Dan. The rage you describe is something I've not often felt to an extreme level, but experience on a semi regular basis in the gym (e.g. I view all people as obstacles and just want to get in and get out and they're all nothing more than in my way).

The crash you describe at the end is how I felt after the only time I've used Kraken thus far. I'm kind of scared to try it again because I felt so emotionally hollow when I was done (no endorphin rush/post-workout high).

I've got Bloodshot to sample still and just have to find the right day to attempt it (knowing that the stim level will be high).

Did you get the little tiny tub? or scooped out? Because from what I just read, the labels are misprinted on those sample tubs and it's actually 2 servings per and not one, as stated (which can be risky enough, but would not be something I'd want to make the mistake of with something with this much DMAA in it).
Got a ghetto baggy from blueline438 so Im guessing he used whatever scooper he had (which may have been the big version)... He'd ahve to say tho for sure.

and yeah, Im always a bit angsty at the gym when people are doing silly things or its just busy, but this was a whole new level. It wasnt even gym related things that I was mad about (like curls in the squat rack or taking up 205802485 dumbells), it was just pure hatred for everything. Living or not... I just hated it all ha.

If I ever decided to go into MMA or the military, I'd take this stuff for sure ha.


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This is one of the hardest reviews I've ever done and frankly, I have no idea how to score this one. Trust me, its worth the whole read though as it was a complete roller-coaster ride... Dosing was 1/2sc 25min pre and the other half about 40min later, intra workout.

The easy parts:

Flavor - Blackberry lemonade - smells amazing (both powder and mixed)... taste... not so much. Its not undrinkable, but its not good at all either. Its an odd, bitter, sour, mishmash of sorts that tastes like someone tried to cover up bad tasting ingredients with random flavoring. Think along the lines of OG conquer unleashed where it just was tolerable at best. 1/10 (gets 1 for smelling good ha)

Mix - Easy as pie - simply swirl in a cup and you're good to go. no floaters or grit.

The actually important parts:

Energy - With the exorbitant amount of DMAA, I expected to be flying out of my mind and maybe even a bit heart-racing/shaky. What I experienced went as follows (times are minutes from first dose):

10min - initial warmth/moderate energy - MASSIVE pounding headache. At this point, I was on my way to the gym and debated if I was going to take the rest as I felt flat out terrible. head pounding, stomach a bit funny, etc. I decided to push on and see how things proceeded

25min - Start of workout. Headache still there, but stomach seemed settled. Energy was decent, but not off the charts. Mood was VERY low though... I was just flat out angry at everything.

35min - Headache had subsided, but dear god THE RAGE. I swear to you I may have never been so angry/frustrated in my life. I wanted to punch every single person in the gym, throw weights at them, etc... All for literally no reason. I had to actively keep myself from gritting my teeth as I was grinding them so hard. It was to the point where I was ready to start a fight with anyone just to fight. Really terrible feeling. Started to sip on the second 1/2sc

45min - Rage was still there and I swear I was just cursing under my breath at anyone that looked at me. It was effecting my workout negatively at this stage because I was more focused on how mad I was than on what I was doing. Energy at this point was pretty high as I found myself rocking back and forth on m bench between sets, tapping my legs, drumming with my hands, etc. Not a cracked out energy, but definitnely high level. Also the amount of energy paired with the rage had me almost incapable of focusing on my lifts which was another negative.

60min - All was drank by this time, and I was about 3/4 through my workout. The rage had somewhat tapered down (not completely, but just not blinding like it had been) and the energy had seemed to level off at a steady high level. I was pushing good weight, but was a bit unaware of where i would fail and a couple times pushed to failure on sets I had not intended to. Mind muscle connection was zero and all my brain could think about was pushing HARD.

80min - End of the workout. I went to sit in the sauna for a bit as I always do but couldnt sit still. Also began to feel sick between the heat and the energy so this was only a 5-10min session (15-20 normally and I never feel sick). Rage had come down to a pretty low level, although I did seem to be easily frustrated with anything and anyone still.

90-120min - leaving the gym my head began to ache again... seemed the energy was also tapering down a bit as well as the rage having mostly subsided. I began to feel fairly tired and just "down".

~145min - pretty much nothing left but a sour mood. Energy was low, motivation was low, I wasn't hungry at all, head was slightly achey, and generally just "depressed"... I would call this the crash stage as I was just not feeling life in general. It was a good thing it was a decent day otherwise, or this would have really just magnified any existing bad feelings.

The good:
-Energy was very high
-Rage/Anger made me push REALLY hard on some lifts (sometimes dangerous tho on ones that I pushed too far and almost squished myself without a spotter ha)
-The smell (haha)

The bad:
- Headaches at the start and end
- Too much energy and anger to focus well
- Mood throughout was just awful. Angry, depressed, etc... all bad

The "other":
- Roller-coaster of energy, anger, power, frustration, sickness, etc... a complete wild ride
- Don't see this as a viable option for regular use due to the formula... seems dangerous based on the overall feelings I experienced.

Overall thoughts:
The highs were high, the lows were hellish... Just a total mixed bag of emotions, benefits, sides, etc that really had me confused about how to quantify and collect my thoughts on this one.

Would I buy it? No way... too many bad things and not enough good to use a whole tub.

Would I try it again? Maybe... given the right circumstances, and maybe at the end of a cut or other high stim period this would be reasonable to use once in awhile.

Would I recommend it? Only to the right audience... High tolerance stim junkies, and people who can control their emotions... This stuff is the closest I've ever felt to "Roid Rage" haha
there have been reports of this product being overdosed/double dosed due to a scoop size discrepancy. seems to be a manufacturer mistake -


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This is one of the hardest reviews I've ever done and frankly, I have no idea how to score this one. Trust me, its worth the whole read though as it was a complete roller-coaster ride... Dosing was 1/2sc 25min pre and the other half about 40min later, intra workout.

The easy parts:

Flavor - Blackberry lemonade - smells amazing (both powder and mixed)... taste... not so much. Its not undrinkable, but its not good at all either. Its an odd, bitter, sour, mishmash of sorts that tastes like someone tried to cover up bad tasting ingredients with random flavoring. Think along the lines of OG conquer unleashed where it just was tolerable at best. 1/10 (gets 1 for smelling good ha)

Mix - Easy as pie - simply swirl in a cup and you're good to go. no floaters or grit.

The actually important parts:

Energy - With the exorbitant amount of DMAA, I expected to be flying out of my mind and maybe even a bit heart-racing/shaky. What I experienced went as follows (times are minutes from first dose):

10min - initial warmth/moderate energy - MASSIVE pounding headache. At this point, I was on my way to the gym and debated if I was going to take the rest as I felt flat out terrible. head pounding, stomach a bit funny, etc. I decided to push on and see how things proceeded

25min - Start of workout. Headache still there, but stomach seemed settled. Energy was decent, but not off the charts. Mood was VERY low though... I was just flat out angry at everything.

35min - Headache had subsided, but dear god THE RAGE. I swear to you I may have never been so angry/frustrated in my life. I wanted to punch every single person in the gym, throw weights at them, etc... All for literally no reason. I had to actively keep myself from gritting my teeth as I was grinding them so hard. It was to the point where I was ready to start a fight with anyone just to fight. Really terrible feeling. Started to sip on the second 1/2sc

45min - Rage was still there and I swear I was just cursing under my breath at anyone that looked at me. It was effecting my workout negatively at this stage because I was more focused on how mad I was than on what I was doing. Energy at this point was pretty high as I found myself rocking back and forth on m bench between sets, tapping my legs, drumming with my hands, etc. Not a cracked out energy, but definitnely high level. Also the amount of energy paired with the rage had me almost incapable of focusing on my lifts which was another negative.

60min - All was drank by this time, and I was about 3/4 through my workout. The rage had somewhat tapered down (not completely, but just not blinding like it had been) and the energy had seemed to level off at a steady high level. I was pushing good weight, but was a bit unaware of where i would fail and a couple times pushed to failure on sets I had not intended to. Mind muscle connection was zero and all my brain could think about was pushing HARD.

80min - End of the workout. I went to sit in the sauna for a bit as I always do but couldnt sit still. Also began to feel sick between the heat and the energy so this was only a 5-10min session (15-20 normally and I never feel sick). Rage had come down to a pretty low level, although I did seem to be easily frustrated with anything and anyone still.

90-120min - leaving the gym my head began to ache again... seemed the energy was also tapering down a bit as well as the rage having mostly subsided. I began to feel fairly tired and just "down".

~145min - pretty much nothing left but a sour mood. Energy was low, motivation was low, I wasn't hungry at all, head was slightly achey, and generally just "depressed"... I would call this the crash stage as I was just not feeling life in general. It was a good thing it was a decent day otherwise, or this would have really just magnified any existing bad feelings.

The good:
-Energy was very high
-Rage/Anger made me push REALLY hard on some lifts (sometimes dangerous tho on ones that I pushed too far and almost squished myself without a spotter ha)
-The smell (haha)

The bad:
- Headaches at the start and end
- Too much energy and anger to focus well
- Mood throughout was just awful. Angry, depressed, etc... all bad

The "other":
- Roller-coaster of energy, anger, power, frustration, sickness, etc... a complete wild ride
- Don't see this as a viable option for regular use due to the formula... seems dangerous based on the overall feelings I experienced.

Overall thoughts:
The highs were high, the lows were hellish... Just a total mixed bag of emotions, benefits, sides, etc that really had me confused about how to quantify and collect my thoughts on this one.

Would I buy it? No way... too many bad things and not enough good to use a whole tub.

Would I try it again? Maybe... given the right circumstances, and maybe at the end of a cut or other high stim period this would be reasonable to use once in awhile.

Would I recommend it? Only to the right audience... High tolerance stim junkies, and people who can control their emotions... This stuff is the closest I've ever felt to "Roid Rage" haha
I give you extra points for an honest review !!!


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This is one of the hardest reviews I've ever done and frankly, I have no idea how to score this one. Trust me, its worth the whole read though as it was a complete roller-coaster ride... Dosing was 1/2sc 25min pre and the other half about 40min later, intra workout.

The easy parts:

Flavor - Blackberry lemonade - smells amazing (both powder and mixed)... taste... not so much. Its not undrinkable, but its not good at all either. Its an odd, bitter, sour, mishmash of sorts that tastes like someone tried to cover up bad tasting ingredients with random flavoring. Think along the lines of OG conquer unleashed where it just was tolerable at best. 1/10 (gets 1 for smelling good ha)

Mix - Easy as pie - simply swirl in a cup and you're good to go. no floaters or grit.

The actually important parts:

Energy - With the exorbitant amount of DMAA, I expected to be flying out of my mind and maybe even a bit heart-racing/shaky. What I experienced went as follows (times are minutes from first dose):

10min - initial warmth/moderate energy - MASSIVE pounding headache. At this point, I was on my way to the gym and debated if I was going to take the rest as I felt flat out terrible. head pounding, stomach a bit funny, etc. I decided to push on and see how things proceeded

25min - Start of workout. Headache still there, but stomach seemed settled. Energy was decent, but not off the charts. Mood was VERY low though... I was just flat out angry at everything.

35min - Headache had subsided, but dear god THE RAGE. I swear to you I may have never been so angry/frustrated in my life. I wanted to punch every single person in the gym, throw weights at them, etc... All for literally no reason. I had to actively keep myself from gritting my teeth as I was grinding them so hard. It was to the point where I was ready to start a fight with anyone just to fight. Really terrible feeling. Started to sip on the second 1/2sc

45min - Rage was still there and I swear I was just cursing under my breath at anyone that looked at me. It was effecting my workout negatively at this stage because I was more focused on how mad I was than on what I was doing. Energy at this point was pretty high as I found myself rocking back and forth on m bench between sets, tapping my legs, drumming with my hands, etc. Not a cracked out energy, but definitnely high level. Also the amount of energy paired with the rage had me almost incapable of focusing on my lifts which was another negative.

60min - All was drank by this time, and I was about 3/4 through my workout. The rage had somewhat tapered down (not completely, but just not blinding like it had been) and the energy had seemed to level off at a steady high level. I was pushing good weight, but was a bit unaware of where i would fail and a couple times pushed to failure on sets I had not intended to. Mind muscle connection was zero and all my brain could think about was pushing HARD.

80min - End of the workout. I went to sit in the sauna for a bit as I always do but couldnt sit still. Also began to feel sick between the heat and the energy so this was only a 5-10min session (15-20 normally and I never feel sick). Rage had come down to a pretty low level, although I did seem to be easily frustrated with anything and anyone still.

90-120min - leaving the gym my head began to ache again... seemed the energy was also tapering down a bit as well as the rage having mostly subsided. I began to feel fairly tired and just "down".

~145min - pretty much nothing left but a sour mood. Energy was low, motivation was low, I wasn't hungry at all, head was slightly achey, and generally just "depressed"... I would call this the crash stage as I was just not feeling life in general. It was a good thing it was a decent day otherwise, or this would have really just magnified any existing bad feelings.

The good:
-Energy was very high
-Rage/Anger made me push REALLY hard on some lifts (sometimes dangerous tho on ones that I pushed too far and almost squished myself without a spotter ha)
-The smell (haha)

The bad:
- Headaches at the start and end
- Too much energy and anger to focus well
- Mood throughout was just awful. Angry, depressed, etc... all bad

The "other":
- Roller-coaster of energy, anger, power, frustration, sickness, etc... a complete wild ride
- Don't see this as a viable option for regular use due to the formula... seems dangerous based on the overall feelings I experienced.

Overall thoughts:
The highs were high, the lows were hellish... Just a total mixed bag of emotions, benefits, sides, etc that really had me confused about how to quantify and collect my thoughts on this one.

Would I buy it? No way... too many bad things and not enough good to use a whole tub.

Would I try it again? Maybe... given the right circumstances, and maybe at the end of a cut or other high stim period this would be reasonable to use once in awhile.

Would I recommend it? Only to the right audience... High tolerance stim junkies, and people who can control their emotions... This stuff is the closest I've ever felt to "Roid Rage" haha
That explains the rage on the other thread


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That explains the rage on the other thread
Haha I was thinking the same now that I've seen that. I'll be interested to hear from blueline438 whether I had the double dose or not (I assume so since it was a pretty good amount of powder)


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Haha I was thinking the same now that I've seen that. I'll be interested to hear from blueline438 whether I had the double dose or not (I assume so since it was a pretty good amount of powder)
Sorry man. Yea. You got a single scoop. Which we found out was a double dose. I didn't weigh. I just scooped and went. Did that with all the samples I've sent out.


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Haha I was thinking the same now that I've seen that. I'll be interested to hear from blueline438 whether I had the double dose or not (I assume so since it was a pretty good amount of powder)
Dan man, you dosed about 240mg of DMAA. I'm glad you didn't end up in the hospital bro. I did 1.5 scoop (180mg) and my bp went through the roof with a resting heart rate of 165. Almost had to drop it manually.


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Dan man, you dosed about 240mg of DMAA. I'm glad you didn't end up in the hospital bro. I did 1.5 scoop (180mg) and my bp went through the roof with a resting heart rate of 165. Almost had to drop it manually.
Yeah assuming I did, that explains a lot. And frankly is flat out scary. Would never ever dose anything close to that knowingly.


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Yeah assuming I did, that explains a lot. And frankly is flat out scary. Would never ever dose anything close to that knowingly.
Me either. I talked to them directly about it yesterday. Each correct scoop is 120mg DMAA. The incorrect scoop is 2 scoops. Pretty dangerous.


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Honestly for knowing now that I took 240mg DMAA, 120mg Noopept, and 400mg Caffeine I am now a little unimpressed. Lol


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Technically its 60mg of DMAA and 60mg DMHA in each regular scoop.
Oh, either way.. With the double dose of everything else as well, that is not what I would have guessed the dosages to be at all.


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Oh, either way.. With the double dose of everything else as well, that is not what I would have guessed the dosages to be at all.
The DMHA is milder so its not as extreme as if it was just DMAA


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Hopefully the others read this, or you can warn them.... sounds pretty damn strong lol!
I was a little behind on the boards but everyone I've mailed out to was reached by text except for a few people. They will be receiving their samples in the next couple days.

Technically its 60mg of DMAA and 60mg DMHA in each regular scoop.
Not sure if the information has been changed but this is incorrect. It is 120 mg of dmaa. 60mg of 1,3 and 60mg of 1,4. Dmha is 2-aminoisoheptane. And dmaa is methylhexanamine. I posted a study on 1,4 a while back on one of the other threads.


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I'm pretty sure bloodshot is 1,3 and 1,4 dmaa, not dmha.


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I was a little behind on the boards but everyone I've mailed out to was reached by text except for a few people. They will be receiving their samples in the next couple days.

Not sure if the information has been changed but this is incorrect. It is 120 mg of dmaa. 60mg of 1,3 and 60mg of 1,4. Dmha is 2-aminoisoheptane. And dmaa is methylhexanamine. I posted a study on 1,4 a while back on one of the other threads.
I'm pretty sure bloodshot is 1,3 and 1,4 dmaa, not dmha.
I thought 1,4 was dmha.


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I'm pretty sure bloodshot is 1,3 and 1,4 dmaa, not dmha.
I'm pretty sure I would be livid if I took that amount of stims unknowingly (ok I know I would be). Not only is the company putting out the highest stimmed pre I have ever seen...they double dosed it and sold it unknowingly. I hate big government and most of the FDA but it's times like these when I question that sentiment. Yeah they apologized blah blah. This isn't a minor mistake though. K done with my rant and I know this is the in the mail thread but that's just ridiculous.


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Got this from Nutriverse. My first order from them as well.




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Damn man. That's the shippers fault though not Nutriverse.
Eh, that's debatable because the shipper can say it should've been packaged better. The owness is on the person packaging things to make sure they secure it well enough to withstand what we all know is less than gentle handling by any carrier.

Can't believe this didn't get flagged for leaking white powder tho haha


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Eh, that's debatable because the shipper can say it should've been packaged better. The owness is on the person packaging things to make sure they secure it well enough to withstand what we all know is less than gentle handling by any carrier.

Can't believe this didn't get flagged for leaking white powder tho haha
Hahaha right? I agree they could've packed it better. My package a usually come in boxes from nutriverse. With those air bag things holding whatever is in it.


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Sorry man. Yea. You got a single scoop. Which we found out was a double dose. I didn't weigh. I just scooped and went. Did that with all the samples I've sent out.
Bro, I TOLD you it looked like more than 8 grams in that baggie! Haha, I'm not mad (because I'm alive), I'm just proud of myself for noticing it looked like a lot of powder. I could have (should have) weighed it, but didn't have a scale with me at work.


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Bob Cookies.jpg

Well ladies and gentlemen, I was finally lucky enough to get a batch of cookies from The Solution ... and they were phenomenal! I would have taken my own picture but they were so moist that they kind of clumped together. But taste was on point and they reminded me of Christmas (my favorite holiday)!


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Well ladies and gentlemen, I was finally lucky enough to get a batch of cookies from The Solution ... and they were phenomenal! I would have taken my own picture but they were so moist that they kind of clumped together. But taste was on point and they reminded me of Christmas (my favorite holiday)!
Those look incredible!
The Solution

The Solution

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Well ladies and gentlemen, I was finally lucky enough to get a batch of cookies from The Solution ... and they were phenomenal! I would have taken my own picture but they were so moist that they kind of clumped together. But taste was on point and they reminded me of Christmas (my favorite holiday)!
Chef bob strikes again :)
Appreciate the support !

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