Even throughout his sickness, it was overtly apparent that he absolutely loved lifting. As long as his platelets were high enough, he was right on it. Today, I let my own personal demons hold me back from making efforts to get my ass to the gym. His story inspired me to get over myself and get out there!
Unfortunately, at some point along my drive to the gym, a larger than life acorn decided to wedge itself between my brakes and wheel rims. I haven’t heard a noise like that since the original Jurassic Park movie. I had no choice but to call my girlfriend to bring our toolbox to my gym parking lot so I could set it free. After that mess, I decided it was best to just have a drink.
Rocket was certainly more devoted than myself, but I will continue to draw upon his dedication moving forward as I get older and it inevitably gets easier to find excuses to divert yourself from striving for your physical goals.
Wasn’t meant to be today though
Today’s not over, Ricky