Nah. You misunderstood my tone in all of my messages. I already thanked you for the clarification, and now you made it clear they lied to me. I'm not sure what you're looking for. You're blaming me for their response because it's easy. If a company lies, that impacts me too. You're acting like I'm the CEO of MN, and knowingly advertising as soy-free when it isn't. Sorry, but your responses are unjust.
Do you want the screenshot where they clearly say it's only produced in a facility that manages soy? I gave them to option if it contains soybean oil.
I'm not saying they intentionally lied to you. That's the irony in all of this is that I don't dislike MN at all. I've known people there for years and have always had a good relationship with them.
Truth in labeling is just that - in labeling. And their labels are being truthful within the sense of the law, even if you don't understand them.
^^^ And I don't mean that in a bad way - I realize that a lot of people wouldn't, which is why I explained very nicely at first that soybean oil and glycerin (contains: soy) are interchangeable by labeling laws. There's nothing not legal about the way they label it; we just go with the more transparent way of saying soybean oil.
Which is why I pointed out to you that this is one of those ironic cases of you viewing us negatively for saying soybean oil, but it really being that we say it transparently bc we want people to know. We could have easily said glycerin and then put (contains: soy) on the label too and then you would have not known it had it in there. We just prefer to be transparent.
MN isn't advertising that it is soy free - they state it clearly on the label that it contains soy. When you first said it didn't, that's why I posted the screenshot and showed you then that theirs contains it to. Then when you tried to say that you were talking about soybean oil, not soy - I explained to you that I was too and explained to you how it could be labeled different ways.
The label already told you it contained soy. I don't think their customer service person intentionally mislead you, I think they likely didn't know that glycerin (contains: soy) could be used interchangeably with soybean oil on a label. They probably looked at the ingredients and other ingredients and didn't clearly see soy anywhere, so they assumed it was a cross contamination warning. That's where I explained to you the difference in what 'Contains' and 'May contain' is by law.
When anyone contacts a company, its important to realize that customer service representatives normal job roles are to handle order related questions and issues and that they generally will not know all the details of the products in terms of specs, allergens, etc. That's not a knock at MN or any company - I can guarantee you that my office manager nor customer service staff knows that, and its not their job to. Their job is to take your order, give you tracking, help you with order related issues, do invoices, etc.
This whole thing started with you making a false statement that ours had soybean oil in it and theirs didn't. When I posted a screen shot to you that theirs says it contains soy and how the terms soybean oil and glycerin (contains: soy) could be used interchangeably, this should have stopped there.
Stuff like this is why most all company owners have stopped posting here - I work 70+ hours a week and I try to come on here to help people in any way that I can. But this has taken hours out of a very busy day for me to have to try to defend one of our products against a false statement on, when in hindsight I should have just clicked the report button and been done with it.